2023-10-14 07:48







Real-Time group scheduling


Linux kernel支持两种实时(real-time)调度策略(scheduling policy):SCHED_FIFO和SCHED_RR,无论是哪一种,实时进程的优先级范围[0~99]都高于普通进程[100~139],始终优先于普通进程得到运行。如果实时进程是CPU消耗型的,会不会导致其它进程得不到运行机会,造成系统lockup呢?




Lockup分为soft lockup和hard lockup,我在《内核如何检测SOFT LOCKUP与HARD LOCKUP》一文中解释了Linux kernel检测lockup的原理。

Hard lockup发生在CPU中断被屏蔽的情况下,因为实时进程本身并不会屏蔽CPU中断,hrtimer时钟中断是可以得到响应的,所以不会导致hard lockup

Soft lockup发生在内核线程[watchdog/x]得不到运行的情况下,理论上如果实时进程占着CPU不放,确实有可能导致[watchdog/x]得不到运行而发生soft lockup,然而这个可能性并不大,因为[watchdog/x]本身也是实时进程,调度策略为SCHED_FIFO,优先级已经是最高的99:

$ ps -ef | grep watchdog
root         6     2  0 Feb24 ?        00:00:18 [watchdog/0]
root        10     2  0 Feb24 ?        00:00:16 [watchdog/1]
root        14     2  0 Feb24 ?        00:00:13 [watchdog/2]
root        18     2  0 Feb24 ?        00:00:12 [watchdog/3]$ chrt -p 6
pid 6's current scheduling policy: SCHED_FIFO
pid 6's current scheduling priority: 99

如果占着CPU不放的实时进程也是SCHED_FIFO并且优先级为99,就有可能导致soft lockup。为什么呢?我们看一下实时进程的调度策略就明白了:

  • 在多个实时进程之间,优先级更高的会抢先运行(注:实时进程的优先级数字越大则优先级越高,99最高,0最低;而普通进程正好相反,优先级数字越大则优先级越低,139最低,100最高);
  • 优先级相同的实时进程之间,不会互相抢占,只能等对方主动释放CPU;
  • SCHED_FIFO调度策略的特点是,进程会一直保持运行直到发生以下情况之一:
    1. 进程主动调用sched_yield(2)放弃运行,自动排到运行队列的队尾,等到相同优先级的其它进程运行之后才有机会再运行;
    2. 进程进入睡眠状态(比如由于等待I/O的原因),唤醒后自动排到运行队列的队尾,等到相同优先级的其它进程运行之后才有机会再运行;
    3. 被优先级更高的实时进程抢占,这种情况下会自动排到运行队列的队首,下次运行的机会排在相同优先级的其它进程的前面。
  • SCHED_RR进程与SCHED_FIFO唯一不同的是,实时进程的运行时间是分为一段一段的,在相同优先级的进程之间轮流运行,每个进程运行完一个时间段之后,必须让给下一个进程(强调:仅对相同优先级而言,不同优先级的进程之间仍然会互相抢占)。

所以,如果占着CPU不放的实时进程的调度策略是SCHED_FIFO,并且优先级为与[watchdog/x]相同的99,SCHED_FIFO的调度策略决定了只要它不放手,[watchdog/x]就无法运行,结果是会导致soft lockup。





通常不会。因为Linux kernel有一个RealTime Throttling机制,就是为了防止CPU消耗型的实时进程霸占所有的CPU资源而造成整个系统失去控制。它的原理很简单,就是保证无论如何普通进程都能得到一定比例(默认5%)的CPU时间,可以通过两个内核参数来控制:

  • /proc/sys/kernel/sched_rt_period_us
    缺省值是1,000,000 μs (1秒),表示实时进程的运行粒度为1秒。(注:修改这个参数请谨慎,太大或太小都可能带来问题)。
  • /proc/sys/kernel/sched_rt_runtime_us
    缺省值是 950,000 μs (0.95秒),表示在1秒的运行周期里所有的实时进程一起最多可以占用0.95秒的CPU时间。

