float 是单精度浮点数,内存占4个字节,有效数字8位,表示范围是 -3.40E+38~3.40E+38。
double 是双精度浮点数,内存占8个字节,有效数字16位,表示范是-1.79E+308~-1.79E+308。
有时甚至double也不够精确,因此有时我们有long double1(上面的例子在Mac上给出了9.00000000000000066),但所有浮点类型都有舍入错误,因此,如果精度非常重要(例如,货币处理),则应使用int或分数类。
浮点会由于精度问题,导致无法直接做 != 比较,下面是一个主流架构下,优化处理浮点精度的函数:
#include <cmath>// fVal 原始浮点
// iPoint 保留精度(末尾将清零)
double getVal1(const double fVal, const int iPoint) {double factor = pow(10.0, iPoint);return floor(fVal * factor) / factor;
}double getVal2(const double fVal, const int iPoint) {double factor = pow(10.0, iPoint);return round(fVal * factor) / factor;
}double getVal3(const double fVal, const int iPoint)
{double multiplier = 1.0;int i;// Calculate the multiplier based on the number of decimal places to keepfor (i = 0; i < iPoint; i++) {multiplier *= 10.0;}// Multiply the original value by the multiplier and round it to the nearest integerint roundedValue = (int)(fVal * multiplier + 0.5);// Divide the rounded value by the multiplier to get the final resultdouble result = roundedValue / multiplier;return result;