OpenCV Lesson 3 : Mask operations on matrices

2024-08-25 09:44

本文主要是介绍OpenCV Lesson 3 : Mask operations on matrices,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


Mask operations on matrices are quite simple. The idea is that we recalculate each pixel’s value in an image according to a mask matrix (also known as kernel). This mask holds values that will adjust how much influence neighboring pixels (and the current pixel) have on the new pixel value. From a mathematical point of view we make a weighted average, with our specified values.

Let’s consider the issue of an image contrast enhancement method.

I ( i , j ) = 5 ∗ I ( i , j ) − [ I ( i − 1 , j ) + I ( i + 1 , j ) + I ( i , j − 1 ) + I ( i , j + 1 ) ] I(i,j) = 5 * I(i,j) - [I(i-1, j) + I(i+1, j)+I(i,j-1)+I(i,j+1)] I(i,j)=5I(i,j)[I(i1,j)+I(i+1,j)+I(i,j1)+I(i,j+1)]

⟺ I ( i , j ) ∗ M , w h e r e M = i / j − 1 0 + 1 − 1 0 − 1 0 0 − 1 5 − 1 + 1 0 − 1 0 \iff I(i,j)*M, where M = \begin{matrix} {i \ / j} & -1 & 0 & +1 \\ -1 & 0 & -1 & 0 \\ 0 & -1 & 5 & -1 \\ +1 & 0 & -1 & 0 \end{matrix} I(i,j)M,whereM=i /j10+110100151+1010

The first notation is by using a formula, while the second is a compacted version of the first by using a mask. You use the mask by putting the center of the mask matrix (in the upper case noted by the zero-zero index) on the pixel you want to calculate and sum up the pixel values multiplied with the overlapped matrix values. It’s the same thing, however in case of large matrices the latter notation is a lot easier to look over.

Built-in filter2D

First, we load one image

cv::Mat dst0, dst1;
cv::Mat src = imread( "Lena.png", IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);

Then, we need a kernel

    Mat kernel = (Mat_<char>(3,3) <<  0, -1,  0,-1,  5, -1,0, -1,  0);

Finally, do filter2D

filter2D( src, dst1, src.depth(), kernel );

Hand written

void Sharpen(const Mat& myImage,Mat& Result)
{CV_Assert(myImage.depth() == CV_8U);  // accept only uchar imagesconst int nChannels = myImage.channels();Result.create(myImage.size(),myImage.type());for(int j = 1 ; j < myImage.rows-1; ++j){const uchar* previous = myImage.ptr<uchar>(j - 1);const uchar* current  = myImage.ptr<uchar>(j    );const uchar* next     = myImage.ptr<uchar>(j + 1);uchar* output = Result.ptr<uchar>(j);for(int i= nChannels;i < nChannels*(myImage.cols-1); ++i){output[i] = saturate_cast<uchar>(5*current[i]-current[i-nChannels] - current[i+nChannels] - previous[i] - next[i]);}}Result.row(0).setTo(Scalar(0));Result.row(Result.rows-1).setTo(Scalar(0));Result.col(0).setTo(Scalar(0));Result.col(Result.cols-1).setTo(Scalar(0));

Use getTickCount(), and getTickFrequency() get the time passed

t = ((double)getTickCount() - t)/getTickFrequency();

这篇关于OpenCV Lesson 3 : Mask operations on matrices的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!



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//------------------start opencv--------------------@Override public void onResume(){ super.onResume(); //通过OpenCV引擎服务加载并初始化OpenCV类库,所谓OpenCV引擎服务即是 //OpenCV_2.4.3.2_Manager_2.4_*.apk程序包,存


操作系统:ubuntu22.04 OpenCV版本:OpenCV4.9 IDE:Visual Studio Code 编程语言:C++11 算法描述 围绕一组2D点拟合一个椭圆。 该函数计算出一个椭圆,该椭圆在最小二乘意义上最好地拟合一组2D点。它返回一个内切椭圆的旋转矩形。使用了由[90]描述的第一个算法。开发者应该注意,由于数据点靠近包含的 Mat 元素的边界,返回的椭圆/旋转矩形数据


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下面的这个应用主要完成的是Verybot跟踪色标的功能,识别部分还是居于OpenCV编写,色标跟踪一般需要将图像的颜色模式进行转换,将RGB转换为HSV,因为对HSV格式下的图像进行识别时受光线的影响比较小,但是也有采用RGB模式来进行识别的情况,这种情况一般光线条件比较固定,背景跟识别物在颜色上很容易区分出来。         下面这个程序的流程大致是这样的:


其实我是想通过这个程序来测试一下,OpenCV在Verybot上跑得怎么样,霍夫变换的原理就不多说了,下面是程序: #include "cv.h"#include "highgui.h"#include "stdio.h"int main(int argc, char** argv){cvNamedWindow("vedio",0);CvCapture* capture;i


在Verybot上安装OpenCV是很简单的,只需要执行:         sudo apt-get update         sudo apt-get install libopencv-dev         sudo apt-get install python-opencv         下面就对安装好的OpenCV进行一下测试,编写一个通过USB摄像头采