
论文阅读U-KAN Makes Strong Backbone for MedicalImage Segmentation and Generation

作为一种非常有潜力的代替MLP的模型,KAN最终获得了学术界极大的关注。在我昨天的博客里,解读了最近的热门模型KAN: 论文阅读KAN: Kolmogorov–Arnold Networks-CSDN博客 KAN的原文作者提到了很多不足。本文算是对其中两个现有不足的回应,也就是:1)KAN不仅只能用于特定结构和深度,2)KAN不仅能用于小规模AI+Science任务,还可以用于更大规模或更复杂

What makes for effective detection proposals?(PAMI2016)论文笔记

这是一篇关于object proposal的综述,截至本文转载日期,已中了PAMI2016,目前引用次数为74。 论文的项目地址:

UVA 10497 - Sweet Child Makes Trouble(DP+高精度)

题目链接:10497 - Sweet Child Makes Trouble 题意:n个物品,原来物品属于一个地方,现在要把物品重新放回去,问能放几种使得每个物品都与原来位置不同 思路:递推,一开始随便搞了个二维状态,dp[i][j]表示i个物品,有j个位置不同,那么dp[n][n]就是答案,递推式为: dp[i][j] = 1 (j == 0) dp[i] [j]

B - Makes And The Product CodeForces - 817B(组合数)

After returning from the army Makes received a gift — an array a consisting of n positive integer numbers. He hadn’t been solving problems for a long time, so he became interested to answer a particul

Makes And The Product

After returning from the army Makes received a gift — an array a consisting of npositive integer numbers. He hadn't been solving problems for a long time, so he became interested to answer a partic