Numba 的 CUDA 示例 (2/4):穿针引线

2024-06-02 09:12
文章标签 示例 cuda numba 穿针引线

本文主要是介绍Numba 的 CUDA 示例 (2/4):穿针引线,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

本教程为 Numba CUDA 示例 第 2 部分。
按照本系列从头开始使用 Python 学习 CUDA 编程


在本系列的第一部分中,我们讨论了如何使用 GPU 运行高度并行算法。高度并行任务是指任务完全相互独立的任务,例如对两个数组求和或应用任何元素函数。



许多任务虽然不是高度并行的,但仍可从并行化中获益。在本期的CUDA by Numba Examples中,我们将介绍一些允许线程协作进行计算的常用技术。本部分的 Google colab 代码:


导入并加载库,确保您有 GPU。

from time import perf_counter
import numpy as np
import numba
from numba import cudaprint(np.__version__)
Found 1 CUDA devices
id 0             b'Tesla T4'                              [SUPPORTED]Compute Capability: 7.5PCI Device ID: 4PCI Bus ID: 0UUID: GPU-0f022a60-18f8-5de0-1f24-ad861dcd84aeWatchdog: DisabledFP32/FP64 Performance Ratio: 32
Summary:1/1 devices are supported



我们将从一个非常简单的问题开始本节:对数组的所有元素求和。从本质上讲,这个算法非常简单。如果不借助 NumPy,我们可以将其实现为:

def sum_cpu(array):s = 0.0for i in range(array.size):s += array[i]return s

我知道,这看起来不太符合 Python 风格。但它确实强调了s跟踪数组中的所有元素。如果依赖于数组的每个元素,我们如何并行化该算法s?首先,我们需要重写算法以允许某种并行化。如果有些部分我们无法并行化,我们应该允许线程相互通信。

然而,到目前为止,我们还没有学会如何让线程相互通信……事实上,我们之前说过,不同块中的线程不会通信。我们可以考虑只启动一个块,但请记住,大多数 GPU 中的块只能有 1024 个线程!

我们如何克服这个问题?好吧,如果我们将数组拆分成 1024 个块(或适当数量的threads_per_block),然后分别对每个块求和,结果会怎样?最后,我们可以将每个块的总和结果相加。图 2.1 显示了 2 个块拆分的一个非常简单的示例。


我们如何在 GPU 上做到这一点?首先,我们需要将数组拆分成块。每个块只对应一个块,具有固定数量的线程。在每个块中,每个线程可以对多个数组元素求和(网格步长循环)。然后,我们必须在整个块上计算这些每个线程的值。这部分需要线程进行通信。我们将在下一个示例中介绍如何做到这一点。

由于我们是在块上并行化,因此内核的输出应为块大小。为了完成缩减,我们将其复制到 CPU 并在那里完成作业。

threads_per_block = 1024  # Why not!
blocks_per_grid = 32 * 80  # Use 32 * multiple of streaming multiprocessors# Example 2.1: Naive reduction
def reduce_naive(array, partial_reduction):i_start = cuda.grid(1)threads_per_grid = cuda.blockDim.x * cuda.gridDim.xs_thread = 0.0for i_arr in range(i_start, array.size, threads_per_grid):s_thread += array[i_arr]# We need to create a special *shared* array which will be able to be read# from and written to by every thread in the block. Each block will have its# own shared array. See the warning below!s_block = cuda.shared.array((threads_per_block,), numba.float32)# We now store the local temporary sum of a single the thread into the# shared array. Since the shared array is sized#     threads_per_block == blockDim.x# (1024 in this example), we should index it with `threadIdx.x`.tid = cuda.threadIdx.xs_block[tid] = s_thread# The next line synchronizes the threads in a block. It ensures that after# that line, all values have been written to `s_block`.cuda.syncthreads()# Finally, we need to sum the values from all threads to yield a single# value per block. We only need one thread for this.if tid == 0:# We store the sum of the elements of the shared array in its first# coordinatefor i in range(1, threads_per_block):s_block[0] += s_block[i]# Move this partial sum to the output. Only one thread is writing here.partial_reduction[cuda.blockIdx.x] = s_block[0]

