
A Review of the Healthcare-Management (Modeling) Literature

医疗支出显著提升,但是医疗结果并没有同比例改善。2017年,美国花费了17%的GDP在医疗服务上。除了医疗支出的增加,几个关键的医疗结果指标,如预期寿命和慢性疾病患病情况持续变差。 好的一面是,人们越来越关注价值导向和共享和知情的决策制定。 一、临床运营管理 1.预约调度 2.医疗质量 Soteriou and Chase (2000):患者感知质量(员工响应性、可靠性、员工和患者待在一起的时间

【雅思大作文考官范文】——第五篇: 'literature and history' essay

问题: Some people believe that it is more important to teach children the literature and history of their own country, rather than the literature and history of other countries. To what extent do you a

【Literature Notes】Reconstruction of Colored Soft Deformable Objects Based on Self-Generated Template

基于自生成模板的彩色柔性可变形物体重建 论文原文:Jituo Li, Xinqi Liu, Haijing Deng, Tianwei Wang, Guodong Lu, and Jin Wang. 2022. Reconstruction of Colored Soft Deformable Objects Based on Self-Generated Template. Comput. A