本文主要是介绍【3D 图像分割】基于 Pytorch 的 VNet 3D 图像分割8(CT肺实质分割),希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
本文就主要针对 CT 肺部,对肺实质部分进行切割,去除掉除肺部之外的组织干扰。需要注意的是:
一、基于 KMean 的肺区分割
- 首先,这里的输入数据,是dicom转到0-255的数组,这部分处理可以参考这篇文章:【医学影像数据处理】 Dicom 文件格式处理汇总
- 其次,调整原图,凸显肺区
- kmean聚类,将单slice分割各个类别
- 对聚类结果根据先验规则进行过滤筛选
- 最后,得到肺区的mask,显示出来
import os
import cv2
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as pltfrom skimage import morphology
from skimage import measure
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from skimage.color import label2rgbdef get_candidateLabel(regions, row_size, col_size):good_labels_n = []bbox_list_n = []area_list_n = []for prop in regions:B = prop.bboxarea = prop.area# 筛选满足条件,根据先验知识可能是肺区的部分labelx1, y1, x2, y2 = Bif x2 - x1 < row_size / 10 * 9 and y2 - y1 < col_size / 10 * 9 \and x1 > row_size / 5 and x2 < col_size / 5 * 4:good_labels_n.append(prop.label)bbox_list_n.append(prop.coords)area_list_n.append(area)return good_labels_n, bbox_list_n, area_list_ndef filter_Large(good_labels_n, bbox_list_n, area_list_n):# 找到该类别中的所有元素的索引indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(area_list_n)]# 找到该类别中前两个最大值的索引max_indices = sorted(indices, key=lambda i: area_list_n[i], reverse=True)[:2]good_labels = []bbox_list = []area_list = []for i in max_indices:good_labels.append(good_labels_n[i])bbox_list.append(bbox_list_n[i])area_list.append(area_list_n[i])print('area_list:', area_list)return good_labels, bbox_list, area_listdef generate_lungMask(img_origin, good_labels, labels):mask = np.zeros_like(img_origin, dtype=np.int8)print('good_label:', good_labels)for N in good_labels:mask = mask + np.where(labels == N, 1, 0)mask_e = morphology.erosion(mask, np.ones([5, 5]))mask = morphology.dilation(mask_e, np.ones([10, 10])) # one last dilationreturn maskdef make_lungMask(img_origin, display=False):row_size, col_size = img_origin.shape[:2]# 全图归一化mean = np.mean(img_origin)std = np.std(img_origin)img_norm = img_origin - meanimg_norm = img_norm / std# Find the average pixel value near the lungs to renormalize washed out imagesmiddle = img_norm[int(col_size / 5):int(col_size / 5 * 4), int(row_size / 5):int(row_size / 5 * 4)]mean = np.mean(middle)max = np.max(img_norm)min = np.min(img_norm)# To improve threshold finding, I'm moving the underflow and overflow on the pixel spectrumimg_norm[img_norm == max] = meanimg_norm[img_norm == min] = mean# Using Kmeans to separate foreground (soft tissue / bone) and background (lung/air)kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=2).fit(np.reshape(middle, [np.prod(middle.shape), 1]))centers = sorted(kmeans.cluster_centers_.flatten())threshold = np.mean(centers)# remove small noisemask = img_norm < thresholdmask = morphology.remove_small_objects(mask, 100)mask_t = morphology.remove_small_holes(mask, 100)# Two pixels are connected when they are neighbors and have the same value,# Different labels are displayed in different colorslabels = measure.label(mask_t)regions = measure.regionprops(labels) # 测量标记图像区域的属性image_label_overlay = label2rgb(labels, image=img_origin, bg_label=0)good_labels_n, bbox_list_n, area_list_n = get_candidateLabel(regions, row_size, col_size)good_labels, bbox_list, area_list = filter_Large(good_labels_n, bbox_list_n, area_list_n)lung_mask = generate_lungMask(img_origin, good_labels, labels)if display:fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 3, figsize=[12, 12])ax[0, 0].set_title("original image")ax[0, 0].imshow(img_origin, cmap='gray')ax[0, 0].axis('off')ax[0, 1].set_title("middle image")ax[0, 1].imshow(middle, cmap='gray')ax[0, 1].axis('off')ax[0, 2].set_title("threshold mask")ax[0, 2].imshow(mask_t, cmap='gray')ax[0, 2].axis('off')ax[1, 0].set_title("color labels")ax[1, 0].imshow(labels)ax[1, 0].axis('off')ax[1, 1].set_title("final lung mask")ax[1, 1].imshow(lung_mask, cmap='gray')ax[1, 1].axis('off')ax[1, 2].set_title("image_label_overlay")ax[1, 2].imshow(image_label_overlay, cmap='gray')ax[1, 2].axis('off')ax[2, 0].set_title("apply lung mask on original image")ax[2, 0].imshow(lung_mask * img_origin, cmap='gray')ax[2, 0].axis('off')plt.show()return mask, bbox_listif __name__ == '__main__':save_dir = r'./save'os.makedirs(save_dir, exist_ok=True)png_path = './1.png'img = cv2.imread(png_path)gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)mask, bbox_list = make_lungMask(gray, display=True)cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(save_dir, filename), mask * gray)print('\n')
