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1、报错 Could not autowire. No beans of ‘HttpServletResponse’ type found. 2、原因 spring团队只让HttpServletRequest自动装配功能,排除HttpServletResponse。spring团队倡导把reqeust、response与其他实例分开。 3、解释 servlet是服务器创建的,所以不属于I
IDEA 从 Github仓库导入或上传项目报错 Invocation failed Server returned invalid Response, Authentication failed… Remote: Repository not found. repository ‘XXXX’ not found 看看IDEA的仓库配置,可能是token过期了,我们从新配置一下github的t
参考文献: [RS91] Rackoff C, Simon D R. Non-interactive zero-knowledge proof of knowledge and chosen ciphertext attack[C]//Annual international cryptology conference. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin H
参考文献: [RS91] Rackoff C, Simon D R. Non-interactive zero-knowledge proof of knowledge and chosen ciphertext attack[C]//Annual international cryptology conference. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin H