吴恩达教授《AI for everyone》课程第一周——介绍

2024-08-21 11:18

本文主要是介绍吴恩达教授《AI for everyone》课程第一周——介绍,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!



Welcome to AI for everyone. AI is changing the way we work and live and this nontechnical course will teach you how to navigate the rise of AI. Whether you want to know what's behind the buzzwords or whether you want to perhaps use AI yourself either in a personal context or in a corporation or other organization, this course will teach you how. If you want to understand how AI is affecting society, and how you can navigate that, you also learn that from this course. In this first week, we'll start by cutting through the hype and giving you a realistic view of what AI really is. Let's get started. You've probably seen news articles about how much value AI is creating. According to a study by McKinsey Global Institute, AI is estimated to create an additional 13 trillion US dollars of value annually by the year 2030. Even though AI is already creating tremendous amounts of value into software industry, a lot of the value to be created in a future lies outside the software industry. In sectors such as retail, travel, transportation, automotive, materials, manufacturing and so on. I should have a hard time thinking of an industry that I don't think AI will have a huge impact on in the next several years. My friends and I used a challenge each other to name and industry where we don't think AI will have a huge impact. My best example was the hairdressing industry because we know how to use AI robotics to automate hairdressing. But, I once said this on stage and one of my friends who is a robotics professor was in the audience that day, and she actually stood up and she looked at me in the eye and she said, "You know Andrew, most people's hairstyles, I couldn't get a robot to cut their hair that way." But she looked at me and said, "Your hairstyle Andrew, that a robot can do." There is a lot of excitement but also a lot of unnecessary hype about AI. One of the reasons for this is because AI is actually two separate ideas. Almost all the progress we are seeing in the AI today is artificial narrow intelligence. These are AIs that do one thing such as a smart speaker or a self-driving car or AI to do web search or AI applications in farming or in a factory. These types of AI are one trick ponies but when you find the appropriate trick, this can be incredibly valuable. Unfortunately, AI also refers to a second concept of AGI or artificial general intelligence. That is the goal to build AI. They can do anything a human can do or maybe even be superintelligence and do even more things than any human can. I'm seeing tons of progress in ANI, artificial narrow intelligence and almost no progress to what AGI or artificial general intelligence. Both of these are worthy goals and unfortunately the rapid progress in ANI which is incredibly valuable, that has caused people to conclude that there's a lot of progress in AI, which is true. But that has caused people to falsely think that there might be a lot of progress in AGI as well which is leading to some irrational fears about evil clever robots coming over to take over humanity anytime now. I think AGI is an exciting goal for researchers to work on, but it'll take most for technological breakthroughs before we get there and it may be decades or hundreds of years or even thousands of years away. Given how far away AGI is, I think there is no need to unduly worry about it. In this week, you will learn what ANI can do and how to apply them to your problems. Later in this, course you'll also see some case studies of how ANI, this one trick ponies can be used to build really valuable applications such as smart speakers and self-driving cars. In this week, you will learn why this AI. You may have heard of machine learning and the next video will teach you what is machine learning. You also learn what is data and what types of data are valuable but also what does the data are not valuable. You learn what it is that makes a company an AI company or an AI first company so that perhaps you can start thinking if there are ways to improve your company or other organizations ability to use AI and importantly, you also learned this week what machine learning can and cannot do. In our society, newspapers as well as research papers tend to talk only about the success stories of machine learning and AI and we hardly ever see any failure stories because they just aren't as interesting to report on. But for you to have a realistic view of what AI and what machine learning can or cannot do, I think is important that you see examples of both so that you can make more accurate judgements about what you may and maybe should not try to use these technologies for. Finally, a lot of the recent rise of, machine learning has been driven through the rise of Deep Learning. Sometimes also called Neural Networks. In the final two optional videos of this week, you can also see an intuitive explanation of deep learning so that you will better understand what they can do particularly for a set of narrow ANI tasks. So, that's what you learn this week and by the end of this week, you have a sense of AI technologies and what they can and cannot do. In the second week, you'll learn how these AI technologies can be used to build valuable projects. You learn what it feels like to build an AI project as what as what you should do to make sure you select projects that are technically feasible as well as valuable to you or your business or other organization. After learning what it takes to build AI projects, in the third week you'll learn how to build AI in your company. In particular, if you want to take a few steps toward making your company good at AI, you see the AI transformation playbook and learn how to build AI teams and also built complex AI products. Finally, AI is having a huge impact on society. In a fourth and final week, you'll learn about how AI systems can be bias and how to diminish or eliminate such biases. You also learn how AI is affecting developing economies and how AI is affecting jobs and be better able to navigate this rise of AI for yourself and for your organization. By the end of this four recourse, you'll be more knowledgeable and better qualified than even the CEOs of most large companies in terms of your understanding of AI technology as well as your ability to help yourself or your company or other organization navigate the rise of AI as I hope that after this course, you'll be in a position to provide leadership to others as well as they navigate these issues. Now, one of the major technologies driving the recent rise of AI is Machine Learning. But what is Machine Learning? Let's take a look in the next video.



