当Glide访问同一个uri的时候,默认是有缓存 的,当uri的图片改变时候,glide默认还是加载之前的图片,所以要清除glide的缓存
1 前言
2 使用
Step 1. 添加JitPack仓库
allprojects {repositories {...maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }}
Step 2. 添加依赖
dependencies {compile 'com.github.wildma:IDCardCamera:1.0.0'
compile project(':idcardcamera')
Step 3. 调用CameraActivity类的toCameraActivity方法打开拍照界面
CameraActivity.toCameraActivity(this, CameraActivity.TYPE_IDCARD_FRONT);
Step 4. 在onActivityResult方法中获取裁剪后的图片
@Overrideprotected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {if (requestCode == CameraActivity.REQUEST_CODE && resultCode == CameraActivity.RESULT_CODE) {//获取图片路径,显示图片final String path = CameraActivity.getImagePath(data);if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(path)) {imageView.setImageBitmap(BitmapFactory.decodeFile(path));}}}
3 功能特点
自定义相机的代码我就不重复造轮子了,网上很多,我找了个UI比较不错的项目 CertificateCamera ,然后在该项目的基础上进行功能增加的,主要增加的内容如下:
- 解决该项目拍照不成功的问题(该项目代码有问题,博主也一直没有去修改,这里帮他改过来了)
- 增加自动对焦功能
- 增加图片不规则裁剪功能
3.1 自动对焦
3.1.1 使用原生API
- 调用autoFocus方法,如下:
camera.autoFocus(new Camera.AutoFocusCallback() {@Overridepublic void onAutoFocus(boolean success, Camera camera) {}});
- 设置对焦模式,如下:
3.1.2 使用定时器
package com.wildma.idcardcamera.camera;import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.hardware.Camera;
import android.os.AsyncTask;
import android.os.Build;
import android.util.Log;import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException;public class AutoFocusManager implements Camera.AutoFocusCallback {private static final String TAG = AutoFocusManager.class.getSimpleName();private static final long AUTO_FOCUS_INTERVAL_MS = 2000L;private static final Collection<String> FOCUS_MODES_CALLING_AF;static {FOCUS_MODES_CALLING_AF = new ArrayList<String>(2);FOCUS_MODES_CALLING_AF.add(Camera.Parameters.FOCUS_MODE_AUTO);FOCUS_MODES_CALLING_AF.add(Camera.Parameters.FOCUS_MODE_MACRO);}private final boolean useAutoFocus;private final Camera camera;private boolean stopped;private boolean focusing;private AsyncTask<?, ?, ?> outstandingTask;public AutoFocusManager(Camera camera) {this.camera = camera;String currentFocusMode = camera.getParameters().getFocusMode();useAutoFocus = FOCUS_MODES_CALLING_AF.contains(currentFocusMode);// Log.i(TAG, "Current focus mode '" + currentFocusMode + "'; use auto focus? " + useAutoFocus);start();}@Overridepublic synchronized void onAutoFocus(boolean success, Camera theCamera) {focusing = false;autoFocusAgainLater();}@SuppressLint("NewApi")private synchronized void autoFocusAgainLater() {if (!stopped && outstandingTask == null) {AutoFocusTask newTask = new AutoFocusTask();try {if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 11) {newTask.executeOnExecutor(AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR);} else {newTask.execute();}outstandingTask = newTask;} catch (RejectedExecutionException ree) {Log.w(TAG, "Could not request auto focus", ree);}}}public synchronized void start() {if (useAutoFocus) {outstandingTask = null;if (!stopped && !focusing) {try {camera.autoFocus(this);Log.w(TAG, "自动对焦");focusing = true;} catch (RuntimeException re) {// Have heard RuntimeException reported in Android 4.0.x+;// continue?Log.w(TAG, "Unexpected exception while focusing", re);// Try again later to keep cycle goingautoFocusAgainLater();}}}}private synchronized void cancelOutstandingTask() {if (outstandingTask != null) {if (outstandingTask.getStatus() != AsyncTask.Status.FINISHED) {outstandingTask.cancel(true);}outstandingTask = null;}}public synchronized void stop() {stopped = true;if (useAutoFocus) {cancelOutstandingTask();// Doesn't hurt to call this even if not focusingtry {camera.cancelAutoFocus();} catch (RuntimeException re) {// Have heard RuntimeException reported in Android 4.0.x+;// continue?Log.w(TAG, "Unexpected exception while cancelling focusing", re);}}}private final class AutoFocusTask extends AsyncTask<Object, Object, Object> {@Overrideprotected Object doInBackground(Object... voids) {try {Thread.sleep(AUTO_FOCUS_INTERVAL_MS);} catch (InterruptedException e) {}start();return null;}}}
