本文主要是介绍python写背单词软件_GREat: GREat@, 使用Python+Tkinter 编写的GUI背单词软件,附带词书...,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
this is the Recite helper script that helps to recite words.
Intergrated with GRE-3000 and GRE-Red(6000). Have fun!
Usage 如何使用:
python3 bei.py [-file-to-read-]
python3 bei.py 08red/11.txt
Use mouse & keyboard [a, s, left, right] to control behavior.
使用鼠标及键盘a, s, 方向左右键控制。当所有单词背完时,此次背结束。
Notice 注意事项:
Currently only for expert with Python knowledge. Modify code to run 08red/ or anything as you wish.
Changelog 更新日志:
- 2.0 Alpha: Rewrite whole logic. Fixed most bugs. Added Simple StatusBar.
- 1.0 Alpha: Minimal functioning is done. Buggy and not user-friendly. 最初版本。只能保证跑起来。没有任何其他必要的功能。非常不稳定,Bug多。
TODO List 未来任务:
StatusBar add more functions
Support files traversal and auto--move-to-next-file, button--move-to-next-file support
Folder reselection support
Add Image API for automatic image hint (that huge red piece)
Persistent Storaging: .json or self-defined file for keeping setttings
Add more setting options
Improve UI
package it for dummy-use
A whole new Cascade GUI for better recite (I just want to name it like this)
这篇关于python写背单词软件_GREat: GREat@, 使用Python+Tkinter 编写的GUI背单词软件,附带词书...的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!