# Standardize the pixel values
def make_lungmask(img, display=False):row_size = img.shape[0]col_size = img.shape[1]
mean = np.mean(img)std = np.std(img)img = img - meanimg = img / std
middle = img[int(col_size / 5):int(col_size / 5 * 4), int(row_size / 5):int(row_size / 5 * 4)]mean = np.mean(middle)max = np.max(img)min = np.min(img)img[img == max] = meanimg[img == min] = mean
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=2).fit(np.reshape(middle, [np.prod(middle.shape), 1]))centers = sorted(kmeans.cluster_centers_.flatten())threshold = np.mean(centers)thresh_img = np.where(img < threshold, 1.0, 0.0)
eroded = morphology.erosion(thresh_img, np.ones([3, 3]))dilation = morphology.dilation(eroded, np.ones([8, 8]))
from skimage.segmentation import clear_border
from skimage.measure import label, regionprops
from skimage.morphology import disk, dilation, binary_erosion, binary_closing
from skimage.filters import roberts, sobel
from scipy import ndimage as ndidef get_CT_info(src_dir):Slices = []for file in os.listdir(src_dir):if file.endswith('.dcm'):slice = pydicom.read_file(src_dir + '/' + file)# print ("AAA:", Slices)Slices.append(slice)Slices.sort(key=lambda x: int(x.InstanceNumber)) # 层序列号return Slicesdef get_pixels_hu(Slices):images = np.stack([s.pixel_array for s in Slices])images_temp = imagesimages_temp = images_temp.astype("int32")print("Start Dicom pixel_array:", images_temp.dtype)for slice_number in range(len(Slices)):intercept = Slices[slice_number].RescaleInterceptslope = Slices[slice_number].RescaleSlopeimages_temp[slice_number] = slope * images_temp[slice_number] + interceptreturn images_tempdef get_segmented_lungs(im):'''Args:- im:Return:- im:- binary:'''# Step 1: Convert into a binary image.binary = im < -400# Step 2: Remove the blobs connected to the border of the image.cleared = clear_border(binary)# Step 3: Label the image.label_image = label(cleared)# Step 4: Keep the labels with 2 largest areas.areas = [r.area for r in regionprops(label_image)]areas.sort()if len(areas) > 2:for region in regionprops(label_image):if region.area < areas[-2]:for coordinates in region.coords:label_image[coordinates[0], coordinates[1]] = 0binary = label_image > 0# Step 5: Erosion operation with a disk of radius 2. This operation is# seperate the lung nodules attached to the blood vessels.selem = disk(2)binary = binary_erosion(binary, selem)# Step 6: Closure operation with a disk of radius 10. This operation is to# keep nodules attached to the lung wall.selem = disk(10) # CHANGE BACK TO 10binary = binary_closing(binary, selem)# Step 7: Fill in the small holes inside the binary mask of lungs.edges = roberts(binary)binary = ndi.binary_fill_holes(edges)# Step 8: Superimpose the binary mask on the input image.get_high_vals = binary == 0im[get_high_vals] = -2000return im, binarydef set_img_WindowCenterWidth(images, window_width, window_center):try:if len(window_width) > 1:window_width = window_width[0]window_center = window_center[0]except:window_width = window_widthwindow_center = window_centerif window_center > 0:window_center = -600window_width = 1600images.astype(np.float64)# upper = 600# lower = -1000# images[images > upper] = upper# images[images < lower] = lowermin_value = window_center - window_width / 2max_value = window_center + window_width / 2images = (images - min_value) * 255.0 / (max_value - min_value)images[images > 255.0] = 255.0images[images < 0] = 0.0return images.astype(np.uint8)def