3.1.3 使用传感器
package com.wildma.idcardcamera.camera;import android.app.Activity;
import android.content.Context;
import android.hardware.Sensor;
import android.hardware.SensorEvent;
import android.hardware.SensorEventListener;
import android.hardware.SensorManager;
import android.util.Log;import java.util.Calendar;public class SensorControler implements SensorEventListener {public static final String TAG = "SensorControler";private SensorManager mSensorManager;private Sensor mSensor;private int mX, mY, mZ;private long lastStaticStamp = 0;Calendar mCalendar;public static final int DELEY_DURATION = 500;private static SensorControler mInstance;private int foucsing = 1; //1 表示没有被锁定 0表示被锁定boolean isFocusing = false;boolean canFocusIn = false; //内部是否能够对焦控制机制boolean canFocus = false;public static final int STATUS_NONE = 0;public static final int STATUS_STATIC = 1;public static final int STATUS_MOVE = 2;private int STATUE = STATUS_NONE;private SensorControler(Context context) {mSensorManager = (SensorManager) context.getSystemService(Activity.SENSOR_SERVICE);mSensor = mSensorManager.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER);// TYPE_GRAVITY}public static SensorControler getInstance(Context context) {if (mInstance == null) {mInstance = new SensorControler(context);}return mInstance;}public void onStart() {restParams();canFocus = true;mSensorManager.registerListener(this, mSensor,SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_NORMAL);}public void onStop() {mSensorManager.unregisterListener(this, mSensor);canFocus = false;}@Overridepublic void onAccuracyChanged(Sensor sensor, int accuracy) {}@Overridepublic void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event) {if (event.sensor == null) {return;}if (isFocusing) {restParams();return;}if (event.sensor.getType() == Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER) {int x = (int) event.values[0];int y = (int) event.values[1];int z = (int) event.values[2];mCalendar = Calendar.getInstance();long stamp = mCalendar.getTimeInMillis();// 1393844912int second = mCalendar.get(Calendar.SECOND);// 53if (STATUE != STATUS_NONE) {int px = Math.abs(mX - x);int py = Math.abs(mY - y);int pz = Math.abs(mZ - z);// Log.d(TAG, "pX:" + px + " pY:" + py + " pZ:" + pz + " stamp:"// + stamp + " second:" + second);double value = Math.sqrt(px * px + py * py + pz * pz);if (value > 1.4) {// textviewF.setText("检测手机在移动..");// Log.i(TAG,"mobile moving");STATUE = STATUS_MOVE;} else {// textviewF.setText("检测手机静止..");// Log.i(TAG,"mobile static");//上一次状态是move,记录静态时间点if (STATUE == STATUS_MOVE) {lastStaticStamp = stamp;canFocusIn = true;}if (canFocusIn) {if (stamp - lastStaticStamp > DELEY_DURATION) {//移动后静止一段时间,可以发生对焦行为if (!isFocusing) {canFocusIn = false;// onCameraFocus();if (mCameraFocusListener != null) {mCameraFocusListener.onFocus();}// Log.i(TAG,"mobile focusing");}}}STATUE = STATUS_STATIC;}} else {lastStaticStamp = stamp;STATUE = STATUS_STATIC;}mX = x;mY = y;mZ = z;}}/*** 重置参数*/private void restParams() {STATUE = STATUS_NONE;canFocusIn = false;mX = 0;mY = 0;mZ = 0;}/*** 对焦是否被锁定** @return*/public boolean isFocusLocked() {if (canFocus) {return foucsing <= 0;}return false;}/*** 锁定对焦*/public void lockFocus() {isFocusing = true;foucsing--;Log.i(TAG, "lockFocus");}/*** 解锁对焦*/public void unlockFocus() {isFocusing = false;foucsing++;Log.i(TAG, "unlockFocus");}public void restFoucs() {foucsing = 1;}private CameraFocusListener mCameraFocusListener;public interface CameraFocusListener {void onFocus();}public void setCameraFocusListener(CameraFocusListener mCameraFocusListener) {this.mCameraFocusListener = mCameraFocusListener;}
3.2 图片不规则裁剪
- 需要利用drawline将四个坐标点连接起来
- 需要处理触摸与拖拽事件,即随着手指的移动,坐标点跟随移动。
- 需要处理裁剪框区域内的全透明化和区域外的半透明化的效果。
- 其他等等...
package com.wildma.idcardcamera.cropper;import android.content.Context;
import android.graphics.Bitmap;
import android.graphics.Canvas;
import android.graphics.Color;
import android.graphics.Matrix;
import android.graphics.Paint;
import android.graphics.Path;
import android.graphics.Point;
import android.graphics.PorterDuff;
import android.graphics.PorterDuffXfermode;
import android.graphics.Rect;
import android.graphics.Region;
import android.support.annotation.Nullable;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;public class CropOverlayView extends View {private int defaultMargin = 100;private int minDistance = 100;private int vertexSize = 30;private int gridSize = 3;private Bitmap bitmap;private Point topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, bottomRight;private float touchDownX, touchDownY;private CropPosition cropPosition;private int currentWidth = 0;private int currentHeight = 0;private int minX, maxX, minY, maxY;public CropOverlayView(Context context) {super(context);}public CropOverlayView(Context context, @Nullable AttributeSet attrs) {super(context, attrs);}public void setBitmap(Bitmap bitmap) {this.bitmap = bitmap;resetPoints();invalidate();}@Overrideprotected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {super.onDraw(canvas);if (getWidth() != currentWidth || getHeight() != currentHeight) {currentWidth = getWidth();currentHeight = getHeight();resetPoints();}Log.e("stk", "canvasSize=" + getWidth() + "x" + getHeight());drawBackground(canvas);drawVertex(canvas);drawEdge(canvas);// drawGrid(canvas);//裁剪框内部线条}private void resetPoints() {Log.e("stk", "resetPoints, bitmap=" + bitmap);// 1. calculate bitmap size in new canvasfloat scaleX = bitmap.getWidth() * 1.0f / getWidth();float scaleY = bitmap.getHeight() * 1.0f / getHeight();float maxScale = Math.max(scaleX, scaleY);// 2. determine minX , maxX if maxScale = scaleY | minY, maxY if maxScale = scaleXint minX = 0;int maxX = getWidth();int minY = 0;int maxY = getHeight();if (maxScale == scaleY) { // image very tallint bitmapInCanvasWidth = (int) (bitmap.getWidth() / maxScale);minX = (getWidth() - bitmapInCanvasWidth) / 2;maxX = getWidth() - minX;} else { // image very wideint bitmapInCanvasHeight = (int) (bitmap.getHeight() / maxScale);minY = (getHeight() - bitmapInCanvasHeight) / 2;maxY = getHeight() - minY;}this.minX = minX;this.minY = minY;this.maxX = maxX;this.maxY = maxY;if (maxX - minX < defaultMargin || maxY - minY < defaultMargin)defaultMargin = 0; // remove minelsedefaultMargin = 100;Log.e("stk", "maxX - minX=" + (maxX - minX));Log.e("stk", "maxY - minY=" + (maxY - minY));topLeft = new Point(minX + defaultMargin, minY + defaultMargin);topRight = new Point(maxX - defaultMargin, minY + defaultMargin);bottomLeft = new Point(minX + defaultMargin, maxY - defaultMargin);bottomRight = new Point(maxX - defaultMargin, maxY - defaultMargin);}@Overrideprotected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);}private void drawBackground(Canvas canvas) {Paint paint = new Paint();paint.setColor(Color.parseColor("#66000000"));paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL);Path path = new Path();path.moveTo(topLeft.x, topLeft.y);path.lineTo(topRight.x, topRight.y);path.lineTo(bottomRight.x, bottomRight.y);path.lineTo(bottomLeft.x, bottomLeft.y);path.close();canvas.save();canvas.clipPath(path, Region.Op.DIFFERENCE);canvas.drawColor(Color.parseColor("#66000000"));canvas.restore();}private