如果掌握了压缩采样匹配追踪(CoSaMP)后,再去学习子空间追踪(Subspace Pursuit)是一件非常简单的事情,因为它们几乎是完全一样的。
SP的提出时间比CoSaMP提出时间略晚,首个论文版本是参考文献[1],后来更新了两次,最后在IEEE Transactions on Information Theory发表[2]。从算法角度来讲,SP与CoSaMP差别非常小,这一点作者也意识到了,在文献[1]首页的左下角就有注释:
从上面可以知道,SP与CoSaMP主要区别在于“Ineach iteration, in the SP algorithm, only K new candidates are added, while theCoSAMP algorithm adds 2K vectors.”,即SP每次选择K个原子,而CoSaMP则选择2K个原子;这样带来的好处是“This makes the SP algorithm computationally moreefficient,”。
这个算法流程的初始化(Initialization)其实就是类似于CoSaMP的第1次迭代,注意第(1)步中选择了K个原子:“K indices corresponding to the largest magnitude entries”,在CoSaMP里这里要选择2K个最大的原子,后面的其它流程都一样。这里第(5)步增加了一个停止迭代的条件:当残差经过迭代后却变大了的时候就停止迭代。
子空间追踪代码可实现如下(CS_SP.m),通过对比可以知道该程序与CoSaMP的代码基本完全一致。本代码未考虑文献[2]中的给出的SP算法流程的第(5)步。代码可参见参考文献[6]中的Demo_CS_SP.m。- function [ theta ] = CS_SP( y,A,K )
- %CS_SP Summary of this function goes here
- %Version: 1.0 written by jbb0523 @2015-05-01
- % Detailed explanation goes here
- % y = Phi * x
- % x = Psi * theta
- % y = Phi*Psi * theta
- % 令 A = Phi*Psi, 则y=A*theta
- % K is the sparsity level
- % 现在已知y和A,求theta
- % Reference:Dai W,Milenkovic O.Subspace pursuit for compressive sensing
- % signal reconstruction[J].IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,
- % 2009,55(5):2230-2249.
- [y_rows,y_columns] = size(y);
- if y_rows<y_columns
- y = y';%y should be a column vector
- end
- [M,N] = size(A);%传感矩阵A为M*N矩阵
- theta = zeros(N,1);%用来存储恢复的theta(列向量)
- Pos_theta = [];%用来迭代过程中存储A被选择的列序号
- r_n = y;%初始化残差(residual)为y
- for kk=1:K%最多迭代K次
- %(1) Identification
- product = A'*r_n;%传感矩阵A各列与残差的内积
- [val,pos]=sort(abs(product),'descend');
- Js = pos(1:K);%选出内积值最大的K列
- %(2) Support Merger
- Is = union(Pos_theta,Js);%Pos_theta与Js并集
- %(3) Estimation
- %At的行数要大于列数,此为最小二乘的基础(列线性无关)
- if length(Is)<=M
- At = A(:,Is);%将A的这几列组成矩阵At
- else%At的列数大于行数,列必为线性相关的,At'*At将不可逆
- break;%跳出for循环
- end
- %y=At*theta,以下求theta的最小二乘解(Least Square)
- theta_ls = (At'*At)^(-1)*At'*y;%最小二乘解
- %(4) Pruning
- [val,pos]=sort(abs(theta_ls),'descend');
- %(5) Sample Update
- Pos_theta = Is(pos(1:K));
- theta_ls = theta_ls(pos(1:K));
- %At(:,pos(1:K))*theta_ls是y在At(:,pos(1:K))列空间上的正交投影
- r_n = y - At(:,pos(1:K))*theta_ls;%更新残差
- if norm(r_n)<1e-6%Repeat the steps until r=0
- break;%跳出for循环
- end
- end
- theta(Pos_theta)=theta_ls;%恢复出的theta
- end
function [ theta ] = CS_SP( y,A,K )
%CS_SP Summary of this function goes here
%Version: 1.0 written by jbb0523 @2015-05-01
% Detailed explanation goes here
% y = Phi * x
% x = Psi * theta
% y = Phi*Psi * theta
% 令 A = Phi*Psi, 则y=A*theta
% K is the sparsity level
% 现在已知y和A,求theta
% Reference:Dai W,Milenkovic O.Subspace pursuit for compressive sensing
% signal reconstruction[J].IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,
