题目链接 [NOIP2012 提高组] 开车旅行 题目描述 小 A \text{A} A 和小 B \text{B} B 决定利用假期外出旅行,他们将想去的城市从 1 1 1 到 n n n 编号,且编号较小的城市在编号较大的城市的西边,已知各个城市的海拔高度互不相同,记城市 i i i 的海拔高度为 h i h_i hi,城市 i i i 和城市 j j j 之间的距离
暑期练习题 Themain street of Berland is a straight line with n housesbuilt along it (n is an evennumber). The houses are located at both sides of the street. The houses withodd numbers are at one side