将ceph与calamari相连(connect ceph servers to calamari)

2024-06-01 01:18

本文主要是介绍将ceph与calamari相连(connect ceph servers to calamari),希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


已安装Calamari server,且the ceph servers are accessible from the Calamari server using SSH。


用 ceph-deploy 连接



master = {master}
# Repositories


  • {master} should be the FQDN of the Calamari server, for example acme.mydomain.com
  • {minion_url} should be the URL to the local package repository, for example http://acme.mydomain.com/static/calamari-minions
  • {minion_gpg_url} should be the URL to the GPG key for your local package repository, for example http://acme.mydomain.com/static/calamari-minions/release.asc


ceph-deploy calamari connect <node1> [<node2> ...]


install a diamond package built from the calamari branch of diamond at https://github.com/ceph/diamond/tree/calamari

②安装salt-minion,Follow the instructions at http://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/topics/installation/ubuntu.html to enable the SaltStack PPA package repository and install the salt-minion package.

Note: Calamari does not currently support 2015.5 salt please consider using 2014.7 instead Also it is important for salt-master and minion versions to match.

After installing salt-minion, create a config file at /etc/salt/minion.d/calamari.conf with the following format:

master: {fqdn}

where {fqdn} is the fully qualified domain name of your Calamari server, for example acme.mydomain.com.

Finally, restart salt-minion with service salt-minion restart.

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