探索 AI+开源的未来:Open Source Congress@日内瓦

2023-10-31 08:40

本文主要是介绍探索 AI+开源的未来:Open Source Congress@日内瓦,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!



注:本文翻译源自 Linux 基金会发布的 Open Source Congress 会议官网内容,蓝色斜字体的段落则为作者参与会议的记录与心得。

Note: This article was translated from the official website of the Linux Foundation's Open Source Congress, and the paragraphs in blue italicized font are the author's notes and insights from the event.



2023 年 7月 27 日,我代表开源社 (https://kaiyuanshe.cn/) 接受了 Linux 基金会(以下简称 LF)的邀请,参加 LF 首次举办的 Open Source Congress。这是开源社今年(2023年)出海计划的一部分,和国际社区有更多交流与相互学习,让世界听到中国开源的声音,实践开源社 “国际接轨” 的使命。在此也感谢 Futurewei 的开源运营负责人赖安妮 Anni Lai (linkedin.com/in/annilai/) 和 Chris Xie (linkedin.com/in/chrisxie-us) 的推荐,让我能够成行。

On July 27, 2023, on behalf of Kaiyuanshe (https://kaiyuanshe.cn/, a grassroots open-source alliance in China), I accepted the invitation of the Linux Foundation (referred to as LF) to participate in the Open Source Congress organized by LF. Kaiyuanshe plans to go abroad this year (2023) to have more exchanges with the international community, learn from each other, let the world hear the voice of China's open source, and fulfill the "Global Bridging" mission of Kaiyuanshe. Also, thank Anni Lai (linkedin.com/in/annilai/) and Chris Xie (linkedin.com/in/chrisxie-us), Futurewei's Open Source Operation Leaders, for their recommendations so I can make the trip.

全球主要的开源基金会/社区(以欧美为多),中国方面还有开放原子开源基金会参会,而亚洲则有 FOSSASIA 以及 Linux 基金会亚太区(LF APAC)参加。怀着兴奋与惶恐的心情,7 月 27 日我奔赴日内瓦。

Major open source foundations/communities from around the world (mostly from Europe and the US), OpenAtom Open Source Foundation (OAOF) from China, and FOSSASIA and the Linux Foundation Asia Pacific (LF APAC) from Asia participated in the conference. With excitement and trepidation, I headed to Geneva on 27 July.

本次会议邀请了 73 家开源组织(其中有 37 家注册参加),53 位来自全球各大基金会或开源组织的嘉宾,与 9 位观察员(即本次会议的赞助商:华为、Intel、Meta、NEC、Vmware、Renesas,赞助商代表可以列席观察,但是不得发言)。作者在此特别感谢 Linux 基金会和开源社的差旅赞助

The conference featured 73 open source organizations (37 of them registered), 53 guests from major foundations or open source organizations around the world, and 9 observers (i.e., the sponsors of the conference: Huawei, Intel, Meta, NEC, Vmware, and Renesas, whose representatives were allowed to attend and observe, but not to speak). The author would like to express his special thanks to the Linux Foundation and Kaiyuanshe for their generous travel sponsorship.


A noteworthy feature of the conference was the interactive nature of the high-quality networking, with a couple of presentations, half of the roundtable discussions, a quarter of the plenary interactive discussions, and a quarter of the panel discussions, plus the reception cocktail party and post-conference wine-tasting and catering.



Open Source Congress 的召开旨在聚集全球开源基金会,讨论和探讨如何解决 2023 年 1 月发布的 Linux 基金会研究院报告 -《促进全球合作》中指出的差距:”开源领导者如何应对碎片化各自为政的挑战”,并创造新的机会,加强整个生态系统在重要议题上的合作。

Open Source Congress is convening to gather global open source foundations for discussions and exploration on how to address gaps identified in the LF Research report Enabling Global Collaboration: How Open Source Leaders are Confronting the Challenges of Fragmentation (published January 2023), and to create new opportunities to enhance ecosystem-wide collaboration on important topics.


