
poj2965--The Pilots Brothers' refrigerator

The Pilots Brothers' refrigerator Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 17642 Accepted: 6685 Special Judge Description The game “The Pilots Brothers: following the stripy

poj 2965 The Pilots Brothers' refrigerator——DFS(分类是枚举)

The Pilots Brothers' refrigerator Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 17929 Accepted: 6794 Special Judge Description The game “The Pilots Brothers: following the s


结题思想: 1.此题一定要使用枚举,将每一个位置的值变化的可能都枚举一下。但是个要么变,要么不变,并且和改变的顺序无关。(具体的证明我还不是很清楚,希望看到博客的朋友,如果知道怎么证明,请不吝赐教)。 2.要找最少的情况,则一定是要使用广度优先遍历各种情况。 介绍代码中的几个变量: q[i] 做队列使用,用于存储矩阵的不同状态。 f[i] 此数组和q配合起来,用来记录对应位置状态的是由谁

POJ-2965-The Pilots Brothers' refrigerator-2013-12-05 11:18:12

The Pilots Brothers' refrigerator Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 16671 Accepted: 6327 Special Judge Description The game “The Pilots Brothers: following the st

poj 2965 The Pilots Brothers' refrigerator 普通dfs 超时 暑假第二题

代码: //#include<iostream>#include<string.h>#include<stdio.h>//using namespace std;int step=0;int visit[5][5]= {0};char a[5][5];bool b[5][5];bool c[5][5];int k=0;struct Str{int x;int y;};

poj 2965 The Pilots Brothers' refrigerator 枚举+组合 暑假第二题

其实和  poj 1753样,甚至更简单,套用1753代码打的,并优化了一部分; 具体参考: 但在这道题中,可能限制时间交紧,相同代码提交两次才过,第一次超时,第二次险过,953ms; 这道题还有其他解法,如高斯解法,枚举+dfs,这两份代码及简析明天会发上来 枚举+组合的代码:

POJ 2965 The Pilots Brothers' refrigerator

Description The game “The Pilots Brothers: following the stripy elephant” has a quest where a player needs to open a refrigerator. There are 16 handles on the refrigerator door. Every handle ca

[POJ] 2965.The Pilots Brothers' refrigerator

The Pilots Brothers’ refrigerator Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 29786 Accepted: 11550 Special Judge Description The game “The Pilots Brothers: following

poj解题报告——poj 3536 Beer Refrigerator

原题入口 poj 3536 Beer Refrigerator 题目描述 Beer Refrigerator Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 5663 Accepted: 2231 Special Judge Description Beer Lovers Club makes regular pa

poj-2965 The Pilots Brothers' refrigerator -- 枚举

Total Submissions: 20783 Accepted: 8001 Special Judge Description The game “The Pilots Brothers: following the stripy elephant” has a quest where a player needs to open a refrigerator. There are 1