seg_method():int_path = r'./data/dcm'save_dir = r'./results'for patient in os.listdir(int_path):SeriesInstanceUID_path = os.path.join(int_path, patient, 'dcm')print(SeriesInstanceUID_path)##########################肺区分割部分################################Slices_info = get_CT_info(SeriesInstanceUID_path) # 一个序列CT的所有slice—dcm信息images = get_pixels_hu(Slices_info) # 一个序列的dcm转为png做准备for i in range(images.shape[0]):plt.figure(figsize=[15, 5])org_img_one = images[i]_, mask = get_segmented_lungs(org_img_one.copy())index_num = "0"*(4-len(str(i+1)))+str(i+1)#try:WindowWidth = Slices_info[i].WindowWidthexcept:WindowWidth = 1600try:WindowCenter = Slices_info[i].WindowCenterexcept:WindowCenter = -600img = set_img_WindowCenterWidth(org_img_one, WindowWidth, WindowCenter)rlo = mask * imgplt.subplot(131)plt.title('origin')plt.imshow(img)plt.subplot(132)plt.title('mask')plt.imshow(mask*255)plt.subplot(133)plt.title('lung')plt.imshow(rlo)plt.show()save_path = os.path.join(save_dir, patient)if not os.path.exists(save_path):os.makedirs(save_path)cv2.imwrite(save_path + '/{}_{}.png'.format(patient, index_num), mask*255)if __name__ == '__main__':seg_method()
_, mask = get_segmented_lungs(org_img_one.copy())mask = mask.astype(np.uint8)
maskL = np.where(mask[:, 0:256]==1., 3, 0)
maskR = np.where(mask[:, 256:]==1., 4, 0)
mask = np.hstack((maskL, maskR))
import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage
from skimage import measure, morphology
import SimpleITK as sitk
from multiprocessing import Pool
import os
import nrrd
from scipy.ndimage import label, generate_binary_structure, binary_dilation
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
def extract_main(binary_mask, cover=0.95):"""Extract lung without bronchi/trachea. Remove small componentsbinary_mask: 3D binary numpy array with the same shape of the image,that only region of interest is True. One side of the lung in thisspecifical case.cover: float, percetange of the total area to keep of each slice, bykeeping the total connected componentsreturn: binary mask with the same shape of the image, that only region ofinterest is True. One side of the lung in this specifical case."""for i in range(binary_mask.shape[0]):slice_binary = binary_mask[i]label = measure.label(slice_binary)properties = measure.regionprops(label)properties.sort(key=lambda x: x.area, reverse=True)areas = [prop.area for prop in properties]count = 0area_sum = 0area_cover = np.sum(areas) * cover# count how many components covers, e.g 95%, of total area (lung)while area_sum < area_cover:area_sum += areas[count]count += 1# SLICE-WISE: exclude trachea/bronchi.# only keep pixels in convex hull of big components, since# convex hull contains small components of lungs we still wantslice_filter = np.zeros(slice_binary.shape, dtype=bool)for j in range(count):min_row, min_col, max_row, max_col = properties[j].bboxslice_filter[min_row:max_row, min_col:max_col] |= \properties[j].convex_imagebinary_mask[i] = binary_mask[i] & slice_filterlabel = measure.label(binary_mask)properties = measure.regionprops(label)properties.sort(key=lambda x: x.area, reverse=True)# VOLUME: Return lung, ie the largest component.binary_mask = (label == properties[0].label)return binary_maskdef fill_2d_hole(binary_mask):"""Fill in holes of binary single lung slicewise.binary_mask: 3D binary numpy array with the same shape of the image,that only region of interest is True. One side of the lung in thisspecifical case.return: binary mask with the same shape of the image, that only region ofinterest is True. One side of the lung in this specifical case."""for i in range(binary_mask.shape[0]):slice_binary = binary_mask[i]label = measure.label(slice_binary)properties = measure.regionprops(label)for prop in properties:min_row, min_col, max_row, max_col = prop.bboxslice_binary[min_row:max_row, min_col:max_col] |= \prop.filled_image # 2D component without holesbinary_mask[i] = slice_binaryreturn binary_maskdef