The event will include:

  • 促进与会者讨论,以确定共同利益和共同关切的领域,并制定跨基金会共同价值观信条草案

    Facilitated discussions to identify areas of common interest and concern, and to develop a draft credo of cross-foundation common values

  • 就网络安全、监管、数字主权、开放标准和人工智能伦理、DEI(多元、公平与包容)等重要且及时的问题进行圆桌讨论

    Roundtable discussions on important, timely issues including Cybersecurity, Regulation, Digital Sovereignty, Open Standards and AI Ethics, DEI

本次活动将遵循查塔姆守则(Chatham-House rule),仅限应邀参加。

This event will be governed by the Chatham-House rule and attending is by invitation only.



Note: When a meeting or part of a meeting is held in accordance with the Chatham Rule, participants are free to use the information received, provided that the identity or affiliation of the speaker or any other participant is not disclosed.




State of the Union


Jim Zemlin,Linux 基金会执行董事

Jim Zemlin, Executive Director, The Linux Foundation

Jim 的演讲并没有用幻灯片,但是妙语如珠,谈笑风生。我很佩服他高级自黑但是又发人深省的幽默,例如他自嘲他自己就 “只” 是个筹款专家,并引用他的夫人告诫他不要满口谈钱的风格,但是为了 Linux 基金会与开源运动的推展和可持续发展,他还是必须继续筹款。开源大神 Linus Torvald 也很支持基金会的发展(也就是支持 Jim 本人,虽然没有直说)。如今 LF 已经有 900+ 个项目,350 名员工,成为全球最大的开源基金会...。

Jim's presentation did not use slides, but was full of good quotes and laughs. I admired his high level of self-deprecating but thought-provoking humour, for example, he laughed at himself for being "only" a fundraising expert and quoted his wife's style of cautioning him not to talk about money, but that he must continue to fundraise for the sake of the Linux Foundation and the Open Source movement and for the sake of its sustainability. Linus Torvald, the open source god, is also very supportive of the Foundation (and of Jim himself, though he doesn't say so outright). Today LF has 900+ projects and 350 employees, making it the largest open source foundation in the world....

Jim 也说到了 Linux 基金会衡量成功的关键要素就是造成影响(Impact)。他放了二段视频来佐证。

Jim also mentioned that the Linux Foundation's key measure of success is Making Impact. He showed two videos to demonstrate.


例如 ASWF (Academy Software Foundation,https://www.aswf.io)将大量的电影基础设施开源,包含(但不限于)Open Dataset (GIZMODO)、OpenVDB、OpenColorIO、OpenCue、OpenEXR、OpenTimelineIO、Open Shading Language...。以此降低电影制作的费用与技术门槛,让更多的电影从业者能更容易地参与电影行业;同时以开源方式,协助电影行业转型。


Assist in industry transformation: For example, ASWF (Academy Software Foundation, https://www.aswf.io) has open sourced a large amount of film infrastructure, including (but not limited to) Open Dataset (GIZMODO), OpenVDB, OpenColourIO, OpenCue, OpenEXR, OpenTimelineIO, Open Shading Language.... In order to reduce the cost and technical threshold of film production, more film practitioners can more easily participate in the film industry; at the same time, open source to assist the transformation of the film industry.





Jim 放了一段影片介绍了一位小学六年级的小朋友,Zachary Dupont,写了一封信给 Linus Torvalds 以及随后与他在 LinxCon 合影互动的片段,甚是可爱。

Changing People's Lives: Jim showed a film about a 6th grader, Zachary Dupont, who wrote a letter to Linus Torvalds and then interacted with him in a photo at LinxCon, which was very adorable.




在 Jim 精彩的开场致辞之后,精彩而紧凑的会议就此开展。

After Jim's excellent opening remarks, the meeting got off to an exciting and intensive start.



