Conference:The Conference on Web and Internet Economics (WINE) CCF level:CCF A Categories:Cross-cutting/comprehensive/emerging Year:2024 Conference time: December 2-5, 2024 录用率: selected 66 p
会议名称:34th USENIX Security Symposium CCF等级:CCF A类学术会议 类别:网络与信息安全 录用率:2023年接收率29%,2024录用的区块链相关文章请查看 Symposium Topics System security Operating systems security Web security Mobile syste
会议名称:CoopIS CCF等级:CCF C类学术会议 类别:人机交互与普适计算 录用率:2023年接收率21% (21 regular + 10 work-in-progress papers/100) AREA 5: HUMAN-CENTRIC SECURITY AND PRIVACY IN INFORMATION SYSTEMS Access Control D
会议名称:APSEC(Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference) CCF等级:CCF C类学术会议 类别:软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 录用率:2023年,90 submissions were recommended for acceptance and inclusion in the proceedings: 43 pape
会议名称:Middleware CCF等级:CCF B类会议 类别:软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 录用率:2022年录用率38%(8/21) Topics of Interest The Middleware conference seeks original submissions of research papers on a diverse range of top
会议名称:SRDS CCF等级:CCF B类会议 类别:网络与信息安全 录用率:2023年23% Topics of Interest The major areas of interest include the following topics: Dependability, security and privacy of distributed systems in