
Kevin‘s notes about Qt---Episode 3 在界面中修改程序参数Demo

Demo 效果 实现一个加法器,在输入框中分别填入a和b的值,点击“calculate”按钮,在sum处显示a+b的结果。 整体结构 我自己先写了一个模板用于测试从文本框获取输入数据,整个工程的结构如下: 说明: func_myself.h和func_myself.cpp是我自己创建的头文件和源文件,用于定义sum函数;CMakeLists.txt文件不用另外添加语句,只需要在

Kevin‘s notes about Qt---Episode 4 多次点击按钮反复执行机械臂动作

原先版本 SDK 1.2.1 - 2020-04-02 HMI 界面 控制器 1.7.5 升级程序 0.6.4 伺服版本 不详(似乎也并不重要) 前言 在之前的工作中,这个问题并没有得到有效解决,情况如下: 在之前版本的程序中,每次动作执行完后需要关闭Qt界面,下一次想要运行机械臂程序时,就算没有改动程序,也需要再次点击编译运行,可以正常运行

Unix Network Programming Episode 88

‘inetd’ Daemon On a typical Unix system, there could be many servers in existence, just waiting for a client request to arrive. Examples are FTP, Telnet, Rlogin, TFTP, and so on. With systems before

深度学习batch、batch_size、epoch、iteration以及小样本中episode、support set、query set关系

batch、batch_size、epoch、iteration关系: epoch:整个数据集 batch: 整个数据集分成多少小块进行训练 batch_size: 一次训练(1 batch)需要 batch_size个样本 iteration: 整个数据集需要用batch_size训练多少轮 例如:训练集1000个样本,分成100小块batch,batch_size=10,则itera

Unix Network Programming Episode 79

‘gai_strerror’ Function The nonzero error return values from getaddrinfo have the names and meanings shown in Figure 11.7. The function gai_strerror takes one of these values as an argument and retur

Unix Network Programming Episode 78

‘getaddrinfo’ Function The gethostbyname and gethostbyaddr functions only support IPv4. The API for resolving IPv6 addresses went through several iterations, as will be described in Section 11.20(See

TCP/IP Illustrated Episode 20

LCP Options Several options can be negotiated by LCP as it establishes a link for use by one or more NCPs. We shall discuss two of the more common ones. The Asynchronous Control Character Map (ACCM)