本文来自国家地理 Japan’s iconic flower represents the beauty and brevity of life. 日本标志性的花,象征生命的美丽和短暂。 Thousands of people gather in Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden, Tokyo, to picnic under blooming cherry
上午有两场summits,议题分别是: sum-w01: G2B: Cyber-Business in Myanmar, Indonesia and Thailand sum-w02: Achieving e-Commerce Success through Effective Internet Security: A Primer for SMEs Myanmar是东南亚第二大国家,按
日本每年都举办一次LinuxCon, 下面是今年的 Event 及对应的 ppt http://events.linuxfoundation.jp/events/linuxcon-japan 粗粗看了一下,竟然还有这么一个主题。 How China involved in Open Source Movement 不过幻灯片让人大跌眼镜,讲演怎么样姑且不论,这内容