Diagnosing MySQL Server Freezes and Stalls, Sometimes Called Crashes

本文主要是介绍Diagnosing MySQL Server Freezes and Stalls, Sometimes Called Crashes,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

Diagnosing MySQL Server Freezes and Stalls, Sometimes Called Crashes 




In this Document





Troubleshooting Steps



1. Check query cache free blocks count.



2. If using InnoDB, check SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS.



3. Check SHOW PROCESSLIST and search the knowledge base for the text of the values in the State column.



4. Open a service request.





MySQL Server - Version 4.0 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Guide to diagnosing the cause of a MySQL Server freeze, stall or similar interruption to service.


This document is a work in progress with only limited content at this stage. You should open a service request if it does not provide sufficient information to resolve your problem.

This does not cover actual crashes of the MySQL server. Check your running process list using operating system tools like PS or Task Manager. If you see that mysqld is still running this is the guide for you. If it is not still running, check a 
guide to actual crashes.

1. Check query cache free blocks count.


SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE 'qcache_free_blocks';
| Variable_name           | Value |
| Qcache_free_blocks      | 120045|

If you see a value above 10,000 it is likely that you need to tune your query cache settings. If you see a value above 50,000 it is possible that removing entries from the query cache could be blocking queries from running. Check for query cache related entries in SHOW PROCESSLIST output. Depending on MySQL server version and the number of free entries the delays could be as much as several minutes. More recent versions bypass the query cache once a timeout expires. As a temporary measure use FLUSH QUERY CACHE to defragment the query cache. It may take several minutes to work. As a longer term solution, see the query cache tuning guide (not yet available). Note that the query cache was designed for sizes of a few megabytes to a few tens of megabytes. Larger sizes than those can have serious adverse performance consequences.

You may also see high CPU use on one CPU core if the query cache is the source of the problem. The query cache only uses one core.

2. If using InnoDB, check SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS.

Look at the end of the list of transactions for queries that have been running for many tens, hundreds or thousands of seconds. If you see many such queries, decide whether you can safely KILL them and do that until the problem is resolved. Then work on tuning the queries and setting innodb_thread_concurrency and innodb_concurrency_tickets appropriately.

3. Check SHOW PROCESSLIST and search the knowledge base for the text of the values in the State column.

Many of the states can indicate potential trouble sources and solutions.

4. Open a service request.

Tell us the symptoms, whether it was sudden and whether it has been happening regularly. We will also need this output:


Both taken while the problem is happening.
Both a second time a minute or so later, ideally still during the problem. If it is ongoing, repeat a few times with a ten or so minute gap between runs.



Also provide the most recent few thousand lines of the MySQL error log. Do not just start when the problem started, we need at least a  few hundred lines before then, if those lines exist. Going back more than a few days is not necessary.

For longer term monitoring we may ask you to turn on the InnoDB monitor. This regularly writes InnoDB status information to the MySQL Server error log file (usually called <servername>.err in the MySQL data directory. This is useful for monitoring batch jobs or over time to catch periodic problems. To enable it enter this in the client mysql:



To disable it after collecting data use:

DROP TABLE innodb_monitor;


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