void drawVertex(Canvas canvas) {Paint paint = new Paint();paint.setColor(Color.WHITE);paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL);canvas.drawCircle(topLeft.x, topLeft.y, vertexSize, paint);canvas.drawCircle(topRight.x, topRight.y, vertexSize, paint);canvas.drawCircle(bottomLeft.x, bottomLeft.y, vertexSize, paint);canvas.drawCircle(bottomRight.x, bottomRight.y, vertexSize, paint);Log.e("stk","vertextPoints=" +topLeft.toString() + " " + topRight.toString() + " " + bottomRight.toString() + " " + bottomLeft.toString());}private void drawEdge(Canvas canvas) {Paint paint = new Paint();paint.setColor(Color.WHITE);paint.setStrokeWidth(3);paint.setAntiAlias(true);canvas.drawLine(topLeft.x, topLeft.y, topRight.x, topRight.y, paint);canvas.drawLine(topLeft.x, topLeft.y, bottomLeft.x, bottomLeft.y, paint);canvas.drawLine(bottomRight.x, bottomRight.y, topRight.x, topRight.y, paint);canvas.drawLine(bottomRight.x, bottomRight.y, bottomLeft.x, bottomLeft.y, paint);}private void drawGrid(Canvas canvas) {Paint paint = new Paint();paint.setColor(Color.WHITE);paint.setStrokeWidth(2);paint.setAntiAlias(true);for (int i = 1; i <= gridSize; i++) {int topDistanceX = Math.abs(topLeft.x - topRight.x) / (gridSize + 1) * i;int topDistanceY = Math.abs((topLeft.y - topRight.y) / (gridSize + 1) * i);Point top = new Point(topLeft.x < topRight.x ? topLeft.x + topDistanceX : topLeft.x - topDistanceX,topLeft.y < topRight.y ? topLeft.y + topDistanceY : topLeft.y - topDistanceY);int bottomDistanceX = Math.abs((bottomLeft.x - bottomRight.x) / (gridSize + 1) * i);int bottomDistanceY = Math.abs((bottomLeft.y - bottomRight.y) / (gridSize + 1) * i);Point bottom = new Point(bottomLeft.x < bottomRight.x ? bottomLeft.x + bottomDistanceX : bottomLeft.x - bottomDistanceX,bottomLeft.y < bottomRight.y ? bottomLeft.y + bottomDistanceY : bottomLeft.y - bottomDistanceY);canvas.drawLine(top.x, top.y, bottom.x, bottom.y, paint);int leftDistanceX = Math.abs((topLeft.x - bottomLeft.x) / (gridSize + 1) * i);int leftDistanceY = Math.abs((topLeft.y - bottomLeft.y) / (gridSize + 1) * i);Point left = new Point(topLeft.x < bottomLeft.x ? topLeft.x + leftDistanceX : topLeft.x - leftDistanceX,topLeft.y < bottomLeft.y ? topLeft.y + leftDistanceY : topLeft.y - leftDistanceY);int rightDistanceX = Math.abs((topRight.x - bottomRight.x) / (gridSize + 1) * i);int rightDistanceY = Math.abs((topRight.y - bottomRight.y) / (gridSize + 1) * i);Point right = new Point(topRight.x < bottomRight.x ? topRight.x + rightDistanceX : topRight.x - rightDistanceX,topRight.y < bottomRight.y ? topRight.y + rightDistanceY : topRight.y - rightDistanceY);canvas.drawLine(left.x, left.y, right.x, right.y, paint);}}@Overridepublic boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {switch (event.getAction()) {case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:getParent().requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(false);break;case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:getParent().requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(false);onActionDown(event);return true;case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:getParent().requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(true);onActionMove(event);return true;}return false;}private void onActionDown(MotionEvent event) {touchDownX = event.getX();touchDownY = event.getY();Point touchPoint = new Point((int) event.getX(), (int) event.getY());int minDistance = distance(touchPoint, topLeft);cropPosition = CropPosition.TOP_LEFT;if (minDistance > distance(touchPoint, topRight)) {minDistance = distance(touchPoint, topRight);cropPosition = CropPosition.TOP_RIGHT;}if (minDistance > distance(touchPoint, bottomLeft)) {minDistance = distance(touchPoint, bottomLeft);cropPosition = CropPosition.BOTTOM_LEFT;}if (minDistance > distance(touchPoint, bottomRight)) {minDistance = distance(touchPoint, bottomRight);cropPosition = CropPosition.BOTTOM_RIGHT;}}private int distance(Point src, Point dst) {return (int) Math.sqrt(Math.pow(src.x - dst.x, 2) + Math.pow(src.y - dst.y, 2));}private void onActionMove(MotionEvent event) {int deltaX = (int) (event.getX() - touchDownX);int deltaY = (int) (event.getY() - touchDownY);switch (cropPosition) {case TOP_LEFT:adjustTopLeft(deltaX, deltaY);invalidate();break;case TOP_RIGHT:adjustTopRight(deltaX, deltaY);invalidate();break;case BOTTOM_LEFT:adjustBottomLeft(deltaX, deltaY);invalidate();break;case BOTTOM_RIGHT:adjustBottomRight(deltaX, deltaY);invalidate();break;}touchDownX = event.getX();touchDownY = event.getY();}private void adjustTopLeft(int deltaX, int deltaY) {int newX = topLeft.x + deltaX;if (newX < minX)newX = minX;if (newX > maxX)newX = maxX;int newY = topLeft.y + deltaY;if (newY < minY)newY = minY;if (newY > maxY)newY = maxY;topLeft.set(newX, newY);}private void adjustTopRight(int deltaX, int deltaY) {int newX = topRight.x + deltaX;if (newX > maxX)newX = maxX;if (newX < minX)newX = minX;int newY = topRight.y + deltaY;if (newY < minY)newY = minY;if (newY > maxY)newY = maxY;topRight.set(newX, newY);}private void adjustBottomLeft(int deltaX, int deltaY) {int newX = bottomLeft.x + deltaX;if (newX < minX)newX = minX;if (newX > maxX)newX = maxX;int newY = bottomLeft.y + deltaY;if (newY > maxY)newY = maxY;if (newY < minY)newY = minY;bottomLeft.set(newX, newY);}private void adjustBottomRight(int deltaX, int deltaY) {int newX = bottomRight.x + deltaX;if (newX > maxX)newX = maxX;if (newX < minX)newX = minX;int newY = bottomRight.y + deltaY;if (newY > maxY)newY = maxY;if (newY < minY)newY = minY;bottomRight.set(newX, newY);}public void crop(CropListener cropListener, boolean needStretch) {if (topLeft == null)return;// calculate bitmap size in new canvasfloat scaleX = bitmap.getWidth() * 1.0f / getWidth();float scaleY = bitmap.getHeight() * 1.0f / getHeight();float maxScale = Math.max(scaleX, scaleY);// re-calculate coordinate in original bitmapLog.e("stk", "maxScale=" + maxScale);Point bitmapTopLeft = new Point((int) ((topLeft.x - minX) * maxScale), (int) ((topLeft.y - minY) * maxScale));Point bitmapTopRight = new Point((int) ((topRight.x - minX) * maxScale), (int) ((topRight.y - minY) * maxScale));Point bitmapBottomLeft = new Point((int) ((bottomLeft.x - minX) * maxScale), (int) ((bottomLeft.y - minY) * maxScale));Point bitmapBottomRight = new Point((int) ((bottomRight.x - minX) * maxScale), (int) ((bottomRight.y - minY) * maxScale));Log.e("stk", "bitmapPoints="+ bitmapTopLeft.toString() + " "+ bitmapTopRight.toString() + " "+ bitmapBottomRight.toString() + " "+ bitmapBottomLeft.toString() + " ");Bitmap output = Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap.getWidth() + 1, bitmap.getHeight() + 1, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);Canvas canvas = new Canvas(output);Paint paint = new Paint();// 1. draw pathPath path = new Path();path.moveTo(bitmapTopLeft.x, bitmapTopLeft.y);path.lineTo(bitmapTopRight.x, bitmapTopRight.y);path.lineTo(bitmapBottomRight.x, bitmapBottomRight.y);path.lineTo(bitmapBottomLeft.x, bitmapBottomLeft.y);path.close();canvas.drawPath(path, paint);// 2. draw original bitmappaint.