cad2011系统响应慢_移动营销– 97%的响应率渠道(2011年西方会员峰会)

2023-10-24 18:30

本文主要是介绍cad2011系统响应慢_移动营销– 97%的响应率渠道(2011年西方会员峰会),希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


One of an interesting session I attended yesterday at Affiliate Summit West 2011 was called “Mobile Marketing – The 97% Response Rate Channel”. The speakers there were using Mobile marketing in a very smart way, and I will share some of the tips I learned from them that can be applied to blogs. We will certainly be improving our mobile site as well.

我昨天参加了2011年西方会员峰会,其中一个有趣的环节称为“移动营销-97%的响应率渠道”。 那里的演讲者非常聪明地使用了移动营销,我将分享一些从他们那里学到的技巧,这些技巧可以应用于博客。 当然,我们也会改善我们的移动网站。

They started out with some quick facts. 1 in 9 people online have a Facebook account. 2 Billion people use a laptop around the world. 6 billion people use a cell phone around the world. This market is increasing faster than any of us can imagine, and everyone of us need to capitalize. Heck, I was doing all the tweeting, surfing the web from my Droid X and sometimes iPad (both mobile devices).

他们开始时有一些事实。 9人中有1人拥有Facebook帐户。 全球有20亿人使用笔记本电脑。 全球有60亿人使用手机。 这个市场的增长速度超出我们任何人的想象,因此我们每个人都需要资本化。 哎呀,我正在做所有的推文,从我的Droid X甚至是iPad(都是移动设备)上浏览网页。

This session was full with case studies that the speakers showed about their own campaigns. They had a very interesting way to generate leads by simply adding a phone number in their videos and facebook ads asking people to call or text if they have any issue. Upon calling, you would receive a recorded message that asks you to say your name and email. Similar with the text message. Almost instantly after, they send you a text message asking you to check your email for some awesome goodies. It was really freaking cool to see what they were doing.

本次会议充满了演讲者展示自己的竞选活动的案例研究。 他们有一种非常有趣的方式来产生潜在客户,只需在他们的视频和Facebook广告中添加一个电话号码,让人们打电话或发短信,看看他们是否有任何问题。 致电后,您会收到一条录音消息,询问您说出自己的姓名和电子邮件。 与短信相似。 之后几乎立即,他们会向您发送一条短信,要求您检查电子邮件中的一些好东西。 看到他们在做什么真的很酷。

The most important lesson that everyone should get out of this session was the “4 C’s rule to Marketing”.

每个人都应该从本次会议上获得的最重要的教训是“市场营销的4 C规则”。


捕获 连接 通信

Every time when you follow this model in your campaign, you are bound to find some success. And when you do it for Mobile Marketing, you are definitely going to find success. I mean think about it. Everyone uses their phone to get on internet (at least the new generation does) <= The generation that you should be targeting. When I get an email, I mostly check it from my cell phone, and often when it has links, I end up visiting the site from the mobile browser as well. Sometimes it sucks when the site doesn't even have a Mobile friendly version available. If you are using WordPress, we recommend that you get WP Touch Pro (Making Your WordPress Mobile Friendly with WP Touch Pro Guide)

每当您在广告系列中采用这种模式时,您一定会获得成功。 而且,当您将其用于移动营销时,您肯定会找到成功的。 我想说的是,考虑一下。 每个人都使用手机上网(至少是新一代的人)<=您应该定位的一代。 收到电子邮件后,我通常会通过手机进行检查,并且经常在包含链接的情况下,我也最终会通过移动浏览器访问该网站。 有时,当站点甚至没有适用于移动设备的版本时,它就会糟透了。 如果您使用的是WordPress,建议您获得WP Touch Pro ( 通过WP Touch Pro指南使WordPress移动友好 )

You can customize the plugin by adding your own ads, and much more. This is an industry that I have yet not experienced thoroughly. But one of my New Year’s Resolution is to take a dive in and try to leverage our mobile audience.

您可以通过添加自己的广告等来自定义插件。 这个行业我还没有经历过。 但是,我新年的一项决议是潜入水中,尝试利用我们的移动受众。

This session was a great one, and really it can’t be described in words specially the case studies. All I can say is that if you don’t have a mobile version of your site, then GET IT NOW. Because you are inconveniencing your user and that is not something that you want to do.

这次会议非常好,实际上不能用案例研究来形容。 我只能说,如果您没有网站的移动版本,请立即获取。 因为您给用户带来了不便,所以这不是您想要做的。

感谢赞助商 (Thanks to the Sponsors)

Two awesome companies sponsored my trip here.



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BuySellAds是买卖您网站上的广告位的巨大市场。 超过750个成功的博客作者使用它们来推动在线广告销售。 WPBeginner还使用BSA来维护我们的广告。 这也是广告客户的好地方。 超过1000个高质量的广告客户使用BSA定位适合其品牌的受众。 如果您有兴趣,请立即申请进入他们的市场。



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