
Leetcode 2078. Two Furthest Houses With Different Colors

文章作者:Tyan 博客:noahsnail.com  |  CSDN  |  简书 1. Description 2. Solution **解析:**Version 1,两层循环遍历,O(N^2)。 Version 1 class Solution:def maxDistance(self, colors: List[int]) -> int:distance = 0length

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Furthest Nearest Neighbor 方法就是其他文章中的Descripency方法,是一种diversity samplig方法。    由于特征空间是不断变化的,在特征空间上使用Descripency方法违背了该准则的初衷。 import osimport torchimport numpy as npfrom copy import deepcopyfro

【leetcode C++】1642. 可以到达的最远建筑 1642. Furthest Building You Can Reach

1642. 可以到达的最远建筑 1642. Furthest Building You Can Reach class Solution {public:int furthestBuilding(vector<int>& heights, int bricks, int ladders) {priority_queue<int, vector<int>, greater<int> > PQ

The furthest distance in the world

世界上最遥远的距离 The furthest distance in the world   世界上最遥远的距离 Is not between life and death 不是生与死 But when I stand in front of you 而是 我就站在你面前 Yet you don't know that I love you 你却不知道我爱你 The furthest dista