所以,Linux kernel默认情况下保证了普通进程无论如何都可以得到5%的CPU时间,尽管系统可能会慢如蜗牛,但管理员仍然可以利用这5%的时间设法恢复系统,比如停掉失控的实时进程,或者给自己的shell进程赋予更高的实时优先级以便执行管理任务,等等。

Real-time Throttling支持cgroup,详见






直到8月中旬,Peter Zijlstra发布了一个将默认值设置为“ unlimited”的补丁程序之后,似乎没有人真正注意到此功能。到那时,很明显,一些开发人员对如何设置这种策略的想法与其他开发者不同。

Ingo Molnar不赞成该补丁,他说:


Ingo的建议是 将限制提高到十秒的CPU时间。正如他(和其他人)指出的那样:任何需要长时间独占CPU的SCHED_FIFO应用程序都存在严重的问题,需要修复。



那些反对默认rt_bandwidth限制的人指出了两个要点:这是用户空间API的更改(这也破坏了POSIX的合规性),并表示内核对策略的强加。首先,尼克·皮金(Nick Piggin)担心此更改可能导致应用程序损坏:




Linus拒绝了 “内核中的策略”参数,他指出内核中有很多策略,尤其是在可调参数的默认设置方面。他说:



有人谈论过创建一个新的实时调度类,其中节流是其语义的一部分。该类甚至可以以较低的限制提供给非特权进程。同时,在撰写本文时,0.95秒的限制(似乎没人喜欢的一个选择) 保持不变。几乎可以肯定它会被提出;我们需要等待多少钱。





