本文主要是介绍关于Apache Flex 4.12,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
[转载]Apache Flex 4.12 正式版发布
(2014-03-12 17:44:34)
标签: apacheflex4.12 sdk it | 分类:Flash平台 |
原文地址:Apache Flex 4.12 正式版发布! 作者: Dark_Stone
此文章由 周戈 (DarkStone) 原创
日期: 2014-03-10
微博: http://weibo.com/dstech
博客: http://blog.sina.com.cn/dstech
以下是我自行整理的Apache Flex 4.12 发行说明摘要, 完整的英文发行说明请点这里(https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/flex/4.12.0/RELEASE_NOTES):
![[转载]Apache <wbr><wbr>Flex <wbr><wbr>4.12 <wbr><wbr>正式版发布! [转载]Apache <wbr><wbr>Flex <wbr><wbr>4.12 <wbr><wbr>正式版发布!](https://i-blog.csdnimg.cn/blog_migrate/e81f9ebb23eeef738cd09b76bc6c47dd.jpeg)
- 支持 Flash Player 12 正式版和 Flash Player 13 Beta版.
- 支持 AIR 4 正式版和 AIR 13 Beta版.
SDK 改进
-增强了 Callout 组件对 桌面 应用的支持
- 增强了为组件实例生成 UID 的性能
- 改进了 移动 应用的内存使用率, 提高了性能
- 改进了 CSS的内存使用率,提高了性能
- 改进了 DPI 算法以支持 标清屏 iPad 1代/2代 和 iPad mini 1代, 同时支持视网膜屏幕的 iPad3/4/5(Air) 和 iPad mini 2, 以实现对标清和视网膜屏幕的 DPI 自动缩放
- 修正了在 320 dpi 下 CheckBox 和 RadioButton 组件皮肤的缩放问题
- RemoteObject 和 WebService 类新增 API, 允许开发者禁用对上次请求结果的缓存
- 新增 StageTextInput 组件, 现在移动应用里输入框组件终于可以随着屏幕正常滚动了
- CSS 新增 iOS os-version 媒体选择器(media css selector)语法支持, 即允许在 CSS里根据操作系统版本而调整对应的样式
- iOS 7 顶部状态栏支持
- 增强了 SDK 里多处 try catch 的执行性能
- 新增 MaskTextInput 组件, 以后用它做序列号和信用卡等验证格式的输入会很方便~
- ArrayCollection 和 ArrayList 支持 JSON 格式
-已将 Pixel Blender 着色器二进制编译版作为独立发行版
- 支持用 Java 7 编译 Flex 程序
-修正了在 FDB 下调试前必须等待的 bug
已修正的 Bug列表 (共计 80 个 bug 被修正)
FLEX-34124 1069error when try to close a Callout by clicking outside thecomponent
FLEX-34109 Bevel 120DPIback-arrow design problem
FLEX-34107 IconItemRendererseparators disappear when using a large font
FLEX-34108 JSON.stringifyand arraycollection
FLEX-34104 fontswfutility fails with exception
FLEX-34101 Regressionfrom 4.8 to 4.10: Spark list doesn't refresh withfilterFunction
FLEX-34097 Missing AssetsIn The mobile.swc Theme File
FLEX-34088 CalloutButtonwith Dropdown
FLEX-34084 Error withPopupButton/Menu in headerrenderer in DataGrid
FLEX-34070 Build scriptdoes not update target-player and swf-version values inair/airmobile config files
FLEX-34065 AdvancedDataGridthrows RTE #1009 when groupedColumns is set to null
FLEX-34062 FDB waits upto 20s per SWF before we can start debugging
FLEX-34059 StageTextInputwith prompt turns entered text gray on iOS 7
FLEX-34054 Formattingapplied to NumericStepper when using increment/decrementarrows
FLEX-34053 Create a newMaskedTextInput Component
FLEX-34052 ADG RTE incolumnResizeMouseOverHandler
FLEX-34051 RTE inendEdit() when clicking at bottom of column
FLEX-34049 Allow theoutput symbols to be escaped when called from an IDE
FLEX-34046 prints fullstack if Flash Player detects not handled exception
FLEX-34045 adds file idto the stack info printed by fdb
FLEX-34044 Breakpoints inActionScript files do not work when debugging app using ANE
FLEX-34043 Impossible toset breakpoint in MXML files that contains item renderer
FLEX-34038 experimentalMobileGrid seems to overflow itself & leak out into anycomponents below it
FLEX-34032 abnormal focusbehavior in popup ultimiately causes unhandled exception
FLEX-34020 Null objectreference when truncating RichText
FLEX-34019 ComboBox notclosed when selecting an item from the dropdown list under certainconditions
FLEX-34011 Axis Renderthrows RTE when axis is null
FLEX-34006 RTE nullreference in ViewTransitionBase.captureEndValues() when Skindoesn't provide an ActionBar
FLEX-33999 spark.skins.mobile480.assets.BeveledActionButton_
FLEX-33992 Zero divisionat Grid.as setters forhorizontalScrollPosition andverticalScrollPosition