The roundtable started with a dizzying array of past/present/future EU-related legislative projects presented by an expert.







CRA: Cyber Resilience Act 网络韧性法案


CRA Standards & Guidance: CRA


Data Act 数据法


PLD: Product Liability Directive




New Legislative Framework (NLF) & Blue Guide Review

新立法框架 (NLF) 和蓝色指南审查


Digital Services Act



Interoperable Europe Act



Interoperable Europe Board



Digital Markets Act



Standard Essential Patents (SEPs)


是一种对实施标准至关重要的技术的专利保护。标准是一种商定或既定的技术描述。它也被称为 "技术标准 "或 "技术互操作性标准"。


(or is SEPs from 2024?)

AI Act 人工智能法案


Child Safety Online Act?



AI Liability Directive



European Chips Act 欧洲芯片法


(Unified Patent Court & Unitary Patents?)



Geo-Blocking 地理上的贸易障碍


Program of the 2024 Parliament & Commission

2024 年欧盟议会和委员会议程


Right to Repair Directive



Panel: Deciphering Open Source Security



嘉宾:Amir Montazery, OSTIF; Deb Nicholson, Python 软件基金会; Clar Rosso, (ISC)²; Rebecca Rumbul, Rust 基金会; 主持人:Omkhar Arasaratnam, OpenSSF

Amir Montazery, OSTIF; Deb Nicholson, Python Software Foundation; Clar Rosso, (ISC)²; Rebecca Rumbul, Rust Foundation; Moderated by Omkhar Arasaratnam, OpenSSF

本圆桌汇集了开源社区的领导者,共同讨论围绕开源软件 (OSS) 安全的关键问题以及增强其韧性的策略。

This panel brings together Open Source community leaders to discuss the critical issues surrounding the security of open source software (OSS) and strategies to enhance its resilience.

本圆桌的讨论非常热烈,因为无论是科技竞争、网络漏洞/犯罪或是地缘政治等原因,全球各国都在加大力度关注与强化的网络安全规范,有些是恰当且即时的,而有些却是矫枉过正,杀鸡取卵。请大家阅读作者稍早翻译的一篇文章 “拯救开源:《网络韧性法案》即将带来的悲剧”

The discussion in this panel was very lively as some of the cybersecurity norms that countries around the globe are focusing on and reinforcing with greater vigour, whether for reasons of technological competition, cyber vulnerability/crime or geopolitics, are appropriate and immediate, while others are overkill and kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. Please read the author's earlier translation of the article "Saving Open Source: The Coming Tragedy of the Cyber Resilience Act".


Panel: Impact of Policy for Decentralized Organizations: Challenges & Opportunities


嘉宾:Ciarán O'Riordan, OpenForum Europe; Ruth Suehle, Apache 软件基金会; Gaël Blondelle, Eclipse 基金会; Tobin Richardson, CSA; 主持人:Gab Columbro, Linux 基金会欧盟负责人

Ciarán O'Riordan, OpenForum Europe; Ruth Suehle, Apache Software Foundation; Gaël Blondelle, Eclipse Foundation; Tobin Richardson, CSA; Moderated by Gab Columbro, LF EU

本圆桌重点讨论在高优先级别的政策问题上的跨基金会合作,尤其是在欧洲,最近的《CRA: Cyber Resilience Act 网络韧性法案》、《PLD: Product Liability Directive 产品责任指令》和《AI Act 人工智能法案》对开源生态系统产生了广泛影响,而在全球,开源也受到了网络安全、供应链和知识产权法规不断变化的影响。

The panel will focus on cross-foundational collaboration on priority policy issues, something particularly topical in Europe with the recent ecosystem wide impacts of the Cyber Resilience Act, the Product Liability Directive, AI Act, but also globally with open source being impacted by an ever changing landscape of cybersecurity, supply chain and IP regulations.


