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CKKS EXPLAINED, PART 3: ENCRYPTION AND DECRYPTION Introduction 在之前的文章中,CKKS解释了第二部分:完整的编码和解码,我们看到了如何实现CKKS的编码器和解码器,这使我们能够将向量转换为多项式,反之亦然。这一步骤是必要的,因为我们将看到,与直接使用向量相比,使用多项式来构建同态加密方案要高效得多。 在本文中,我们将看到如何利用
http://carlcheo.com/compsci To make learning more fun and interesting, here’s a list of important computer science theories and concepts explained with analogies and minimal technical terms. It
http://carlcheo.com/compsci To make learning more fun and interesting, here’s a list of important computer science theories and concepts explained with analogies and minimal technical terms. It