seperate_two_lung(binary_mask, spacing, max_iter=22, max_ratio=4.8):"""Gradually erode binary mask until lungs are in two separate components(trachea initially connects them into 1 component) erosions are just usedfor distance transform to separate full lungs.binary_mask: 3D binary numpy array with the same shape of the image,that only region of interest is True.spacing: float * 3, raw CT spacing in [z, y, x] order.max_iter: max number of iterations for erosion.max_ratio: max ratio allowed between the volume differences of two lungsreturn: two 3D binary numpy array with the same shape of the image,that only region of interest is True. Each binary mask is ROI of oneside of the lung."""found = Falseiter_count = 0binary_mask_full = np.copy(binary_mask)while not found and iter_count < max_iter:label = measure.label(binary_mask, connectivity=2)properties = measure.regionprops(label)# sort componets based on their areaproperties.sort(key=lambda x: x.area, reverse=True)if len(properties) > 1 and \properties[0].area / properties[1].area < max_ratio:found = True# binnary mask for the larger eroded lungeroded1 = (label == properties[0].label)# binnary mask for the smaller eroded lungeroded2 = (label == properties[1].label)else:# erode the convex hull of each 3D component by 1 voxelbinary_mask = scipy.ndimage.binary_erosion(binary_mask)iter_count += 1# because eroded lung will has smaller volums than the original lung,# we need to label those eroded voxel based on their distances to the# two eroded lungs.if found:# distance1 has the same shape as the 3D CT image, each voxel contains# the euclidient distance from the voxel to the closest voxel within# eroded1, so voxel within eroded1 will has distance 0.distance1 = scipy.ndimage.distance_transform_edt(~eroded1, sampling=spacing)distance2 = scipy.ndimage.distance_transform_edt(~eroded2, sampling=spacing)# Original mask & lung1 maskbinary_mask1 = binary_mask_full & (distance1 < distance2)# Original mask & lung2 maskbinary_mask2 = binary_mask_full & (distance1 > distance2)# remove bronchi/trachea and other small componentsbinary_mask1 = extract_main(binary_mask1)binary_mask2 = extract_main(binary_mask2)else:# did not seperate the two lungs, use the original lung as one of thembinary_mask1 = binary_mask_fullbinary_mask2 = np.zeros(binary_mask.shape).astype('bool')binary_mask1 = fill_2d_hole(binary_mask1)binary_mask2 = fill_2d_hole(binary_mask2)return binary_mask1, binary_mask2def binarize(image, spacing, intensity_thred=-600, sigma=1.0, area_thred=30.0,eccen_thred=0.99, corner_side=10):"""Binarize the raw 3D CT image slice by sliceimage: 3D numpy array of raw HU values from CT series in [z, y, x] order.spacing: float * 3, raw CT spacing in [z, y, x] order.intensity_thred: float, thredhold for lung and airsigma: float, standard deviation used for Gaussian filter smoothing.area_thred: float, min threshold area measure in mm.eccen_thred: float, eccentricity thredhold measure how round is an ellipsecorner_side: int, side length of top-left corner in each slice,in terms of pixels.return: binary mask with the same shape of the image, that only region ofinterest is True."""binary_mask = np.zeros(image.shape, dtype=bool)side_len = image.shape[1] # side length of each slice, e.g. 512# [-side_len/2, side_len/2], e.g. [-255.5, -254.5, ..., 254.5, 255.5]grid_axis = np.linspace(-side_len / 2 + 0.5, side_len / 2 - 0.5, side_len)x, y = np.meshgrid(grid_axis, grid_axis)# pixel distance from each pixel to the origin of the slice of shape# [side_len, side_len]distance = np.sqrt(np.square(x) + np.square(y))# four corners are 0, elsewhere are 1nan_mask = (distance < side_len / 2).astype(float)nan_mask[nan_mask == 0] = np.nan # assing 0 to be np.nan# binarize each slicefor i in range(image.shape[0]):slice_raw = np.array(image[i]).astype('float32')# number of differnet values in the top-left cornernum_uniq = len(np.unique(slice_raw[0:corner_side, 0:corner_side]))# black corners