
Failed to open zip file. Gradle's dependency cache may be corrupt (this sometimes occurs after a net

修改 gradle-wrapper.properties为文件的,从其他工程复制一份就可以,一样的项目自带的就不可以,复制一份就可以,Mac版android Studio3.1版本 下面这段用第五行的就报错,用第六行就可以。两行代码用肉眼看明明是一样的呀。 把其中任意一行代码执行Ctrl+H查找,确只能找到其中一行。 distributionPath=wrapper/distszipS

Diagnosing MySQL Server Freezes and Stalls, Sometimes Called Crashes

Diagnosing MySQL Server Freezes and Stalls, Sometimes Called Crashes  转到底部 In this Document   Purpose     Troubleshooting Steps     1. Check query cache free blocks count.     2. If usi