The discussion will feature select esteemed leaders from various open source foundations, including yourself, who will share their insights on the current challenges (and opportunities for better engagement) at the cross-roads of regulation and open source. Our goal is to foster collaboration between and among open source foundations and identify the necessary resources and structures needed for ecosystem-wide enhancements to collectively improve the two way collaboration between open source communities and policy makers. the security of open source software.

本圆桌也多次谈到各大开源基金会/社区对于立法者或是政策制定者(如欧盟议会成员)的接触面和影响力仍待加强,而即使有正式对话,也因多数政策制定者对开源认识理解不足,或是沟通维度不同,造成鸡同鸭讲的局面,更甚者是让政策制定者误解反其道而行。大家可以自行脑补开源热爱者和公司高层沟通开源重要性的场景。也请大家阅读作者稍早翻译的一篇文章 “日内瓦开源高峰会”

It has been mentioned many times that the outreach and influence of major open source foundations/communities on legislators or policy makers (e.g., members of the European Union Parliament) still needs to be strengthened, and even if there are formal dialogues, most of the policy makers do not have enough understanding of open source or have different communication dimensions, which results in the situation of ineffective conversation, or even letting the policy makers misunderstand that they are doing the opposite. You can imagine the scenarios of open source enthusiasts communicating the importance of open source to their company executives. Please also read the author's earlier translation of the article"Open Source Congress in Geneva".


Panel: Keeping Collaboration Global, Open, and Inclusive: Export Controls, Digital Sovereignty, DEI



嘉宾:Joanna Lee, Linux 基金会; Mike Milinkovich, Eclipse 基金会; 孙文龙, 开放原子开源基金会 & Catharina Maracke, Open Source Initiative; 主持人:Mike Dolan, Linux 基金会

Joanna Lee, LF; Mike Milinkovich, Eclipse Foundation; Wenlong Sun, OpenAtom & Catharina Maracke, Open Source...


This panel discussion aims to shed light on the significant challenges faced by open source communities in maintaining global, open, and inclusive collaboration in the face of evolving export controls, digital sovereignty, and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) considerations. As governments worldwide tighten export controls, it becomes crucial to address the impact on the free flow of knowledge and technology across borders, and explore strategies for navigating these restrictions while upholding the fundamental principles of openness and innovation. The panel will delve into the imperative of fostering diverse participation and providing inclusive environments to enhance innovation, access, and social impact.

开放原子开源基金会代表团出席 Open Source Congress 并参与专题研讨

OpenATOM Open Source Foundation delegation attended and participated in Open Source Congress:


Panel: Does AI Change Everything? What is Open? Liability, Ethics, Values?



嘉宾:Joanna Lee, Linux 基金会; Satya Mallick, OpenCV; Mohamed Nanabhay, Mozilla Ventures; Stefano Maffuli, OSI; 主持人:Ibrahim Haddad, LF AI & Data Foundation

Joanna Lee, The Linux Foundation; Satya Mallick, OpenCV; Mohamed Nanabhay, Mozilla Ventures; Stefano Maffuli, OSI; Moderated by Ibrahim Haddad, LF AI & Data Foundation


The rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) have ushered in a new era of possibilities and challenges across various sectors of society. As AI permeates our lives, it is crucial to foster a comprehensive understanding of its implications. The panel will bring together experts from diverse backgrounds to engage in a thought-provoking dialogue on the current challenges for AI in open source. Panelists will address the critical challenges facing the ecosystem, including the need to align on defining open AI, how to foster collaboration between and among open source foundations, explore avenues for improvement, and identify current cross-foundational initiatives, all to improve the state of open source AI.


The roundtable also shared some material related to AI and open source compliance:


How can open source projects accept content generated by AI tools, given legal uncertainty and other risks?


