1. Communities in primitive ar eas where natural_________ is scarce must be resourc eful in ord er to secure adequate nutrition.
(A education
(Bcomp etition
(C sustenance
(D agriculture
(E assistance
2. Anthony's_________ expression masked an essentially cheerful nature.
(A jubilant
(B inevitable
(C dour
(D pert
(E serene
3. Morgan's interest was focused on_________ the division between theory and empiricism; she was convinced that a_________ of philosophy and applied science was possible and necessary.
(A eliminating. .synthesis
(B maintaining. .restoration
(C crossing. .stabilization
(D ignoring. .duplicity
(E denying..delineation
4. The professor highlighted t he importance of_________ the experiences of many dif ferent ethnic groups when he w arned against_________ policies that fail to consider the wi de variety of cultural standards.
(A portraying. .discriminatory
(B considering. .myopic
(C remembering. .alluring
(D delineating..captivating
(E disparaging. .pedantic
5. Although at times Nikolai could be disagreeable and even_________, more often than not he was the most_________ person you could hope to meet.
(A contentious. .complaisant
(B disgruntled..befuddled
(C contradictory. .disconcerted
(D misguided..solicitous
(E curmudgeonly. .didactic
1.C 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.A