% 2009,55(5):2230-2249.[y_rows,y_columns] = size(y);if y_rows<y_columnsy = y';%y should be a column vectorend[M,N] = size(A);%传感矩阵A为M*N矩阵theta = zeros(N,1);%用来存储恢复的theta(列向量)Pos_theta = [];%用来迭代过程中存储A被选择的列序号r_n = y;%初始化残差(residual)为yfor kk=1:K%最多迭代K次%(1) Identificationproduct = A'*r_n;%传感矩阵A各列与残差的内积[val,pos]=sort(abs(product),'descend');Js = pos(1:K);%选出内积值最大的K列%(2) Support MergerIs = union(Pos_theta,Js);%Pos_theta与Js并集%(3) Estimation%At的行数要大于列数,此为最小二乘的基础(列线性无关)if length(Is)<=MAt = A(:,Is);%将A的这几列组成矩阵Atelse%At的列数大于行数,列必为线性相关的,At'*At将不可逆break;%跳出for循环end%y=At*theta,以下求theta的最小二乘解(Least Square)theta_ls = (At'*At)^(-1)*At'*y;%最小二乘解%(4) Pruning[val,pos]=sort(abs(theta_ls),'descend');%(5) Sample UpdatePos_theta = Is(pos(1:K));theta_ls = theta_ls(pos(1:K));%At(:,pos(1:K))*theta_ls是y在At(:,pos(1:K))列空间上的正交投影r_n = y - At(:,pos(1:K))*theta_ls;%更新残差 if norm(r_n)<1e-6%Repeat the steps until r=0break;%跳出for循环endendtheta(Pos_theta)=theta_ls;%恢复出的theta
鉴于SP与CoSaMP的极其相似性,这里就不再给出单次重构和测量数M与重构成功概率关系曲线绘制例程代码了,只需将CoSaMP中调用CS_CoSaMP函数的部分改为调用CS_SP即可,无须任何其它改动。这里给出对比两种重构算法所绘制的测量数M与重构成功概率关系曲线的例程代码,只有这样才可以看出两种算法的重构性能优劣,以下是在分别运行完SP与CoSaMP的测量数M与重构成功概率关系曲线绘制例程代码的基础上,即已经存储了数据CoSaMPMtoPercentage1000.mat和SPMtoPercentage1000.mat: - clear all;close all;clc;
- load CoSaMPMtoPercentage1000;
- PercentageCoSaMP = Percentage;
- load SPMtoPercentage1000;
- PercentageSP = Percentage;
- S1 = ['-ks';'-ko';'-kd';'-kv';'-k*'];
- S2 = ['-rs';'-ro';'-rd';'-rv';'-r*'];
- figure;
- for kk = 1:length(K_set)
- K = K_set(kk);
- M_set = 2*K:5:N;
- L_Mset = length(M_set);
- plot(M_set,PercentageCoSaMP(kk,1:L_Mset),S1(kk,:));%绘出x的恢复信号
- hold on;
- plot(M_set,PercentageSP(kk,1:L_Mset),S2(kk,:));%绘出x的恢复信号
- end
- hold off;
- xlim([0 256]);
- legend('CoSaK=4','SPK=4','CoSaK=12','SPK=12','CoSaK=20',...
- 'SPK=20','CoSaK=28','SPK=28','CoSaK=36','SPK=36');
- xlabel('Number of measurements(M)');
- ylabel('Percentage recovered');
- title('Percentage of input signals recovered correctly(N=256)(Gaussian)');
clear all;close all;clc;
load CoSaMPMtoPercentage1000;
PercentageCoSaMP = Percentage;
load SPMtoPercentage1000;
PercentageSP = Percentage;
S1 = ['-ks';'-ko';'-kd';'-kv';'-k*'];
S2 = ['-rs';'-ro';'-rd';'-rv';'-r*'];
for kk = 1:length(K_set)K = K_set(kk);M_set = 2*K:5:N;L_Mset = length(M_set);plot(M_set,PercentageCoSaMP(kk,1:L_Mset),S1(kk,:));%绘出x的恢复信号hold on; plot(M_set,PercentageSP(kk,1:L_Mset),S2(kk,:));%绘出x的恢复信号
hold off;
xlim([0 256]);
xlabel('Number of measurements(M)');
ylabel('Percentage recovered');
title('Percentage of input signals recovered correctly(N=256)(Gaussian)');
[1]Dai W,Milenkovic O. Subspace pursuitfor compressive sensing: Closing the gap between performance and complexity.http://arxiv.org/pdf/0803.0811v1.pdf
[2]Dai W,Milenkovic O.Subspacepursuit for compressive sensing signal reconstruction[J].IEEETransactions on Information Theory,2009,55(5):2230-2249.
[3]D. Needell, J.A. Tropp.CoSaMP: Iterative signal recoveryfrom incomplete and inaccurate samples. http://arxiv.org/pdf/0803.2392v2.pdf
[4]D. Needell, J.A. Tropp.CoSaMP: Iterative signal recoveryfrom incomplete and inaccurate samples. http://arxiv.org/pdf/0803.2392v1.pdf
[5]杨真真,杨震,孙林慧.信号压缩重构的正交匹配追踪类算法综述[J]. 信号处理,2013,29(4):486-496.
[6]Li Zeng. CS_Reconstruction. http://www.pudn.com/downloads518/sourcecode/math/detail2151378.html