⚠️ 注意 :共享数组必须

  • 尽量“小”。具体大小取决于 GPU 的计算能力,通常在 48 KB 到 163 KB 之间。请参阅本表: 中的“Maximum amount of shared memory per thread block”项。
  • 在编译时有一个已知的大小(这就是为什么我们要设置共享数组 threads_per_block 的大小,而不是 blockDim.x)。的确,我们可以为任意大小的共享数组定义一个factory function…但要注意这些内核的编译时间
  • 用 Numba 类型指定 dtype,而不是 Numpy 类型(别问我为什么!)。
N = 1_000_000_000
a = np.arange(N, dtype=np.float32)
a /= a.sum() # a will have sum = 1 (to float32 precision)s_cpu = a.sum()# Highly-optimized NumPy CPU code
timing_cpu = np.empty(21)
for i in range(timing_cpu.size):tic = perf_counter()a.sum()toc = perf_counter()timing_cpu[i] = toc - tic
timing_cpu *= 1e3  # convert to msprint(f"Elapsed time CPU: {timing_cpu.mean():.0f} ± {timing_cpu.std():.0f} ms")---
Elapsed time CPU: 557 ± 307 ms
dev_a = cuda.to_device(a)
dev_partial_reduction = cuda.device_array((blocks_per_grid,), dtype=a.dtype)reduce_naive[blocks_per_grid, threads_per_block](dev_a, dev_partial_reduction)
s = dev_partial_reduction.copy_to_host().sum()  # Final reduction in CPUnp.isclose(s, s_cpu)  # Ensure we have the right number---

timing_naive = np.empty(21)
for i in range(timing_naive.size):tic = perf_counter()reduce_naive[blocks_per_grid, threads_per_block](dev_a, dev_partial_reduction)s = dev_partial_reduction.copy_to_host().sum()cuda.synchronize()toc = perf_counter()assert np.isclose(s, s_cpu)    timing_naive[i] = toc - tic
timing_naive *= 1e3  # convert to msprint(f"Elapsed time naive: {timing_naive.mean():.0f} ± {timing_naive.std():.0f} ms")---
Elapsed time naive: 30 ± 11 ms

我在 Google Colab 上运行了这个程序,速度提高了将近 20 倍。非常棒!


您可能想知道为什么我们将所有内容都命名为“简单”。这意味着有一些非简单的方式来执行相同的功能。事实上,有很多技巧可以加速这种代码(请参阅 Optimizing Parallel Reduction in CUDA 演示以获取基准)。


if tid == 0:  # Single thread taking care of businessfor i in range(1, threads_per_block):s_block[0] += s_block[i]partial_reduction[cuda.blockIdx.x] = s_block[0]

我们几乎把所有事情都并行化了,但在内核末尾,我们让一个线程负责对共享数组 s_block 的所有 threads_per_block 元素求和。我们为什么不把这个总和也并行化呢?

听起来不错,怎么做呢?图 2.2 显示了如何实现 threads_per_block 大小为 16 的函数。我们首先运行 8 个线程,第一个线程将对 s_block[0]s_block[8] 中的值求和。第二个线程对 s_block[1] s_block[9] 中的值求和,直到最后一个线程将对s_block[7]s_block[15] 中的值求和。

下一步,只需要前 4 个线程工作。第一个线程将计算 s_block[0]s_block[4] 的总和;第二个线程将计算 s_block[1]s_block[5] 的总和;第三个线程将计算 s_block[2]s_block[6] 的总和;第四个线程和最后一个线程将计算 s_block[3]s_block[7] 的总和。

在第三步中,我们现在只需要 2 个线程来处理 s_block的前 4 个元素。第四步也是最后一步将使用一个线程来对 2 个元素求和。

由于工作已在线程之间分配,因此它是并行的。当然,它不是由每个线程均等分配的,但这是一种改进。从计算上讲,此算法是 O(log2( threads_per_block)),而第一个算法是 O( threads_per_block)。在我们的示例中,原始算法需要 1024 次操作,而改进算法只需要 10 次!



来源:Mark Harris,Optimizing Parallel Reduction in CUDA.

