Null value was assigned to a property of primitive type setter of com.ibeifeng.po.Employee.modifyTime; 因为数据库modifytime 是bigint 类型; 应该是基本类型吧; 我的modifytime 是 可以为空的; 但是基本数据类型好像必须有个默认值; 所以都赋值初始值0 就ok了
select count(EMPNUM) from employee group by EMPNUM having ( count(EMPNUM)>1) select sn from Form_YS_PayApply group by sn having ( count(sn)>1) --select * from Form_YS_PayApply where sn='FK
用ABAP Development Tool登录SAP Cloud Platform ABAP编程环境后,对ABAP项目点击右键,选择属性,从而找到该环境的web访问的url: 登录web界面,实际上是一个Fiori UI,点击tile Main
LeetCode 690.Employee Importance Description: You are given a data structure of employee information, which includes the employee’s unique id, his importance value and his direct subordinates’ id.
Description We are given a list schedule of employees, which represents the working time for each employee. Each employee has a list of non-overlapping Intervals, and these intervals are in sorted o
错误: There is no getter for property named ‘departmentid’ in ‘class com.sssl.pojo.Employee’ 解决方法:传入的参数和实体类不同 , 实体类单词写错。 出现这个错误大概率就是xml有问题 或者 传入的参数和实体类不同造成