
2023-10-30 09:28





本次设计要求为550MW 发电机-变压器组配置继电保护和自动装置,目的为通过本次设计,进一步加深对所学知识的理解,以及理解保护与保护之间的配合问题。

本次设计先根据发电机、变压器铭牌选择保护用TA、TV 变比,然后配置发电机-变压器组的保护装置及自动装置,并选择保护装置型号及整定方法,计算保护装置整定所需短路电流和保护装置的整定计算。



Power system relay protection design is based on the system wiring diagram and requirements to select protection mode, setting calculation, power system relay protection design and configuration is reasonable directly affect the safe operation of the power system. If the design and configuration is improper, the protection will not work correctly, will expand the scope of power failure accidents, resulting in personal and equipment accidents, to the national economy to bring serious consequences, therefore, reasonable selection of protection mode and correct setting calculation, to ensure the safe operation of the power system is very important.

Whether the design and configuration of power system relay protection is reasonable will directly affect the safe operation of power system, so it is necessary to choose the protection configuration and correct setting calculation.

The design requirements for 550MW generator - transformer group configuration relay protection and automatic device, the purpose of this design, to further deepen the understanding of the knowledge, as well as the understanding of protection and protection between the problem.

This design first according to the generator, transformer nameplate selection protection with TA, TV ratio, and then configure the generator - transformer group protection device and automatic device, and select the type of protection device and setting method, calculate the short-circuit current required by the protection device setting and setting calculation.

Key words:  Engine transformer group; Setting calculation; Automatic device; Relay protection


摘要... 1

引言... 5

第一章 绪论... 1

1.1 研究背景... 1

1.2 研究意义... 2

1.3 国内外研究现状分析... 3

第二章 原始资料分析... 5

2.1 发电机参数... 5

2.2 主变压器参数... 7

2.3 高压厂用变压器参数... 7

第三章 550MW发电机变压器组继电保护配置说明... 9

3.1 中性点接地方式... 9

3.2 高压厂用变压器侧TA、TV 变比... 9

3.3 保护依据... 10

3.4 保护说明... 12

3.5 保护配置... 13

第四章 550MW发电机变压器组继电保护的整定计算... 15

4.1 发电机定子绕组匝间短路保护整定计算... 15

4.1.1发电机横差动保护... 15

4.1.2发电机纵向基波零序过电压保护... 16

4.2 发电机转子接地保护整定计算... 18

4.2.1动作判据... 18

4.2.2整定计算... 19

4.3 发电机定子绕组过电流保护整定计算... 20

4.3.1动作判据... 20

4.3.2整定计算... 21

4.4 发电机失磁保护整定计算... 23

4.4.1动作判据... 23

4.4.2整定计算... 27

4.5 发电机定子绕组过电压整定计算... 29

4.5.1动作判据... 29

4.5.2整定计算... 30

4.6发电机逆功率保护整定计算... 30

4.6.1动作判据... 30

4.6.2整定计算... 30

第五章 550MW发电机变压器组继电保护建模仿真... 31

5.1 550MW发电机变压器组继电保护建模... 31

5.2 550MW发电机变压器组继电保护仿真分析... 31

第六章  总结... 32

参考文献... 33

致    谢... 35







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