Generative AI sometimes produces output that is identical or very similar to copyrighted material used as training data. Most current AI tools do not notify users when this happens, leading to the following risks:

  • 版权侵犯

    Copyright infringement

  • 许可证不兼容

    Licence incompatibility

  • 无法遵守开源软件许可证条款

    Inability to comply with the terms of open source software licences

  • 难以生成软件物料清单 (SBOM)

    Difficulty in generating SBOM

2、此外,某些人工智能工具的条款和条件可能与项目许可和开源定义不一致(如 ChatGPT 的条款和条件)

In addition, the terms and conditions of some AI tools may be inconsistent with project licences and open source definitions (e.g. ChatGPT's terms and conditions)

二、Linux 基金会准备了一份深入浅出的 “防踩坑” 分享:


The Linux Foundation has prepared an in-depth "Pitfall Prevention" presentation:


Contributing AI-Generated Content to OSS Projects


驾驭法律、版权和其他风险,2023 年 5 月 10 日,Joanna Lee,Linux 基金会和 CNCF,律师 & 战略计划与法律副总裁

Navigating Legal, Copyright, and Other Risks, 10 May 2023, Joanna Lee, Attorney & VP of Strategic Initiatives & Legal, Linux Foundation & CNCF

Linux 基金会还准备了另外一份简短指南/常见问题:


The Linux Foundation has also prepared another short guide/FAQ.

Short Form Guidance / FAQ - Generative AI for Open Source



Please also read a couple of articles translated by the author a while ago

  • “Meta 的 LLaMa 2 许可证并非开源许可证”

    Meta’s LLaMa 2 license is not Open Source

  • “ASF 法律委员会发布贡献者生成式 AI 指南”

    ASF Legal Committee Issues Generative AI Guidance to Contributors

  • “ASF 生成式工具指南”

    ASF Generative Tooling Guidance


Defining "Open" AI/ML


演讲人:Stefano Maffulli, OSI 执行董事

Stefano Maffulli, Executive Director, OSI

Stefano 演讲内容很丰富精彩,大家可以在以下链接里看到主要内容。

Stefano's talk was very informative and exciting, and you can see the main points in the Youtube link below.

Defining an Open Source AI - Stefano Maffulli, Open Source Initiative 


他也提到了 OSI (Open Source Initiative) 正在征集反馈:“定义开源人工智能”https://opensource.org/deepdive/,欢迎大家踊跃参与提交建议方案。

He also mentioned that OSI (Open Source Initiative) is soliciting feedback on "Defining Open Source AI" https://opensource.org/deepdive/, and that everyone is welcome to participate by submitting proposals.


Interactive Discussion: Finding Common Ground in Open Source: Neutrality


主持人:Jerry Michalski, Open Global Mind 创始人

Jerry Michalski, Founder, Open Global Mind


In this dynamic and engaging session, we will delve into the rich landscape of open source, exploring how we can better foster neutrality, encourage collaboration, and establish structures across foundations for improved outcomes.

杰里-米哈尔斯基(Jerry Michalski)是一位经验丰富的主持人,他以善于创造开放、互动的环境而著称,在这样的环境中,不同的意见和想法能够浮出水面、蓬勃发展并产生影响。杰里将引导我们提出一系列问题,旨在发掘共同的一致性和创新的合作途径。

This will be a facilitated discussion led by Jerry Michalski, a seasoned facilitator known for his ability to create open, interactive environments where diverse opinions and ideas can surface, thrive and create impact. Jerry will guide us through a set of questions designed to unearth common alignment and innovative pathways for collaboration.


Here are examples of some of the themes and issues we may discuss:

  • 如何促进和巩固基金会之间的合作?

    How can we stimulate and solidify inter-foundational collaboration?

  • 为确保成功,需要在各基金会间实施哪些结构?

    What structures need to be implemented across foundations to ensure success?

  • 应如何管理讨论,以避免冲突并促进进展?

    How should discussions be governed to avoid conflict and foster progress?

  • 这些合作小组应该以何种频率举行会议?

    At what frequency should these collaborative groups meet?