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_IN));canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, 0, 0, paint);// 3. cutRect cropRect = new Rect(Math.min(bitmapTopLeft.x, bitmapBottomLeft.x),Math.min(bitmapTopLeft.y, bitmapTopRight.y),Math.max(bitmapBottomRight.x, bitmapTopRight.x),Math.max(bitmapBottomRight.y, bitmapBottomLeft.y));Bitmap cut = Bitmap.createBitmap(output,cropRect.left,cropRect.top,cropRect.width(),cropRect.height());if (!needStretch) {cropListener.onFinish(cut);} else {// 4. re-calculate coordinate in cropRectPoint cutTopLeft = new Point();Point cutTopRight = new Point();Point cutBottomLeft = new Point();Point cutBottomRight = new Point();cutTopLeft.x = bitmapTopLeft.x > bitmapBottomLeft.x ? bitmapTopLeft.x - bitmapBottomLeft.x : 0;cutTopLeft.y = bitmapTopLeft.y > bitmapTopRight.y ? bitmapTopLeft.y - bitmapTopRight.y : 0;cutTopRight.x = bitmapTopRight.x > bitmapBottomRight.x ? cropRect.width() : cropRect.width() - Math.abs(bitmapBottomRight.x - bitmapTopRight.x);cutTopRight.y = bitmapTopLeft.y > bitmapTopRight.y ? 0 : Math.abs(bitmapTopLeft.y - bitmapTopRight.y);cutBottomLeft.x = bitmapTopLeft.x > bitmapBottomLeft.x ? 0 : Math.abs(bitmapTopLeft.x - bitmapBottomLeft.x);cutBottomLeft.y = bitmapBottomLeft.y > bitmapBottomRight.y ? cropRect.height() : cropRect.height() - Math.abs(bitmapBottomRight.y - bitmapBottomLeft.y);cutBottomRight.x = bitmapTopRight.x > bitmapBottomRight.x ? cropRect.width() - Math.abs(bitmapBottomRight.x - bitmapTopRight.x) : cropRect.width();cutBottomRight.y = bitmapBottomLeft.y > bitmapBottomRight.y ? cropRect.height() - Math.abs(bitmapBottomRight.y - bitmapBottomLeft.y) : cropRect.height();Log.e("stk", cut.getWidth() + "x" + cut.getHeight());Log.e("stk", "cutPoints="+ cutTopLeft.toString() + " "+ cutTopRight.toString() + " "+ cutBottomRight.toString() + " "+ cutBottomLeft.toString() + " ");float width = cut.getWidth();float height = cut.getHeight();float[] src = new float[]{cutTopLeft.x, cutTopLeft.y, cutTopRight.x, cutTopRight.y, cutBottomRight.x, cutBottomRight.y, cutBottomLeft.x, cutBottomLeft.y};float[] dst = new float[]{0, 0, width, 0, width, height, 0, height};Matrix matrix = new Matrix();matrix.setPolyToPoly(src, 0, dst, 0, 4);Bitmap stretch = Bitmap.createBitmap(cut.getWidth(), cut.getHeight(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);Canvas stretchCanvas = new Canvas(stretch);// stretchCanvas.drawBitmap(cut, matrix, null);stretchCanvas.concat(matrix);stretchCanvas.drawBitmapMesh(cut, WIDTH_BLOCK, HEIGHT_BLOCK, generateVertices(cut.getWidth(), cut.getHeight()), 0, null, 0, null);cropListener.onFinish(stretch);}}private int WIDTH_BLOCK = 40;private int HEIGHT_BLOCK = 40;private float[] generateVertices(int widthBitmap, int heightBitmap) {float[] vertices = new float[(WIDTH_BLOCK + 1) * (HEIGHT_BLOCK + 1) * 2];float widthBlock = (float) widthBitmap / WIDTH_BLOCK;float heightBlock = (float) heightBitmap / HEIGHT_BLOCK;for (int i = 0; i <= HEIGHT_BLOCK; i++)for (int j = 0; j <= WIDTH_BLOCK; j++) {vertices[i * ((HEIGHT_BLOCK + 1) * 2) + (j * 2)] = j * widthBlock;vertices[i * ((HEIGHT_BLOCK + 1) * 2) + (j * 2) + 1] = i * heightBlock;}return vertices;}
- CertificateCamera
- PhotoPolygonCropper
- SweetCamera