Technology strategy Pattern 学习笔记3-Creating the Strategy-Industry context

本文主要是介绍Technology strategy Pattern 学习笔记3-Creating the Strategy-Industry context,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

Creating the Strategy-Industry context


1.1 create steps

  • 1.与内部各方沟通
    • 了解企业的人、流程和技术,包括与其它企业的不同
    • 了解哪些创新可以做
    • 竞争者及市场信息
    • 企业可以支撑的类似业务
    1. 按SWOT四象限分类,先做列表后放入象限

1.2 四象限
1.2.1 S优势(Strengths)、W劣势(Weaknesses)、O机会(Opportunities)、T威胁(Threats)
1.2.2 示意图

1.3 参考url


2 Five Forces

2.1 参考URL

  • 关于五力分析模型的实践运用一直存在许多争论,目前较为一致的看法是:该模型更多是一种理论思考工具,而非可以实际操作的战略工具。该模型的理论是建立在以下三个假定基础之上的
    • 制定战略者可以了解整个行业的信息,显然现实中是难于做到的;
    • 同行业之间只有竞争关系,没有合作关系,但现实中企业之间存在多种合作关系,不一定是你死我活的竞争关系;
    • 行业的规模是固定的,因此,只有通过夺取对手的份额来占有更大的资源和市场,但现实中企业之间往往不是通过吃掉对手而是与对手共同做大行业的蛋糕来获取更大的资源和市场
  • 波特的竞争力模型的意义在于,五种竞争力量的抗争中蕴含着三类成功的战略思想,那就是大家熟知的:成本领先战略、差异化战略、集中战略


2.2 Thread of new entrants


  • Switching cost: how hard is it for your customers to leave your
    service and use a competitor’s?
  • Access to key distribution channels
  • Government polices and regulations
  • Capital requirements and total costs
  • Economies of scale that can be realized
  • Product differentiation
  • Customer loyalty to established brands and brand equity
  • Industry profitability

2.3 Ease of Substitution

  • Perceived level of product differentiation.

  • Number of substitute products available in the market.

  • Availability of close substitute

  • The general propensity to substitute-一般替代倾向: 谁会负责选择替代品,或者通过什么方式寻找替代品

  • Relative price of the substitute

  • Switching costs buyers will incur.

2.4 Bargaining Power of Customers

  • Degree of dependency upon existing distribution channels, and number of available alternative channels
  • How differentiated the products in the space are
  • Bargaining leverage, particularly in industries with high fixed costs
  • Buyer switching costs
  • Buyer information availability and customer education on the products
  • Availability of existing substitute products
  • Buyer price sensitivity

2.5 Bargaining Power of Suppliers

  • Employee solidarity and labor unions
  • Level of differentiation between alternate sources
  • Impact of inputs on cost and differentiation
  • Potential substitutes
  • Strength of distribution channel-分销渠道实力
  • Ratio of supplier concentration to firm concentration
  • Supplier options to serve other companies

2.6 Industry Rivalry-行业竞争

  • Sustainable competitive advantage through innovation
  • Powerful competitive strategy
  • Competition between online and offline companies
  • Level of advertising expense
  • Firm concentration ratio-企业集中度
  • Degree of transparency

2.7 four easy steps for putting the Five Forces to work

    1. In your scrapbook deck, or your burgeoning Ghost Deck , for your strategy work, make a slide for each force, and list how, in your view, the company is positioned within it.
    1. Make your claim regarding how an aspect of your proposed technology solution or direction supports or defends against each force.
    1. Tag each threat with a traffic light: state in red, yellow, and green if the threat seems high, medium, or low.
    1. In a conclusion slide, make succinct recommendations regarding how you as a technologist think you can best position against each force.

3 Ansoff Growth Matrix

3.1 参考url


3.2 图例

3.3 Market penetration strategy
You’re trying as a product manager to figure out how to gain market share.

3.4 Market development strategy

  • You may have to consider what additional special features to offer to cater to the new market.
  • develop new markets to sell your existing products in

3.5 Product development strategy
Create new products in current markets
3.6 Diversification (多样化)strategy
Develop new products in new markets

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本章知识考点:         第20课时主要学习通信系统架构设计的理论和工作中的实践。根据新版考试大纲,本课时知识点会涉及案例分析题(25分),而在历年考试中,案例题对该部分内容的考查并不多,虽在综合知识选择题目中经常考查,但分值也不高。本课时内容侧重于对知识点的记忆和理解,按照以往的出题规律,通信系统架构设计基础知识点多来源于教材内的基础网络设备、网络架构和教材外最新时事热点技术。本课时知识