  • 谁应在这些合作中发挥领导作用?

    Who should take a leadership role in these collaborative endeavors?

  • 我们的合作应优先考虑哪些问题?

    What issues should be prioritized in our collaborative efforts?

  • 我们可以从过去的工作中汲取哪些经验教训?

    What lessons can we learn from past efforts, and how can we apply them moving forward?


After this session, participants will break into smaller groups to dive deeper into these themes, with each group being overseen by a breakout leader. The role of the breakout leader is to maintain neutrality and ensure a smooth, respectful dialogue. These breakout discussions are aimed at generating actionable takeaways that can be used to further the goals of the open source community.


After the breakouts, each breakout group’s leader will share the group's key takeaways in plenary with the larger audience.


Interactive Breakout Discussion: Pathways to Improving Collaboration



Collaboration lies at the heart of successful teamwork and innovation, but it can sometimes be challenging to achieve. In these breakout discussions, we will explore various pathways to enhancing collaboration across organizations. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in insightful conversations, exchange experiences, and brainstorm strategies to foster effective, cross-foundational collaboration.


To ensure a productive and inclusive environment, each breakout room will be facilitated by a skilled and neutral facilitator. The facilitators will guide the discussions, encourage active participation, and prevent over talking, allowing everyone's voices to be heard. Facilitators will lead the groups in answering:

  • 如何促进和巩固基金会之间的合作?

    How do we manifest inter-foundational collaboration?

  • 为确保成功,需要在各基金会间实施哪些结构?

    What structures need to be put in place across foundations?

  • 应如何管理后续的讨论?

    How should discussions be governed?

  • 这些合作小组应该以何种频率举行会议?

    At what frequency should they meet?

  • 谁应在这些合作中发挥领导作用?

    Who should take a leadership role?

  • 我们的合作应优先考虑哪些问题?

    What issues should be prioritized?

  • 我们可以从过去的工作中汲取哪些经验教训?

    What can we learn from past efforts? What are they?


There were three discussion groups, and the author participated in one of them and shared his thoughts on this panel:

1、或许我们全球开源社区可以考虑成立一个虚拟组织 Open Source Nations(开源联合国),汇聚众人的智慧与能力,来和全球主要的政策制定者(如美国、中国、欧盟及亚洲...)以及大型商业组织沟通与协作。遗憾的是小组的主持人并没有在后续的全体会议中传递我的意思。

Perhaps we in the global open source community could consider setting up a virtual organisation, Open Source Nations, to bring together the wisdom and capabilities of all to communicate and collaborate with major global policy makers (e.g., the US, China, the EU, Asia, etc.) and large commercial organisations.  It's a pity that the moderator of the panel did not convey my feedback in the subsequent plenary session.

2、未来的 Open Source Congress 的决策机制应该尽量采用共识决,形成多赢的氛围,而避免采用多数决,以避免多数暴力的零和机制。这是许多开源组织(如 Apache 软件基金会、开源社等)行之有年的良好决策机制。小组主持人也在全体会议里传达了这个小组讨论的共识之一。

The decision-making mechanism of the future Open Source Congress should be based on consensus decision-making as much as possible to create a win-win atmosphere, and avoid majority decision-making to avoid the zero-sum mechanism of majority violence. This is a good decision-making mechanism that has been used by many open source organisations (e.g., Apache Software Foundation, kaiyuanshe, etc.) for many years. The moderator of the panel also conveyed this feedback in the plenary session.


Interactive Discussion: Pathways to Improving Collaboration Readout





Interactive Discussion: A Credo for Open Source: Developing a Statement of Common Values; moderated by Jerry Michalski, Founder, Open Global Mind


Jerry Michalski 主持小组讨论,共同制定 "开源信条",建立一套共同的价值观,以指导和激励我们在开源社区的集体工作。

Jerry Michalski will facilitate a group discussion to collaboratively craft a "Credo for Open Source," establishing a shared set of values to guide and inspire our collective work in the open source community.