FLEX-33990 RTE inAdvancedDataGridBase drawItem
FLEX-33989 ViewNavigatorBasediscards MultiDPIBitmapSource information for icon when saving andre-loading view
FLEX-33987 FocusManagerNPE
FLEX-33985 [TLF] PressingBACKSPACE key when editing a TextInput deletes a whole line
FLEX-33984 Spark CheckBoxdoes not support labelPlacement like it's mx counter part
FLEX-33978 AIR mobile +flex sdk 4.10 + text field setFocus runtime error
FLEX-33976 closing Alertfrom modal TitleWindow removes blur in main app
FLEX-33971 480 DPIDisplay bug with Mobile CheckBox
FLEX-33947 Errors inmobile ButtonBar Flex 4.11
FLEX-33921 BitmapImagedon't show up in specific case
FLEX-33920 sparkComboBox.changeHighlightedSelection doesn't check thenewindex upperbound
FLEX-33919 ListbaseselectItem getter does not validate selectedIndex for values below0 other than -1.
FLEX-33913 XMLListCollectionaddItem(item) modifies a parent XMLList of the item
FLEX-33904 EffectManager#getEventForEffectTrigger :avoid unneeded memory allocations
FLEX-33902 ResourceManager#getInstanceshould not allocate unneeded memory
FLEX-33899 DataGrid goesblank when removing last item from dataProvider whenrequestedRowCount is set
FLEX-33897 MediaQueryParsershould not allocate memory for expressions already cached
FLEX-33893 CSSStyleDeclarationis inefficient during style matching
FLEX-33891 Styleprotochain#getstyleManagershouldn't be called twice during style computations
FLEX-33885 BindingManager#executeBindings: Avoid unneeded memory allocation
FLEX-33884 Android mobileapp crashes when you click on a modal
FLEX-33880 Popup modalblocks the application
FLEX-33878 Matrixcomputations : avoid unneeded flash.geom.Transform andflash.geom.Matrix allocations
FLEX-33877 BusyCursor :Avoid unneeded Point allocations
FLEX-33875 Runtime error#1069 in MobileSkin class on focus out
FLEX-33874 Bindingmanagement is memory inefficient when using thedefaultDestFunc
FLEX-33871 message error"Definition spark.skins.mobile480.assets:ActionBarBackground couldnot be found"
FLEX-33865 ConstraintLayout/ LayoutElementHelper are memory inefficient (and slow)
FLEX-33864 spark DataGriddrag and drop on empty grid causes RangeError
FLEX-33861 FlexIncorrectly Scaling Down Application on iPad
FLEX-33860 Support ForiOS7 status bar
FLEX-33853 OptimizeUIDUtil / RPCUIDUtil fromByteArray() method
FLEX-33852 Port UIDUtiloptimizations to RPCUIDUtil
FLEX-33842 CXFormWithAlphadoesn't override toString() method, causing swfdump to ignore alphaeffects
FLEX-33835 LocaleSorter#sortLocalesByPreferenceis slow
FLEX-33836 ResourceManagerImplshould implement some kind of lazy loading
FLEX-33830 SDK 4.10.0spark datagrid header and horizontal scrollbar behavior effected byapp state change
FLEX-33829 ImproveArrayList performance
FLEX-33824 Disappearingspark DataGrid columns when we set dataProvider to null
FLEX-33813 Datagrid goesblank when assigning new dataProvider.source and callingrefresh
FLEX-33779 RTE inLabel.as when it's 8px wide and uses the Myriad Web Pro fontface
FLEX-33772 Incorrect tabfocus behavior (closed loops) when using focus groups (such asRadioButton components)
FLEX-33745 Null error inthe PopupManagerImpl if accessibility is deactivated
FLEX-33715 Error:Attempted access of inaccessible method getStyle through areference with static type MXFTETextInput.
FLEX-33671 Warningmessages when using experimental components.
FLEX-33632 Getting RunTime Error when loading resource module at runtime.
FLEX-26768 When debuggingmulti-module projects impossible to set breakpoint
FLEX-26308 ListCollectionViewaddAllAt causes RTE on filtered collections