
VS2015 Error C1189:Windows. h already included. MFC apps must not #include <windows.h>

问题:VS2015 Error C1189:Windows. h already included. MFC apps must not #include <windows.h> 解决办法: 网上找了好多,说是需要修改属性页的相关设置如下: 常规:  右击项目->属性->配置属性->常规,然后在右边的“项目默认值”中的“MFC的使用”选项中选择“在静态库中使用MFC”, 多线程调试:

File name ‘xxxx‘ differs from already included file name ‘xxxx‘ only in casing.

一、报错信息 VSCode报错如下: File name ‘d:/object/oral-data-management/src/components/VisitLogPopup/Info.vue’ differs from already included file name ‘d:/object/oral-data-management/src/components/VisitLogPopu


LXD Task 1 What service is running on the target machine over UDP? (目标机器上通过UDP运行的服务是什么?) $ nmap -sU -p 69 tftp Task 2

Jenkins Error 403 No valid crumb was included in the request

WARNING No valid crumb was included in request for /pluginManager/installPlugins by admin. Returning 403. 找到Jenkins安装目录,我的是centos yum方式安装的,在 /var/lib/jenkin

C1189#error: WinSock.h has already been included解决方案

最近在做项目移植过程中遇到这个报错,解决了半天。简单记录下解决方案,以供给大家提供一个思路。 原因: 在工程中使用了Boot库之后,使用了socket、tcp相关的头文件,在其他地方还是包括了头文件<windows.h>,该头文件内包含了<winsock.h>。导致遇到报错问题:WinSock.h has already been included 解决方案: 知道问题所在之后,解

Error:Cannot build artifact ‘ssm:war exploded‘ because it is included into a circular dependency

Idea的maven项目在bulid是报错 Error:Cannot build artifact 'ssm:war exploded' because it is included into a circular dependency (artifact 'ssm:war exploded', artifact 'apinb-master:war exploded') 打开 File-

Already included file name

Already included file name ‘c:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/test/src/components/detailList.vue’ differs from file name ‘c:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/test/src/components/detaillist.vue’ only in casing

Python常用标准库(batteries included)

常用标准库:os, sys, random, re, shelve, collections, time, datetime, timeit, logging, json, pickle, request sys模块 sys模块能够访问与Python解释器紧密联系的变量和函数,下面是 sys 模块中一些常用的函数和变量: argv 命令行参数,包括脚本名称

jenkins Included Regions 监控svn下指定某个目录改动,触发自动构建

如图配置 不要svn://IP这些前缀 末尾以/.* 监控指定svn目录下的改动从而触发钩子

QT Creator warning:The code model could not parsee an included file,which might lead to incorrect...

在建立的QT creator 项目中,出现警告:the code model could not parsee an included file,which might lead to incorrect code completion and highlighting ,for example 以及  ”unknow type name 'QApplication'“等错误,如下

Cannot build artifact ‘test-web:war exploded‘ because it is included into a circular depen 解决方法

在idea运行之前的项目(tomcat中运行)时报如下错误 Cannot build artifact 'test-web:war exploded' because it is included into a circular dependency (artifact 'test-web:war exploded', artifact 'test')  在项目/.idea/ar

IDEA Tomcat部署web项目报错:Error:Cannot build artifact ‘xxx:war exploded‘ because it is included into 循环依赖

IDEA Tomcat部署web项目报错:Error:Cannot build artifact ‘xxx:war exploded‘ because it is included into 循环依赖 查看项目配置: File->Project Structure->Artifact 红框地方只留要部署的项目,tomcat里有多个web项目启动就会报这个错。 解决办法:删除不需要的项目即可