
October——Just believe youself,you really did good job

写这个月英语总结博客时候翻看了一下自己为知上面的记录,从10月1号开始看一直到最后才发现自己的英语学习有那么多的记录,而且很多日报感觉就像是一篇小小的博客,每天的日报都有太多的文字记录,每天都会有新的感悟,每天都会有很多收获。     每天的英语学习主要是能量英语,喜欢听aj老师讲话,喜欢听main text,喜欢vocabulary,更喜欢mini story     学

You think you use SharePoint but you really don't 你认为你使用了SharePoint,但是实际上不是

You think you use SharePoint but you really don't  你认为你使用了SharePoint,但是实际上不是         Thousands of organizations have implemented SharePoint but fail to exploit the most obvious of SharePoint's many

Is the American Dream Really Dead?

Our latest Freakonomics Radio episode is called “Is the American Dream Really Dead?” (You can subscribe to the podcast at iTunes or elsewhere, get the RSS feed, or listen via the media pla

uva 10519 !! Really Strange !!

原题: Raju has recently passed BSc. Engineering in Computer Science & Engineering from BUET (Bangladesh University of Extraordinary Talents), the best university of Bangladesh. After passing, he has be

从 URL 输入到页面展现发生了什么?(What really happens when you navigate to a URL)

写在前面的话,这是一篇译文,阅读资料时顺带整理翻译的,原文地址: 作为一个程序员,你应该对web应用是如何工作的有一个高水平的认识,它工作过程都包含了哪些技术:浏览器、HTTP、HTML、web server、 request handlers等

请您从词根词缀和单词起源的角度来介绍一下,crusadeI Really Want To Stay At Your House(Acoustic)歌词翻译与感受AlludeRageAn

目录 请您从词根词缀和单词起源的角度来介绍一下,crusade I Really Want To Stay At Your House(Acoustic)歌词翻译与感受 Allude Rage Anguish Nations 请您从词根词缀和单词起源的角度来介绍一下,crusade "Crusade" 这个单词在现代英语中通常指代一场由强烈信念驱动的运动或斗争,特别是那些

CVE-2019-0708漏洞: RDP= Really DO Patch?

CVE-2019-0708是RDP协议的安全漏洞,具有蠕虫功能,因此危害很大。微软快速发布了该漏洞的补丁。但研究人员认为恶意攻击者可能已经将该漏洞武器化,在不久的将来可能就会看到再野漏洞利用了。 受影响的操作系统有: · Windows 2003 · Windows XP · Windows 7 · Windows Server 2008 · Windows Server 2008 R

[论文精读]Do Transformers Really Perform Bad for Graph Representation?

论文网址:[2106.05234] Do Transformers Really Perform Bad for Graph Representation? ( 论文代码: 英文是纯手打的!论文原文的summarizing and paraphrasing。可能会出现难以避免的拼写错误和语法错

什么是RSS订阅 Really Simple Syndication(聚合)

论文翻译:OK-Robot: What Really Matters in Integrating Open-Knowledge Models for Robotics

OK-Robot: What Really Matters in Integrating Open-Knowledge Models for Robotics OK-Robot:整合开放知识模型在机器人学中的真正重要性 文章目录 OK-Robot: What Really Matters in Integrating Open-Knowledge Models for RoboticsO

flex4 is really is slow than flex3

yesterday , i post a discussions in flex forum, that is :   this is reply: m

C. Really Big Numbers

二分搜索找到最小的符合条件的数据 #include<stdio.h>int main(){long long n,s,l,r,mid,ans;scanf("%lld%lld",&n,&s);l=1,r=n,ans=0;while(l<=r){mid=(r-l)/2+l;long long dig,sum;dig=mid;sum=0;while(dig){sum+=dig%10; //计算

Solid-state revolution: in-depth on how SSDs really work

by Lee Hutchinson - Jun 4, 2012 3:30 pm UTC Hardware 184 SSDs—how do they work? Not with magnets. Way back in 1997, when dinosaurs roamed the earth and I was working part-time at the lo

Are Large Language Models Really Robust to Word-Level Perturbations?

本文是LLM系列文章,针对《Are Large Language Models Really Robust to Word-Level Perturbations?》的翻译。 大型语言模型真的对单词级扰动具有鲁棒性吗? 摘要1 引言2 相关工作3 合理稳健性评价的奖励模型(TREvaL)4 LLM的词级鲁棒性评价5 讨论6 结论7 局限性 摘要 大型语言模型(LLM)的规模和功能

离职旅行Are u Really ready?

其实这篇文章早在8月初就应该发出,但是由于家里的网络问题,导致提交失败,最后写的内容全部付诸东流,实在是有些不爽。不过在接下来的这段日子里我又有了一些新的经历… 正如我在6月初发的一篇文章说的,一个月后我选择了离职,相信这对大部分刚毕业工作一年的人来说都有些难,对我当然也如此。但是当我鼓足勇气离职的时候,一切也就这样发生了。 现在还是想和大家分享一下这次的旅行。 路线:天津-北京-马来西亚的亚