
How to working with dates and times?

1.How to formatting date for display? Problem You need to format dates or time for output Solution Use the date command with a strftime format specification. 3. How to automating date Ranges?

Countdown to SegWit: These Are the Dates to Keep an Eye On

10:50 AM JULY, 03 2017 Bitcoin’s very public scaling debate is entering a crucial phase. Two of the most popular scaling proposals available today — BIP148 and SegWit2x — both intend to tr

Ambiguous Dates Gym-101522A

Ambiguous Dates Gym-101522A 标签:思维&逻辑 题目链接 解法一 /*题意:日期有两种表示day/month/year 或 month/day/year,7/8/2017(8/7/2017)是引起歧义的, 而15/8/2017和10/10/2017则不会,要求重新排列月份,使得引起歧义的日期最少,一年可以有M月(1 <= M <= 10^5),每月有D天(1