# Example 2.2: Better reduction
def reduce_better(array, partial_reduction):i_start = cuda.grid(1)threads_per_grid = cuda.blockDim.x * cuda.gridDim.xs_thread = 0.0for i_arr in range(i_start, array.size, threads_per_grid):s_thread += array[i_arr]# We need to create a special *shared* array which will be able to be read# from and written to by every thread in the block. Each block will have its# own shared array. See the warning below!s_block = cuda.shared.array((threads_per_block,), numba.float32)# We now store the local temporary sum of the thread into the shared array.# Since the shared array is sized threads_per_block == blockDim.x,# we should index it with `threadIdx.x`.tid = cuda.threadIdx.xs_block[tid] = s_thread# The next line synchronizes the threads in a block. It ensures that after# that line, all values have been written to `s_block`.cuda.syncthreads()i = cuda.blockDim.x // 2while (i > 0):if (tid < i):s_block[tid] += s_block[tid + i]cuda.syncthreads()i //= 2if tid == 0:partial_reduction[cuda.blockIdx.x] = s_block[0]reduce_better[blocks_per_grid, threads_per_block](dev_a, dev_partial_reduction)
s = dev_partial_reduction.copy_to_host().sum()  # Final reduction in CPUnp.isclose(s, s_cpu)---
timing_naive = np.empty(21)
for i in range(timing_naive.size):tic = perf_counter()reduce_better[blocks_per_grid, threads_per_block](dev_a, dev_partial_reduction)s = dev_partial_reduction.copy_to_host().sum()cuda.synchronize()toc = perf_counter()assert np.isclose(s, s_cpu)    timing_naive[i] = toc - tic
timing_naive *= 1e3  # convert to msprint(f"Elapsed time better: {timing_naive.mean():.0f} ± {timing_naive.std():.0f} ms")---
Elapsed time better: 23 ± 1 ms

在 Google Colab 上,这比简单方法快约 30%。

⚠️ 注意:你可能会想把 syncthreads 移到 if 块内部,因为每一步之后,超过当前线程数一半的内核将不会被使用。但是,这样做会让调用 syncthreads 的 CUDA 线程停止并等待其他线程,而其他线程则会继续运行。因此,停止的线程将永远等待永远不会停止同步的线程。这给我们的启示是:如果要同步线程,请确保所有线程都调用了 cuda.syncthreads()

i = cuda.blockDim.x // 2 
while (i > 0): if (tid < i): s_block[tid] += s_block[tid + i] cuda.syncthreads() # 不要放在这里cuda.syncthreads() # 而不是这里i //= 2

减少 Numba

由于上述缩减算法并不简单,Numba 提供了一个便捷cuda.reduce装饰器,可将二元函数转换为缩减算法。上面的长而复杂的算法可以用以下方法替代:

# Example 2.3: Numba reduction
def reduce_numba(a, b):return a + b# Compile and check
s = reduce_numba(dev_a)np.isclose(s, s_cpu)---
# Time
timing_numba = np.empty(21)
for i in range(timing_numba.size):tic = perf_counter()s = reduce_numba(dev_a)toc = perf_counter()assert np.isclose(s, s_cpu)    timing_numba[i] = toc - tic
timing_numba *= 1e3  # convert to msprint(f"Elapsed time better: {timing_numba.mean():.0f} ± {timing_numba.std():.0f} ms")---
Elapsed time better: 20 ± 0 ms

就我个人而言,我发现手写缩减通常要快得多(至少快 2 倍),但 Numba 递归非常容易使用。话虽如此,我还是鼓励大家阅读 reduction code in the Numba source code.

还需要注意的是,默认情况下,reduction 会复制到主机,这会强制同步。为了避免这种情况,您可以使用设备数组作为输出来调用 Reduce:

dev_s = cuda.device_array((1,), dtype=s)reduce_numba(dev_a, res=dev_s)s = dev_s.copy_to_host()[0]
np.isclose(s, s_cpu)---

2D 缩减示例

并行缩减技术很棒,但如何将其扩展到更高维度并不明显。虽然我们总是可以使用解开的数组 ( array2d.ravel()) 来调用 Numba 缩减,但了解如何手动缩减多维数组非常重要。