正如 OS Congress Slack 频道所言,我们的目标不是在大会当天正式同意一份声明文件,而是围绕文件中的观点展开讨论,并以此为共同基础,共同应对当前和未来的挑战。

As stated in the OS Congress Slack channel, our goal is not to formally consent to a statement document on the day of Congress as much as it is to convene discussions around the ideas within a document, and to use this as a shared foundation upon which we can work together to address present day and future challenges more cohesively.

作为一个社区,我们已经在很多方面达成了共识。最近在《CRA:Cyber Resilience Act 网络韧性法案》方面的合作、正在起草的关于人工智能生成内容的共同指南、公开信以及多方利益相关者打击 “专利流氓” 的行动都证明了这一点。我们中的一些人已经表明,当我们面临共同挑战时,我们可以走到一起。我们能否改进我们的做法?我们能否在法规表决之前就动员起来?我们能否扩大这个圈子,把其他组织也包括进来?也许我们可以做更多的事情来更好地协调这些努力,我们寻求在日内瓦讨论这些想法,并希望能在日内瓦之后继续讨论。

There’s much we as a community already agree on. Recent collaboration on the CRA, shared guidance being drafted on AI generated content, open letters and multi stakeholder actions against patent trolls provide evidence of this. Some of us have already shown we can come together when we are facing mutual challenges. Can we improve on how we're doing that? Can we mobilize sooner than just before a regulation is voted upon? Can we expand the circle to include other organizations? Perhaps there is more that we can do to better coordinate these efforts, and we seek to discuss these ideas in Geneva, and hopefully beyond it.

在这场全体互动环节里,现场看到了事先拟定好的 “开源信条” 草稿(大约有 6-7 页)。大家提出了很多反馈意见。在此略举一些我个人的反馈:

In this plenary session, a draft of the Open Source Credo (about 6-7 pages) was presented. There was a lot of feedback. Here are some of my personal feedbacks:

1、应该有一句朗朗上口、容易理解和记忆的口号来总结这一整篇 “开源信条”,例如:“Let's Cross the Boundaries Together",这正符合整个 Open Source Congress 会议的主旨。恰好我穿着开源社的 T恤 - 上面有 “Let's Cross the Boundaries Together" 的图文,我就站起来,脱掉夹克,转身面向大家现场展示(因为我坐在最前面的圆桌)。事后想起来有一点尴尬!

There should be a catchy, easy to understand and remember slogan to summarise this whole "Open Source Credo", e.g. "Let's Cross the Boundaries Together", which is in line with the whole Open Source Congress theme. It just so happened that I was wearing a kaiyuanshe t-shirt - with the "Let's Cross the Boundaries Together" graphic on it - so I stood up, took off my jacket, and turned to face the crowd to present it live (since I was sitting at the front of the round table). There was a bit of embarrassment in hindsight!



It was suggested that the content of the credo should be more positive and avoid confrontational or accusatory negative statements against policymakers / influencers.

3、对于 “开源信条” 草稿最后提到的遵循 “开源定义十条(Open Source Definition)” ,是否要考虑与时俱进,加上关于人工智能与开源相关的内容。OSI 代表则表示开源定义历久弥新,针对开源人工智能的定义会有另外的举措补充,目前正在征集意见中,欢迎大家踊跃参与提交建议方案:

Regarding the draft Open Source Credo's final reference to adherence to the Open Source Definition, should consideration be given to keeping up with the changes, especially on AI, and adding a section on Open Source for AI. The OSI representative said that the Open Source Definition has a long history and is still valid and that there will be another initiative to add to the definition of Open Source AI, which is currently in the process of being solicited, and we welcome your participation in submitting a proposal: https://opensource.org/deepdive/


