1.首先要写一个脚本,例如叫做:MyBuild.sh 里面写: # Function : # BY DMD 2014-9-17 echo "Hello, this is a test for Compile XCode Project"; #以下是clean所有的编译好的工程 #xcodebuild clean; #xcodebuild -
1、下载并安装macport或homebrew 2、使用macport/homebrew下载opencv并更新macport,如下: sudo port install opencv sudo port selfupdate sudo port upgrade outdated 3、新建一个Xcode工程, 并选择Command Line Tool
经过对整个macOS的升级,发现原来的Cocos2d-x4.0可编译的工程,无法运行。 Xcode错误提示 mac cocos2d-x 4 Showing All Messages unable to find sdk '/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/Ma
1、编译提示Building for iOS Simulator, but the linked and embedded framework 或者 building for ios simulator, but the linked library libxlua.a was built for ios 解决:Buil Settings - Build Options - Valida