
29.Heat Orchestration介绍及部署

配置服务步骤: 创建服务同名的用户,添加到services这个project和admin的role创建services和endpoint修改配置文件更新数据库   安装软件 # yum list *heat* # yum install -y openstack-heat-api.noarch openstack-heat-api-cfn.noarch openstack-heat-a

Docker Orchestration... What It Means and Why You Need It (Docker 编配 ...它是什么意思,为什么你会需要它?)

Docker Orchestration… What It Means and Why You Need It 原文作者:Cloudify Community 原文地址:https://dzone.com/articles/docker-orchestration-what-it 译者微博:@从流域到海域 译者博客:blog.csdn.net/solo95 本文同样刊载于腾讯云+:htt

论文阅读[2022sigcomm]GSO-Simulcast Global Stream Orchestration in Simulcast Video

GSO-Simulcast Global Stream Orchestration in Simulcast Video 作者: 1 背景 1视频会议成为全球数十亿人远程协作、学习和个人互动的核心,这些不断增长的虚拟连接需求推动视频会议服务的蓬勃发展 2当前用户越来越希望在低延迟下看到更高质量的视频,对大型会议的需求越来越多,同时希望服务要容易获得 3视频停顿、声音停顿和视频模糊成为当前视

我为什么要关心Kubernetes,Docker和Container Orchestration?

A person at work chatted me, commenting on my recent blog posts on the Raspberry Pi Kubernetes Clusters that are being built, and wondered "why should I care about Kubernetes or Docker or any of that