《NMI watchdog: BUG: soft lockup》


Real-Time group scheduling

				Real-Time group scheduling--------------------------CONTENTS
========0. WARNING
1. Overview1.1 The problem1.2 The solution
2. The interface2.1 System-wide settings2.2 Default behaviour2.3 Basis for grouping tasks
3. Future plans0. WARNING
==========Fiddling with these settings can result in an unstable system, the knobs areroot only and assumes root knows what he is doing.Most notable:* very small values in sched_rt_period_us can result in an unstablesystem when the period is smaller than either the available hrtimerresolution, or the time it takes to handle the budget refresh itself.* very small values in sched_rt_runtime_us can result in an unstablesystem when the runtime is so small the system has difficulty makingforward progress (NOTE: the migration thread and kstopmachine bothare real-time processes).1. Overview
===========1.1 The problem
---------------Realtime scheduling is all about determinism, a group has to be able to rely on
the amount of bandwidth (eg. CPU time) being constant. In order to schedule
multiple groups of realtime tasks, each group must be assigned a fixed portion
of the CPU time available.  Without a minimum guarantee a realtime group can
obviously fall short. A fuzzy upper limit is of no use since it cannot be
relied upon. Which leaves us with just the single fixed portion.1.2 The solution
----------------CPU time is divided by means of specifying how much time can be spent running
in a given period. We allocate this "run time" for each realtime group which
the other realtime groups will not be permitted to use.Any time not allocated to a realtime group will be used to run normal priority
tasks (SCHED_OTHER). Any allocated run time not used will also be picked up by
SCHED_OTHER.Let's consider an example: a frame fixed realtime renderer must deliver 25
frames a second, which yields a period of 0.04s per frame. Now say it will also
have to play some music and respond to input, leaving it with around 80% CPU
time dedicated for the graphics. We can then give this group a run time of 0.8
* 0.04s = 0.032s.This way the graphics group will have a 0.04s period with a 0.032s run time
limit. Now if the audio thread needs to refill the DMA buffer every 0.005s, but
needs only about 3% CPU time to do so, it can do with a 0.03 * 0.005s =
0.00015s. So this group can be scheduled with a period of 0.005s and a run time
of 0.00015s.The remaining CPU time will be used for user input and other tasks. Because
realtime tasks have explicitly allocated the CPU time they need to perform
their tasks, buffer underruns in the graphics or audio can be eliminated.NOTE: the above example is not fully implemented yet. We still
lack an EDF scheduler to make non-uniform periods usable.2. The Interface
================2.1 System wide settings
------------------------The system wide settings are configured under the /proc virtual file system:/proc/sys/kernel/sched_rt_period_us:The scheduling period that is equivalent to 100% CPU bandwidth/proc/sys/kernel/sched_rt_runtime_us:A global limit on how much time realtime scheduling may use.  Even withoutCONFIG_RT_GROUP_SCHED enabled, this will limit time reserved to realtimeprocesses. With CONFIG_RT_GROUP_SCHED it signifies the total bandwidthavailable to all realtime groups.* Time is specified in us because the interface is s32. This gives anoperating range from 1us to about 35 minutes.* sched_rt_period_us takes values from 1 to INT_MAX.* sched_rt_runtime_us takes values from -1 to (INT_MAX - 1).* A run time of -1 specifies runtime == period, ie. no limit.2.2 Default behaviour
---------------------The default values for sched_rt_period_us (1000000 or 1s) and
sched_rt_runtime_us (950000 or 0.95s).  This gives 0.05s to be used by
SCHED_OTHER (non-RT tasks). These defaults were chosen so that a run-away
realtime tasks will not lock up the machine but leave a little time to recover
it.  By setting runtime to -1 you'd get the old behaviour back.By default all bandwidth is assigned to the root group and new groups get the
period from /proc/sys/kernel/sched_rt_period_us and a run time of 0. If you
want to assign bandwidth to another group, reduce the root group's bandwidth
and assign some or all of the difference to another group.Realtime group scheduling means you have to assign a portion of total CPU
bandwidth to the group before it will accept realtime tasks. Therefore you will
not be able to run realtime tasks as any user other than root until you have
done that, even if the user has the rights to run processes with realtime
priority!2.3 Basis for grouping tasks
----------------------------Enabling CONFIG_RT_GROUP_SCHED lets you explicitly allocate real
CPU bandwidth to task groups.This uses the cgroup virtual file system and "<cgroup>/cpu.rt_runtime_us"
to control the CPU time reserved for each control group.For more information on working with control groups, you should read
Documentation/cgroup-v1/cgroups.txt as well.Group settings are checked against the following limits in order to keep the
configuration schedulable:\Sum_{i} runtime_{i} / global_period <= global_runtime / global_periodFor now, this can be simplified to just the following (but see Future plans):\Sum_{i} runtime_{i} <= global_runtime3. Future plans
===============There is work in progress to make the scheduling period for each group
("<cgroup>/cpu.rt_period_us") configurable as well.The constraint on the period is that a subgroup must have a smaller or
equal period to its parent. But realistically its not very useful _yet_
as its prone to starvation without deadline scheduling.Consider two sibling groups A and B; both have 50% bandwidth, but A's
period is twice the length of B's.* group A: period=100000us, runtime=50000us- this runs for 0.05s once every 0.1s* group B: period= 50000us, runtime=25000us- this runs for 0.025s twice every 0.1s (or once every 0.05 sec).This means that currently a while (1) loop in A will run for the full period of
B and can starve B's tasks (assuming they are of lower priority) for a whole
period.The next project will be SCHED_EDF (Earliest Deadline First scheduling) to bring
full deadline scheduling to the linux kernel. Deadline scheduling the above
groups and treating end of the period as a deadline will ensure that they both
get their allocated time.Implementing SCHED_EDF might take a while to complete. Priority Inheritance is
the biggest challenge as the current linux PI infrastructure is geared towards
the limited static priority levels 0-99. With deadline scheduling you need to
do deadline inheritance (since priority is inversely proportional to the
deadline delta (deadline - now)).This means the whole PI machinery will have to be reworked - and that is one of
the most complex pieces of code we have.





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