out-of-scan, make corners nan before Gaussian filtering# (to make corners False in mask)if num_uniq == 1:slice_raw *= nan_maskslice_smoothed = scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(slice_raw, sigma,truncate=2.0)# mask of low-intensity pixels (True = lungs, air)slice_binary = slice_smoothed < intensity_thred# get connected componets annoated by labellabel = measure.label(slice_binary)properties = measure.regionprops(label)label_valid = set()for prop in properties:# area of each componets measured in mmarea_mm = prop.area * spacing[1] * spacing[2]# only include comppents with curtain min area and round enoughif area_mm > area_thred and prop.eccentricity < eccen_thred:label_valid.add(prop.label)# test each pixel in label is in label_valid or not and add those True# into slice_binaryslice_binary = np.in1d(label, list(label_valid)).reshape(label.shape)binary_mask[i] = slice_binaryreturn binary_maskdef exclude_corner_middle(label):"""Exclude componets that are connected to the 8 corners and the middle ofthe 3D imagelabel: 3D numpy array of connected component labels with same shape of theraw CT imagereturn: label after setting those components to 0"""# middle of the left and right lungsmid = int(label.shape[2] / 2)corner_label = set([label[0, 0, 0],label[0, 0, -1],label[0, -1, 0],label[0, -1, -1],label[-1, 0, 0],label[-1, 0, -1],label[-1, -1, 0],label[-1, -1, -1]])middle_label = set([label[0, 0, mid],label[0, -1, mid],label[-1, 0, mid],label[-1, -1, mid]])for l in corner_label:label[label == l] = 0for l in middle_label:label[label == l] = 0return labeldef volume_filter(label, spacing, vol_min=0.2, vol_max=8.2):"""Remove volumes too large/small to be lungs takes out most of air aroundbody.adult M total lung capacity is 6 L (3L each)adult F residual volume is 1.1 L (0.55 L each)label: 3D numpy array of connected component labels with same shape of theraw CT image.spacing: float * 3, raw CT spacing in [z, y, x] order.vol_min: float, min volume of the lungvol_max: float, max volume of the lung"""properties = measure.regionprops(label)for prop in properties:if prop.area * spacing.prod() < vol_min * 1e6 or \prop.area * spacing.prod() > vol_max * 1e6:label[label == prop.label] = 0return labeldef exclude_air(label, spacing, area_thred=3e3, dist_thred=62):"""Select 3D components that contain slices with sufficient area that,on average, are close to the center of the slice. Select component(s) thatpasses this condition:1. each slice of the component has significant area (> area_thred),2. average min-distance-from-center-pixel < dist_thredshould select lungs, which are closer to center than out-of-body spaceslabel: 3D numpy array of connected component labels with same shape of theraw CT image.spacing: float * 3, raw CT spacing in [z, y, x] order.area_thred: float, sufficient areadist_thred: float, sufficient closereturn: binary mask with the same shape of the image, that only region ofinterest is True. has_lung means if the remaining 3D component is lungor not"""# prepare a slice map of distance to centery_axis = np.linspace(-label.shape[1]/2+0.5, label.shape[1]/2-0.5,label.shape[1]) * spacing[1]x_axis = np.linspace(-label.shape[2]/2+0.5, label.shape[2]/2-0.5,label.shape[2]) * spacing[2]y, x = np.meshgrid(y_axis, x_axis)# real distance from each pixel to the origin of a slicedistance = np.sqrt(np.square(y) + np.square(x))distance_max = np.max(distance)# properties of each 3D componet.vols = measure.regionprops(label)label_valid = set()for vol in vols:# 3D binary matrix, only voxels within label matches vol.label is Truesingle_vol = (label == vol.label)# measure area and min_dist for each slice# min_distance: distance of closest voxel to center# (else max(distance))slice_area = np.zeros(label.shape[0])min_distance = np.zeros(label.shape[0])for i in range(label.shape[0]):slice_area[i] = np.sum(single_vol[i]) * np.prod(spacing[1:3])min_distance[i] = np.min(single_vol[i] * distance +(1 - single_vol[i]) * distance_max)# 1. each slice of the component has enough area (> area_thred)# 2. average min-distance-from-center-pixel < dist_thredif np.average([min_distance[i] for i in range(label.shape[0])if slice_area[i] > area_thred]) < dist_thred:label_valid.add(vol.label)binary_mask = np.in1d(label, list(label_valid)).reshape(label.shape)has_lung = len(label_valid) > 0return binary_mask, has_lungdef fill_hole(binary_mask):"""Fill in 3D holes. Select every component that isn't touching corners.binary_mask: 3D binary numpy array with the same shape of the image,that only region of interest is True."""# 3D components that are not ROIlabel = measure.label(~binary_mask)# idendify corner componentscorner_label = set([label[0, 0, 0],label[0, 0, -1],label[0, -1, 0],label[0, -1, -1],label[-1, 0, 0],label[-1, 0, -1],label[-1, -1, 0],label[-1, -1, -1]])binary_mask = ~np.in1d(label, list(corner_label)).reshape(label.shape)return binary_maskdef extract_lung(image, spacing):"""Preprocess pipeline for extracting the lung from the raw 3D CT image.image: 3D numpy array of raw HU values from CT series in [z, y, x] order.spacing: float * 3, raw CT spacing in [z, y, x] order.return: two 3D binary numpy array with the same shape of the image,that only region of interest is True. Each binary mask is ROI of oneside of the lung. Also return if lung is found or not."""# binary mask with the same shape of the image, that only region of# interest is True.binary_mask = binarize(image, spacing)# labelled 3D connected componets, with the same shape as image. each# commponet has a different int number > 0label = measure.label(binary_mask, connectivity=1)# exclude componets that are connected to the 8 corners and the middle# of the 3D imagelabel = exclude_corner_middle(label)# exclude componets that are too small or too large to be lunglabel = volume_filter(label, spacing)# exclude more air chunks and grab lung mask regionbinary_mask, has_lung = exclude_air(label, spacing)# fill in 3D holes. Select every component that isn't touching corners.binary_mask = fill_hole(binary_mask)# seperate two lungsbinary_mask1, binary_mask2 = seperate_two_lung(binary_mask, spacing)return binary_mask1, binary_mask2, has_lungdef load_itk_image(filename):"""Return img array and [z,y,x]-ordered origin and spacing"""itkimage = sitk.ReadImage(filename)numpyImage = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(itkimage)numpyOrigin = np.array(list(reversed(itkimage.GetOrigin())))numpySpacing = np.array(list(reversed(itkimage.GetSpacing())))return numpyImage, numpyOrigin, numpySpacingdef resample(image, spacing, new_spacing=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], order=1):"""Resample image from the original spacing to new_spacing, e.g. 1x1x1image: 3D numpy array of raw HU values from CT series in [z, y, x] order.spacing: float * 3, raw CT spacing in [z, y, x] order.new_spacing: float * 3, new spacing used for resample, typically 1x1x1,which means standardizing the raw CT with different spacing all into1x1x1 mm.order: int, order for resample function scipy.ndimage.interpolation.zoomreturn: 3D binary numpy array with the same shape of the image after,resampling. The actual resampling spacing is also returned."""# shape can only be int, so has to be rounded.new_shape = np.round(image.shape * spacing / new_spacing)# the actual spacing to resample.resample_spacing = spacing * image.shape / new_shaperesize_factor = new_shape / image.shapeimage_new = scipy.ndimage.zoom(image, resize_factor, mode='nearest', order=order)return (image_new, resample_spacing)import pydicom
