
vue开发中遇到Forced reflow while executing JavaScript took

在vue的开发过程中,遇到了如图所示的警告提示,我页面中包含有一个毫秒倒计时,swiper插件等,还有有一个答题卡组件,组件是通过来控制显示的,但是这里每次在页面点击改变isAnswerCardOpen的值是,就会出现上图的警告,而且也感觉页面会稍微卡一下,影响到了倒计时。   这个问题我暂时想不出来时啥原因引起的,猜测可能是因为毫秒倒计时不断调用回调函数引起的,然后影响到了其他组件。 后面

【zookeeper】fsync-ing the write ahead log in took which will adversely effect operation latency

1.概述 原文:【zookeeper】fsync-ing the write ahead log in took which will adversely effect operation latency 在解决上一个问题的时候遇到这个问题的:【Clickhouse】Cannot allocate block number in Zookeeper write prefix view lo

【Flink】Deployment took more than 60 seconds. Please check if the requested resources are available

flink任务提交到yarn集群出现如下问题,不断刷屏org.apache.flink.yarn.YarnClusterDescriptor                  [] - Deployment took more than 60 seconds. Please check if the requested resources are available in the YARN clu

Creation of SecureRandom instance for session ID generation using [SHA1PRNG] took [117,518] milli...

将程序部署到 linux 服务器运行一段时间之后,在重启之后的一段时间登录请求非常缓慢。然而在本地 Windows 下没有这种情况。(程序使用 springboot + mybatis + shiro 架构。) 反复检查程序都没有发现原因的情况下,查看 linux 服务器上的程序日志,发现有如下提示: Creation of SecureRandom instance for se