在这个例子中,我们将结合所学的关于 2D 内核的知识和所学的关于 1D 缩减的知识来计算 2D 缩减。

threads_per_block_2d = (16, 16)  #  256 threads total
blocks_per_grid_2d = (64, 64)# Total number of threads in a 2D block (has to be an int)
shared_array_len = int( Example 2.4: 2D reduction with 1D shared array
def reduce2d(array2d, partial_reduction2d):ix, iy = cuda.grid(2)threads_per_grid_x, threads_per_grid_y = cuda.gridsize(2)s_thread = 0.0for i0 in range(iy, array2d.shape[0], threads_per_grid_x):for i1 in range(ix, array2d.shape[1], threads_per_grid_y):s_thread += array2d[i0, i1]# Allocate shared arrays_block = cuda.shared.array(shared_array_len, numba.float32)# Index the threads linearly: each tid identifies a unique thread in the# 2D grid.tid = cuda.threadIdx.x + cuda.blockDim.x * cuda.threadIdx.ys_block[tid] = s_threadcuda.syncthreads()# We can use the same smart reduction algorithm by remembering that#     shared_array_len == blockDim.x * cuda.blockDim.y# So we just need to start our indexing accordingly.i = (cuda.blockDim.x * cuda.blockDim.y) // 2while (i != 0):if (tid < i):s_block[tid] += s_block[tid + i]cuda.syncthreads()i //= 2# Store reduction in a 2D array the same size as the 2D blocksif tid == 0:partial_reduction2d[cuda.blockIdx.x, cuda.blockIdx.y] = s_block[0]N_2D = (20_000, 20_000)
a_2d = np.arange(, dtype=np.float32).reshape(N_2D)
a_2d /= a_2d.sum() # a_2d will have sum = 1 (to float32 precision)s_2d_cpu = a_2d.sum()dev_a_2d = cuda.to_device(a_2d)
dev_partial_reduction_2d = cuda.device_array(blocks_per_grid_2d, dtype=a.dtype)reduce2d[blocks_per_grid_2d, threads_per_block_2d](dev_a_2d, dev_partial_reduction_2d)
s_2d = dev_partial_reduction_2d.copy_to_host().sum()  # Final reduction in CPUnp.isclose(s_2d, s_2d_cpu)  # Ensure we have the right number---
timing_2d = np.empty(21)
for i in range(timing_2d.size):tic = perf_counter()reduce2d[blocks_per_grid_2d, threads_per_block_2d](dev_a_2d, dev_partial_reduction_2d)s_2d = dev_partial_reduction_2d.copy_to_host().sum()cuda.synchronize()toc = perf_counter()assert np.isclose(s_2d, s_2d_cpu)    timing_2d[i] = toc - tic
timing_2d *= 1e3  # convert to msprint(f"Elapsed time better: {timing_2d.mean():.0f} ± {timing_2d.std():.0f} ms")---
Elapsed time better: 11 ± 0 ms


到目前为止,我们只讨论了内核,它们是启动线程的特殊 GPU 函数。内核通常依赖于在 GPU 中定义的较小函数,这些函数只能访问 GPU 数组。这些被称为设备函数。与内核不同的是,它们可以返回值。


注意:在较新版本的 CUDA 中,内核可以启动其他内核。这称为动态并行,Numba CUDA 尚不支持。*

2D 共享数组示例


threads_16 = 16import math@cuda.jit(device=True, inline=True)  # inlining can speed up execution
def amplitude(ix, iy):return (1 + math.sin(2 * math.pi * (ix - 64) / 256)) * (1 + math.sin(2 * math.pi * (iy - 64) / 256))# Example 2.5a: 2D Shared Array
def blobs_2d(array2d):ix, iy = cuda.grid(2)tix, tiy = cuda.threadIdx.x, cuda.threadIdx.yshared = cuda.shared.array((threads_16, threads_16), numba.float32)shared[tiy, tix] = amplitude(iy, ix)cuda.syncthreads()array2d[iy, ix] = shared[15 - tiy, 15 - tix]# Example 2.5b: 2D Shared Array without synchronize
def blobs_2d_wrong(array2d):ix, iy = cuda.grid(2)tix, tiy = cuda.threadIdx.x, cuda.threadIdx.yshared = cuda.shared.array((threads_16, threads_16), numba.float32)shared[tiy, tix] = amplitude(iy, ix)# When we don't sync threads, we may have not written to shared# yet, or even have overwritten it by the time we write to array2darray2d[iy, ix] = shared[15 - tiy, 15 - tix]N_img = 1024
blocks = (N_img // threads_16, N_img // threads_16)
threads = (threads_16, threads_16)dev_image = cuda.device_array((N_img, N_img), dtype=np.float32)
dev_image_wrong = cuda.device_array((N_img, N_img), dtype=np.float32)blobs_2d[blocks, threads](dev_image)
blobs_2d_wrong[blocks, threads](dev_image_wrong)image = dev_image.copy_to_host()
image_wrong = dev_image_wrong.copy_to_host()import matplotlib.pyplot as pltfig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2)
ax1.imshow(image.T, cmap="nipy_spectral")
ax2.imshow(image_wrong.T, cmap="nipy_spectral")
for ax in (ax1, ax2):ax.set_xticks([])ax.set_yticks([])ax.set_xticklabels([])ax.set_yticklabels([])

图 2.3。左图:同步(正确)内核的结果。右图:未同步(错误)内核的结果



这篇关于Numba 的 CUDA 示例 (2/4):穿针引线的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!


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