Zero-width non-breaking space

2023-10-27 20:39
文章标签 non space zero width breaking

本文主要是介绍Zero-width non-breaking space,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!




 在OS X的chrome中不起作用,需要换成‍或者‍


There is no entity reference for ZWNBSP (zero-width no-break space) in HTML, but it, like any Unicode character, can be expressed using a character reference:  (or, equivalently, ). However, it is ineffective for keeping images in the same line. Images are not characters, and browsers are not required to implement Unicode semantics for ZWNBSP even when used between characters. The same applies to WORD JOINER, U+2060.

The most effective way is to wrap the img tags in a nobr element: <nobr><img ...><img ...></nobr>. While not part of any HTML specification, and mentioned in HTML5 drafts as “obsolete”, this method works across browsers. If you would rather do things in a clumsier way that does not work when CSS is disabled, you can use an artificial wrapper element and set white-space: nowrap on it.

But there is: &zwj;, since at least 2001 –  jthill  Jun 4 '14 at 18:20
@jthill, &zwj; denotes ZERO WIDTH JOINER U+200D, a different character, intended for requesting for cursive joining or ligature rendering. – Jukka K. Korpela Jun 4 '14 at 19:29

Ah. Thank you for the correction. I'll go read up on &zwnj; too. –  jthill  Jun 4 '14 at 19:37


Ah. Thank you for the correction. I'll go read up on &zwnj; too. –  jthill  Jun 4 '14 at 19:37

这篇关于Zero-width non-breaking space的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!


uva 10061 How many zero's and how many digits ?(不同进制阶乘末尾几个0)+poj 1401

题意是求在base进制下的 n!的结果有几位数,末尾有几个0。 想起刚开始的时候做的一道10进制下的n阶乘末尾有几个零,以及之前有做过的一道n阶乘的位数。 当时都是在10进制下的。 10进制下的做法是: 1. n阶位数:直接 lg(n!)就是得数的位数。 2. n阶末尾0的个数:由于2 * 5 将会在得数中以0的形式存在,所以计算2或者计算5,由于因子中出现5必然出现2,所以直接一

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零样本学习(zero-shot learning)——综述

-------本文内容来自对论文A Survey of Zero-Shot Learning: Settings, Methods, and Applications 的理解和整理,这里省去了众多的数学符号,以比较通俗的语言对零样本学习做一个简单的入门介绍,用词上可能缺乏一定的严谨性。一些图和公式直接来自于论文,并且省略了论文中讲的比较细的东西,如果感兴趣建议还是去通读论文 注1:为了方便,文中