Closing Remarks

Jim Zemlin, Linux 基金会执行董事

Jim Zemlin, Executive Director, The Linux Foundation

不得不说 Jim 的确是位演讲大师,开场和结尾都非常精彩,发人深省。作者(相信也包括多数与会者)为 Linux 基金会的愿景、使命感和召集全球开源基金会/社区的领导力点赞。来自全球各地的 37 家开源基金会和组织的 53 位代表,大家在短短的一天会议里,百花齐放、各抒己见(主要是针对欧美对开源无知和短视的政策制定者们炮声隆隆),然后还能高效率地凝聚共识,号召大家付诸行动。非常值得我们学习与借镜。

I have to say that Jim is indeed a master speaker, with a great, thought-provoking opening and closing. The author (and I'm sure most of the attendees) applauds the Linux Foundation for its vision, sense of mission and leadership in convening the global open source foundation/community. With 53 delegates from 37 open source foundations and organisations from around the globe, we were able to have a great mix of opinions in a short one-day conference (mainly in response to the rumbling of ignorant and short-sighted policy makers in Europe and the US about open source), and then still be able to efficiently build a consensus and a call to action. It is very worthwhile for us to learn.


Lunch & Wine Tasting

很可惜,由于作者需要赶回台北参加 7 月 29-30 日的开源盛会 COSCUP 以及事先承诺的演讲,只能忍痛放弃品酒之旅。泪奔!

Unfortunately, the author had to give up the wine-tasting trip as he had to rush back to Taipei to attend the open source event COSCUP on 29-30 July and a pre-promised talk.



The author feels that he gained a lot from this conference and hopes to continue to participate and contribute in the future. The only regret is that there are still too few voices from open source foundations and communities in Asia, especially in China. I hope that China's open source partners will stand firmly in China, contribute globally, and work together to become the influencers and leaders of global open source innovation.

从日内瓦回来之后,我接受了 CSDN “开谈” 栏目的采访,与谭中意和孟伟二位老师一起三人行畅聊 《AI 开源许可证的法律与伦理之博弈》,里面对我参加 Open Source Conference 的感受也有着墨,欢迎大家在 B 站收看。http://b23.tv/heJVEK4

After I came back from Geneva, I was interviewed by CSDN's "Open Talk" column, and talked about "Open Source Licenses in the AGI Era" with Jerry Tan and Vally Meng. My experiences with attending the Open Source Conference were also discussed, and you are welcome to watch it on Bilibili http://b23.tv/heJVEK4





左起:会场所在酒店 Grand Hotel,主会场内部,坐我旁边的是 OSI 执行董事 Stefano Maffuli




左起:Linux 基金会执行董事 Jim Zemlin、LF AI & Data 执行董事 Ibrahim Haddad、LF APAC Hali Tsang、Wayne Merrick



左起:OSI 执行董事 Stefano Maffuli、FOSSASIA 创始人 Hong Phuc Dang



Apache 软件基金会:左起 - Roman Shaposhnik (前主席,现任法务副总裁)及其创业伙伴 Tanya Dadasheva, Ruth Suehle (执行副总裁) ...



OpenATOM 开放原子开源基金会:左起 - 孙文龙理事长、朱其罡 (业务发展部部长)



OpenATOM 开放原子开源基金会:左起 - 周楠 (运营部)、刘昱彤



Futurewei:左起 - 赖安妮 Anni 和 Chris Xie







作者及译者丨刘天栋 Ted


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开源社成立于 2014 年,是由志愿贡献于开源事业的个人成员,依 “贡献、共识、共治” 原则所组成,始终维持厂商中立、公益、非营利的特点,是最早以 “开源治理、国际接轨、社区发展、项目孵化” 为使命的开源社区联合体。开源社积极与支持开源的社区、企业以及政府相关单位紧密合作,以 “立足中国、贡献全球” 为愿景,旨在共创健康可持续发展的开源生态,推动中国开源社区成为全球开源体系的积极参与及贡献者。

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