def get_CT_info(src_dir):Slices = []for file in os.listdir(src_dir):if file.endswith('.dcm'):slice = pydicom.read_file(src_dir + '/' + file)# print ("AAA:", Slices)Slices.append(slice)Slices.sort(key=lambda x: int(x.InstanceNumber)) # 层序列号return Slicesdef get_pixels_hu(Slices):images = np.stack([s.pixel_array for s in Slices])images_temp = imagesimages_temp = images_temp.astype("int32")print("Start Dicom pixel_array:", images_temp.dtype)for slice_number in range(len(Slices)):intercept = Slices[slice_number].RescaleInterceptslope = Slices[slice_number].RescaleSlopeimages_temp[slice_number] = slope * images_temp[slice_number] + interceptreturn images_tempif __name__ == '__main__':dcm_dir = r'./cao2-ming2-fang4-CT1872889-1/dcm'lstFilesDCM = os.listdir(dcm_dir)RefDs = pydicom.read_file(os.path.join(dcm_dir, lstFilesDCM[0])) # 读取第一张dicom图片# 第二步:得到dicom图片所组成3D图片的维度ConstPixelDims = (int(RefDs.Rows), int(RefDs.Columns), len(lstFilesDCM)) # ConstPixelDims是一个元组# 第三步:得到x方向和y方向的Spacing并得到z方向的层厚ConstPixelSpacing = (float(RefDs.PixelSpacing[0]), float(RefDs.PixelSpacing[1]), float(RefDs.SliceThickness))spacing = np.array(ConstPixelSpacing, dtype=float)[::-1]# 第四步:得到图像的原点Origin = RefDs.ImagePositionPatientprint(spacing, type(spacing))Slices_info = get_CT_info(dcm_dir) # 一个序列CT的所有slice—dcm信息img_org = get_pixels_hu(Slices_info) # # 一个序列的dcm转为ct hu值print(img_org.shape)# img_org, resampled_spacing = resample(img_org, spacing, order=3)binary_mask1, binary_mask2, has_lung = extract_lung(img_org, spacing)maskL = np.where(binary_mask1[:] == 1., 170, 0)maskR = np.where(binary_mask2[:] == 1., 255, 0)maskRL = maskL + maskRprint(binary_mask1.shape)print(binary_mask2.shape)print(has_lung)for i in range(maskRL.shape[0]):arr = maskRL[i, :, :] # 获得第i张的单一数组save_path =r'./mask'if not os.path.exists(save_path):os.makedirs(save_path)plt.imsave(os.path.join(save_path, "{}_mask.png".format(i)), arr, cmap='gray') # 定义命名规则,保存图片为彩色模式print('photo {} finished'.format(i))
- 左肺赋值170
- 右肺赋值255
- 分的过于细致,导致存在边缘病灶的钙化区域,都当做了肺外组织,一起被切除掉。这样就导致,肺区不是一个完整的部分,这样对于后期的病灶检测,及其不利。
- 肺尖和肺底的肺区域,由于面积太少,导致无法分出来的情况。
这里借鉴:GitHub - uci-cbcl/NoduleNet: [MICCAI' 19] NoduleNet: Decoupled False Positive Reduction for Pulmonary Nodule Detection and Segmentation[MICCAI' 19] NoduleNet: Decoupled False Positive Reduction for Pulmonary Nodule Detection and Segmentation - GitHub - uci-cbcl/NoduleNet: [MICCAI' 19] NoduleNet: Decoupled False Positive Reduction for Pulmonary Nodule Detection and Segmentationhttps://github.com/uci-cbcl/NoduleNet对结节数据部分的处理方法。从上面存在的两个问题,可以发现,一个是在CT的一个横截面上的问题,一个是在纵截面的问题。
import syssys.path.append('./')
import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage
from skimage import measure, morphology
import SimpleITK as sitk
from multiprocessing import Pool
import os
import nrrd
import cv2def load_itk_image(filename):"""Return img array and [z,y,x]-ordered origin and spacing"""itkimage = sitk.ReadImage(filename)numpyImage = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(itkimage)numpyOrigin = np.array(list(reversed(itkimage.GetOrigin())))numpySpacing = np.array(list(reversed(itkimage.GetSpacing())))return numpyImage, numpyOrigin, numpySpacingdef HU2uint8(image, HU_min=-1200.0, HU_max=600.0, HU_nan=-2000.0):"""Convert HU unit into uint8 values. First bound HU values by predfined minand max, and then normalizeimage: 3D numpy array of raw HU values from CT series in [z, y, x] order.HU_min: float, min HU value.HU_max: float, max HU value.HU_nan: float, value for nan in the raw CT image."""image_new = np.array(image)image_new[np.isnan(image_new)] = HU_nan# normalize to [0, 1]image_new = (image_new - HU_min) / (HU_max - HU_min)image_new = np.clip(image_new, 0, 1)image_new = (image_new * 255).astype('uint8')return image_newdef resample(image, spacing, new_spacing=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], order=1):"""Resample image from the original spacing to new_spacing, e.g. 1x1x1image: 3D numpy array of raw HU values from CT series in [z, y, x] order.spacing: float * 3, raw CT spacing in [z, y, x] order.new_spacing: float * 3, new spacing used for resample, typically 1x1x1,which means standardizing the raw CT with different spacing all into1x1x1 mm.order: int, order for resample function scipy.ndimage.interpolation.zoomreturn: 3D binary numpy array with the same shape of the image after,resampling. The actual resampling spacing is also returned."""