问题提出: 有如下需求,在同一张表中,当某个字段的值符合一定条件时,修改另一个字段的值。 SQL:update topic set topi_closed = 1 where topi_id = (select topi_id from (select * from topic) as b where now() > topi_stilltime and topi_closed
操作 创建视图的sql语句中有不支持子查询 mysql创建视图 select * from (select name,age from table_name where 1=1 and name='a') tb where 1=1 and type=1 问题 报错1349 - View’s SELECT contains a subquery in the FROM clause
1.紅十字國際委員會 (International Committee of the Red Cross) 曾多次獲得和平獎。 試找出與紅十字國際委員會同年得獎的文學獎(Literature)得獎者和年份。 SELECT * FROM nobel where winner = 'International Committee of the Red Cross' 2.日本物理學家益川敏英 (T
报错sql (举例): CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW v_tab_b AS SELECT `tab`.`id` AS `id`, `tab`.`create_time` AS `create_time` FROM ( SELECT `b`.`id` AS `id` `b`.`create_time`