
2024-08-30 03:12




How to run a script before running/debugging a python script by vscode?

To run a script before running or debugging a Python script in Visual Studio Code (VSCode), you can configure tasks in the tasks.json file and use the preLaunchTask option in your launch.json configuration. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Create a Task to Run Your Script

  1. Open your project in VSCode.

  2. Create a tasks.json file:

    • Go to the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P or Cmd+Shift+P on macOS).
    • Type and select “Tasks: Configure Task.”
    • Choose “Create tasks.json file from template.”
    • Select “Others” as the task type.
    • VSCode will create a .vscode/tasks.json file in your project.
  3. Define the task:
    In the tasks.json file, define the task that will run your script. Here’s an example:

    {"version": "2.0.0","tasks": [{"label": "Run Pre-Script","type": "shell","command": "python path/to/your/script.py","problemMatcher": []}]

    Replace "path/to/your/script.py" with the actual path to the script you want to run before your main Python script.

Step 2: Modify the Debug Configuration

  1. Open or create a launch.json file:

    • Go to the Run and Debug view (Ctrl+Shift+D or Cmd+Shift+D on macOS).
    • Click on “create a launch.json file” if you don’t have one, or open the existing launch.json file.
  2. Add or modify the debug configuration:
    In your launch.json file, modify the configuration to include the preLaunchTask field. Here’s an example:

    {"version": "0.2.0","configurations": [{"name": "Python: Current File","type": "python","request": "launch","program": "${file}","console": "integratedTerminal","preLaunchTask": "Run Pre-Script"}]

    Ensure that "preLaunchTask" matches the "label" you defined in your tasks.json file.

Step 3: Run or Debug Your Python Script

  • Now, when you run or debug your Python script using this configuration, VSCode will automatically run the pre-launch task before starting your main Python script.

This setup is particularly useful when you need to perform setup tasks like initializing a database, starting a server, or any other prerequisite actions before running your main script.







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