这篇关于吴恩达教授《AI for everyone》课程第一周——介绍的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!




Ilya(不是本人,claude AI)在社交媒体上分享了他在OpenAI学习到的15个Prompt撰写技巧。 以下是详细的内容: 提示精确化:在编写提示时,力求表达清晰准确。清楚地阐述任务需求和概念定义至关重要。例:不用"分析文本",而用"判断这段话的情感倾向:积极、消极还是中性"。 快速迭代:善于快速连续调整提示。熟练的提示工程师能够灵活地进行多轮优化。例:从"总结文章"到"用


在科技飞速发展的今天,AI绘图作为一种新兴技术,不仅改变了艺术创作的方式,也为创作者提供了多种变现途径。本文将详细探讨几种常见的AI绘图变现方式,帮助创作者更好地利用这一技术实现经济收益。 更多实操教程和AI绘画工具,可以扫描下方,免费获取 定制服务:个性化的创意商机 个性化定制 AI绘图技术能够根据用户需求生成个性化的头像、壁纸、插画等作品。例如,姓氏头像在电商平台上非常受欢迎,


性能测试是一种测试方法,旨在评估系统、应用程序或组件在现实场景中的性能表现和可靠性。它通常用于衡量系统在不同负载条件下的响应时间、吞吐量、资源利用率、稳定性和可扩展性等关键指标。 为什么要进行性能测试 通过性能测试,可以确定系统是否能够满足预期的性能要求,找出性能瓶颈和潜在的问题,并进行优化和调整。 发现性能瓶颈:性能测试可以帮助发现系统的性能瓶颈,即系统在高负载或高并发情况下可能出现的问题


在当今社会,随着科技的飞速发展,各种智能监测系统已成为保障公共安全、促进资源管理和环境保护的重要工具。其中,水位雨量在线监测系统作为自然灾害预警、水资源管理及水利工程运行的关键技术,其重要性不言而喻。 一、水位雨量在线监测系统的基本原理 水位雨量在线监测系统主要由数据采集单元、数据传输网络、数据处理中心及用户终端四大部分构成,形成了一个完整的闭环系统。 数据采集单元:这是系统的“眼睛”,


一、压缩原则 (1)运算密集型的Job,少用压缩 (2)IO密集型的Job,多用压缩 二、压缩算法比较 三、压缩位置选择 四、压缩参数配置 1)为了支持多种压缩/解压缩算法,Hadoop引入了编码/解码器 2)要在Hadoop中启用压缩,可以配置如下参数


在数字时代的演进中,Web3和人工智能(AI)正成为塑造未来互联网的两大核心力量。Web3的去中心化理念与AI的智能化技术,正相互交织,共同推动数字生态的变革。本文将探讨Web3与AI的融合如何改变数字世界,并展望这一新兴组合如何重塑我们的在线体验。 Web3的去中心化愿景 Web3代表了互联网的第三代发展,它基于去中心化的区块链技术,旨在创建一个开放、透明且用户主导的数字生态。不同于传统

AI一键生成 PPT

AI一键生成 PPT 操作步骤 作为一名打工人,是不是经常需要制作各种PPT来分享我的生活和想法。但是,你们知道,有时候灵感来了,时间却不够用了!😩直到我发现了Kimi AI——一个能够自动生成PPT的神奇助手!🌟 什么是Kimi? 一款月之暗面科技有限公司开发的AI办公工具,帮助用户快速生成高质量的演示文稿。 无论你是职场人士、学生还是教师,Kimi都能够为你的办公文

Andrej Karpathy最新采访:认知核心模型10亿参数就够了,AI会打破教育不公的僵局

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我们将图神经网络分为基于谱域的模型和基于空域的模型,并按照发展顺序详解每个类别中的重要模型。 1.1基于谱域的图神经网络         谱域上的图卷积在图学习迈向深度学习的发展历程中起到了关键的作用。本节主要介绍三个具有代表性的谱域图神经网络:谱图卷积网络、切比雪夫网络和图卷积网络。 (1)谱图卷积网络 卷积定理:函数卷积的傅里叶变换是函数傅里叶变换的乘积,即F{f*g}

AI hospital 论文Idea

一、Benchmarking Large Language Models on Communicative Medical Coaching: A Dataset and a Novel System论文地址含代码 大多数现有模型和工具主要迎合以患者为中心的服务。这项工作深入探讨了LLMs在提高医疗专业人员的沟通能力。目标是构建一个模拟实践环境,人类医生(即医学学习者)可以在其中与患者代理进行医学