# shape can only be int, so has to be rounded.new_shape = np.round(image.shape * spacing / new_spacing)# the actual spacing to resample.resample_spacing = spacing * image.shape / new_shaperesize_factor = new_shape / image.shapeimage_new = scipy.ndimage.zoom(image, resize_factor, mode='nearest', order=order)return (image_new, resample_spacing)def convex_hull_dilate(binary_mask, dilate_factor=1.5, iterations=10):"""Replace each slice with convex hull of it then dilate. Convex hulls usedonly if it does not increase area by dilate_factor. This applies mainly tothe inferior slices because inferior surface of lungs is concave.binary_mask: 3D binary numpy array with the same shape of the image,that only region of interest is True. One side of the lung in thisspecifical case.dilate_factor: float, factor of increased area after dilationiterations: int, number of iterations for dilationreturn: 3D binary numpy array with the same shape of the image,that only region of interest is True. Each binary mask is ROI of oneside of the lung."""binary_mask_dilated = np.array(binary_mask)for i in range(binary_mask.shape[0]):slice_binary = binary_mask[i] # one slice imgif np.sum(slice_binary) > 0:slice_convex = morphology.convex_hull_image(slice_binary) # 凸包处理#if np.sum(slice_convex) <= dilate_factor * np.sum(slice_binary):binary_mask_dilated[i] = slice_convexstruct = scipy.ndimage.generate_binary_structure(3, 1)binary_mask_dilated = scipy.ndimage.binary_dilation(binary_mask_dilated, structure=struct, iterations=iterations)return binary_mask_dilateddef apply_mask(image, binary_mask1, binary_mask2, pad_value=170,bone_thred=210, remove_bone=False):"""Apply the binary mask of each lung to the image. Regions out of interestare replaced with pad_value.image: 3D uint8 numpy array with the same shape of the image.binary_mask1: 3D binary numpy array with the same shape of the image,that only one side of lung is True.binary_mask2: 3D binary numpy array with the same shape of the image,that only the other side of lung is True.pad_value: int, uint8 value for padding image regions that is notinterested.bone_thred: int, uint8 threahold value for determine parts of image isbone.return: D uint8 numpy array with the same shape of the image afterapplying the lung mask."""binary_mask = binary_mask1 + binary_mask2binary_mask1_dilated = convex_hull_dilate(binary_mask1)binary_mask2_dilated = convex_hull_dilate(binary_mask2)binary_mask_dilated = binary_mask1_dilated + binary_mask2_dilatedbinary_mask_extra = binary_mask_dilated ^ binary_mask# replace image values outside binary_mask_dilated as pad valueimage_new = image * binary_mask_dilated + pad_value * (1 - binary_mask_dilated).astype('uint8')# set bones in extra mask to 170 (ie convert HU > 482 to HU 0;# water).if remove_bone:image_new[image_new * binary_mask_extra > bone_thred] = pad_valuereturn image_newimg_org, origin, spacing = load_itk_image(os.path.join(img_dir, '%s.mhd' % (pid))) # ct 图像
lung_mask, _, _ = load_itk_image(os.path.join(lung_mask_dir, '%s.mhd' % (pid))) # 肺区分割maskimg_org = HU2uint8(img_org)# 由于层厚比较厚,所以先resample,再进行后续的mask操作
print('Resampling origin image...')
img_org, resampled_spacing = resample(img_org, spacing, order=3) # resample img
print('Resampling lung mask...')
lung_mask, _ = resample(lung_mask, spacing, order=3) # resample img# 4-右肺 3-左肺 5-气管
binary_mask_r = lung_mask == 4
binary_mask_l = lung_mask == 3
binary_mask = binary_mask_r + binary_mask_limg_lungRL = apply_mask(img_org, binary_mask_r, binary_mask_l)
输入为二值图像,输出一个逻辑二值图像。在凸包内的点为True, 否则为False。
原理:一般对二值图像进行操作。找到像素值为1的点,将它的邻近像素点都设置成这个值。 1值表示白,0值表示黑,因此膨胀操作可以扩大白色值范围,压缩黑色值范围。 一般用来扩充边缘或填充小的孔洞。
struct = scipy.ndimage.generate_binary_structure(3, 1)
binary_mask_dilated = scipy.ndimage.binary_dilation(binary_mask_dilated, structure=struct, iterations=iterations)
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