本文主要是介绍DECLARE_GLOBAL_DATA_PTR、gd_t、bd_t及uboot中 start_armboot 代码分析,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
一、Uboot中DECLARE_GLOBAL_DATA_PTR 只是一个定义的宏,这个宏定义了一个gd_t全局数据结构的指针,这个指针存放在指定的寄存器中(386体系结构没有放到指定寄存器中)。这个宏定义在\include\asm-arm\globe_data.h文件中#define DECLARE_GLOBAL_DATA_PTR register volatile gd_t *gd asm("r8")
声明一个寄存器变量 gd 占用r8。这个宏在所有需要引用全局数据指针gd_t *gd的源码中都有申明。
这个申明也避免编译器把r8分配给其它的变量. 所以gd就是r8,用r8来保存内存地址,达到全局使用目的,这个指针变量不占用内存。
1.gd_t: global data数据结构定义,位于文件 include/asm-arm/global_data.h。其成员主要是一些全局的系统初始化参数。需要用到时用宏定义:DECLARE_GLOBAL_DATA_PTR,指定占用寄存器R8。
2.bd_t : board info数据结构定义,位于文件 include/asm-arm/u-boot.h。保存板子参数。
#ifndef __ASM_GBL_DATA_H
#define __ASM_GBL_DATA_H
* The following data structure is placed in some memory wich is
* available very early after boot (like DPRAM on MPC8xx/MPC82xx, or
* some locked parts of the data cache) to allow for a minimum set of
* global variables during system initialization (until we have set
* up the memory controller so that we can use RAM).
* Keep it *SMALL* and remember to set CFG_GBL_DATA_SIZE > sizeof(gd_t) 保持简单且不要忘了使CFG_GBL_DATA_SIZE 大于gd_t的大小
typedef struct global_data
bd_t *bd; //开发板相关参数,结构体变量,参考u-boot.h
unsigned long flags; //指示标志,如设备已经初始化标志等
unsigned long baudrate; //串行口通讯速率
unsigned long have_console; /* serial_init() was called console_init()中使用控制台*/
unsigned long reloc_off; /* Relocation Offset 重定位偏移,就是实际定向的位置与编译连接时
指定的位置之差,一般为0 */
unsigned longenv_addr; /* Address of Environment struct 环境参数地址*/
unsigned longenv_valid; /* Checksum of Environment valid? 环境参数CRC检验有效标志*/
unsigned longfb_base; /* base address of frame buffer 帧缓冲区基地址*/
unsigned charvfd_type; /* display type 显示类型*/
#if 0
unsigned long cpu_clk; /* CPU clock in Hz! cpu时钟 */
unsigned long bus_clk; // 总线时钟
unsigned long ram_size; /* RAM size of ram大小 */
unsigned long reset_status; /* reset status register at boot */
void **jt; /* jump table 跳转表,用来"函数调用地址登记" */
* Global Data Flags 全局数据标志
#define GD_FLG_RELOC 0x00001 /* Code was relocated to RAM 代码装载到RAM里*/
#define GD_FLG_DEVINIT 0x00002 /* Devices have been initialized 设备已经初始化*/
#define GD_FLG_SILENT 0x00004 /* Silent mode */
#define DECLARE_GLOBAL_DATA_PTR register volatile gd_t *gd asm ("r8")
#endif /* __ASM_GBL_DATA_H */
typedef struct bd_info {
int bi_baudrate; /* serial console baudrate 串口波特率 */
unsigned long bi_ip_addr; /* IP Address IP 地址 */
unsigned char bi_enetaddr[6]; /* Ethernet adress MAC地址*/
struct environment_s *bi_env; //结构体变量定义见46行
ulong bi_arch_number; /* unique id for this board 板子的id*/
ulong bi_boot_params; /* where this board expects params 启动参数*/
struct /* RAM configuration RAM 配置*/
ulong start;
ulong size;
* Breathe some life into the board... //给开发板注入些活力
* Initialize a serial port as console, and carry out some hardware
* tests.
* 初始化串口作为控制台并实现硬件测试
* The first part of initialization is running from Flash memory;
* its main purpose is to initialize the RAM so that we
* can relocate the monitor code to RAM.
/* All attempts to come up with a "common" initialization sequence
* that works for all boards and architectures failed: some of the
* requirements are just _too_ different. To get rid of the resulting
* mess of board dependent #ifdef'ed code we now make the whole
* initialization sequence configurable to the user.
* The requirements for any new initalization function is simple: it
* receives a pointer to the "global data" structure as it's only
* argument, and returns an integer return code, where 0 means
* "continue" and != 0 means "fatal error, hang the system".
typedef int (init_fnc_t) (void); //自定义数据类型
init_fnc_t *init_sequence[]= {
cpu_init, /* basic cpu dependent setup 基本的处理器相关配置-- cpu/s3c44b0/cpu.c */
board_init, /* basic board dependent setup 基本的板级相关配置-- board/hfrk/hfrks3c44b0/hfrks3c44b0.c*/
interrupt_init, /* set up exceptions 初始化例外处理-- cpu/s3c44b0/interrupt.c*/
env_init, /* initialize environment 初始化环境变量-- common/env_flash.c*/
init_baudrate, /* initialze baudrate settings 初始化波特率设置-- lib_arm/board.c*/
serial_init, /* serial communications setup串口通讯设置 -- cpu/s3c44b0/serial.c*/
console_init_f, /* stage 1 init of console控制台初始化阶段1 -- common/console.c*/
display_banner, /* say that we are here 打印u-boot信息 -- lib_arm/board.c*/
dram_init, /* configure available RAM banks 配置可用的DRAM-- board/hfrk/hfrks3c44b0/hfrks3c44b0.c*/
display_dram_config, //显示RAM的配置大小 -- lib_arm/board.c
#if defined(CONFIG_VCMA9)
void start_armboot (void)
/*DECLARE_GLOBAL_DATA_PTR 只是一个定义的宏,这个宏定义了一个gd_t全局数据结构的指针,
#define DECLARE_GLOBAL_DATA_PTR register volatile gd_t *gd asm("r8")
声明一个寄存器变量 gd 占用r8。这个宏在所有需要引用全局数据指针gd_t *gd的源码中都有申明。
这个申明也避免编译器把r8分配给其它的变量. 所以gd就是r8,用r8来保存内存地址,达到全局使用目的,这个指针变量不占用内存。
ulong size;
init_fnc_t**init_fnc_ptr; //这个是函数的指针,指向==>硬件初始化的函数
char *s;
#if defined(CONFIG_VFD)
unsigned long addr;
/* gd指针可写,因为已经分配一个寄存器给它作为变量。
/* Pointer is writable since we allocated a register for it */
gd = (gd_t*)(_armboot_start -CFG_MALLOC_LEN-sizeof(gd_t)); //计算出gd在RAM中的地址
memset ((void*)gd, 0, sizeof (gd_t)); //给全局数据变量gd安排空间,用0填充全局数据表*gd
gd->bd = (bd_t*)((char*)gd - sizeof(bd_t)); //给板子数据变量gd->bd安排空间
memset (gd->bd, 0, sizeof (bd_t)); //gd区包含了bd区,gd_t,bd_t都是结构体变量,
//用0填充(初始化) *gd->bd board info数据结构定义,位于文件 include/asm-arm/u-boot.h
monitor_flash_len = _bss_start - _armboot_start; // 取u-boot的长度
/* 顺序执行init_sequence数组中的初始化函数 */
for (init_fnc_ptr = init_sequence; *init_fnc_ptr; ++init_fnc_ptr)
if ((*init_fnc_ptr)() != 0) {
hang (); //打印错误信息并死锁
/* configure available FLASH banks 配置可用的Flash */
size = flash_init (); //drivers/cfi_flash.c或自定义
display_flash_config (size);
#ifdef CONFIG_VFD //如果定义了VFD(真空荧光显示),就定义页面大小为4096B
# ifndef PAGE_SIZE
# define PAGE_SIZE 4096
# endif
* reserve memory for VFD display (always full pages)给VFD保留内存空间,以页为单位
/* armboot_end is defined in the board-specific linker script */
addr = (_bss_start + (PAGE_SIZE - 1)) & ~(PAGE_SIZE - 1);
size = vfd_setmem (addr);
gd->fb_base = addr; //全局数据gd中定义的帧缓冲区的基地址
#endif /* CONFIG_VFD */
/* armboot_start is defined in the board-specific linker script初始化堆空间*/
mem_malloc_init (_armboot_start - CFG_MALLOC_LEN); //malloc使用的内存空间地址0x0c700000-129k(0x00080400)
#if (CONFIG_COMMANDS & CFG_CMD_NAND) //如果有nandflash的话就在下面的代码中进行初始化
puts ("NAND:");
nand_init(); /* go init the NAND */
/* initialize environment 重新初始化环境,重新定位环境变量参数区,它在/common/env_common.c文件中定义*/
env_relocate ();
/* must do this after the framebuffer is allocated */
drv_vfd_init(); //vfd初始化,在分配帧缓冲区之后必须的
#endif /* CONFIG_VFD */
/* IP Address 从环境变量中获取IP地址*/
gd->bd->bi_ip_addr = getenv_IPaddr ("ipaddr");
/* MAC Address 以太网接口MAC 地址*/
int i;
ulong reg;
char *s, *e;
uchar tmp[64];
i = getenv_r ("ethaddr", tmp, sizeof (tmp));
s = (i > 0) ? tmp : NULL;
for (reg = 0; reg < 6; ++reg){
gd->bd->bi_enetaddr[reg] = s ? simple_strtoul (s, &e, 16) : 0;
if (s)
s = (*e) ? e + 1 : e;
devices_init (); /* get the devices list going.设备初始化*/
jumptable_init (); //跳转表初始化
console_init_r (); /* fully init console as a device 完整地初始化控制台设备*/
#if defined(CONFIG_MISC_INIT_R)
/* miscellaneous platform dependent initialisations */
misc_init_r ();
/* enable exceptions 使能中断处理*/
enable_interrupts ();
/* main_loop() can return to retry autoboot, if so just run it again. 循环不断执行*/
for ( ; ; ){
main_loop (); //主循环函数处理执行用户命令 -- common/main.c
/* NOTREACHED - no way out of command loop except booting */
void hang (void)
puts ("### ERROR ### Please RESET the board ###\n"); //输出错误信息需要reset,进入死循环
for ( ; ; );
这篇关于DECLARE_GLOBAL_DATA_PTR、gd_t、bd_t及uboot中 start_armboot 代码分析的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!