How to working with dates and times?

2024-06-18 23:08
文章标签 working times dates

本文主要是介绍How to working with dates and times?,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

1.How to formatting date for display?


You need to format dates or time for output


Use the date command with a strftime format specification.

3. How to automating date Ranges?


You have one date and you would like to generate the other automatically.


[maxwell@DBAMAXWELL cp11]$ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M%S %z'
2022-03-19 09:5725 +0800
[maxwell@DBAMAXWELL cp11]$ date -d 'today' '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M%S %z'
2022-03-19 09:5750 +0800
[maxwell@DBAMAXWELL cp11]$ date -d 'yesterday' '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M%S %z'     
2022-03-18 09:5805 +0800
[maxwell@DBAMAXWELL cp11]$ date -d 'tomorrow' '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M%S %z'         
2022-03-20 09:5821 +0800
[maxwell@DBAMAXWELL cp11]$ date -d 'Monday' '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M%S %z'         
2022-03-21 00:0000 +0800
[maxwell@DBAMAXWELL cp11]$ date -d 'last Monday' '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M%S %z'
2022-03-14 00:0000 +0800
[maxwell@DBAMAXWELL cp11]$ date -d 'next Monday' '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M%S %z'    
2022-03-21 00:0000 +0800
[maxwell@DBAMAXWELL cp11]$ date -d 'last week' '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M%S %z'              
2022-03-12 09:5943 +0800
[maxwell@DBAMAXWELL cp11]$ date -d 'next week' '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M%S %z'    
2022-03-26 09:5954 +0800
[maxwell@DBAMAXWELL cp11]$ date -d '2 week' '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M%S %z'    
2022-04-02 10:0005 +0800
[maxwell@DBAMAXWELL cp11]$ date -d '-2 weeks' '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M%S %z'
2022-03-05 10:0025 +0800
[maxwell@DBAMAXWELL cp11]$ date -d '2 weeks' '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M%S %z' 
2022-04-02 10:0034 +0800
[maxwell@DBAMAXWELL cp11]$ date -d '2 weeks ago' '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M%S %z'
2022-03-05 10:0054 +0800
[maxwell@DBAMAXWELL cp11]$ date -d '+4 days' '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M%S %z'           
2022-03-23 10:0121 +0800
[maxwell@DBAMAXWELL cp11]$ date -d '-6 days' '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M%S %z'  
2022-03-13 10:0135 +0800
[maxwell@DBAMAXWELL cp11]$ date -d '2000-01-01 +12 days' '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M%S %z'  
2000-01-13 00:0000 +0800
[maxwell@DBAMAXWELL cp11]$ date -d '3 months 1 day' '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M%S %z'             
2022-06-20 10:0248 +0800
[maxwell@DBAMAXWELL cp11]$ date '+%a %Y-%m-%d'
Sat 2022-03-19
[maxwell@DBAMAXWELL cp11]$ date -d 'today' '+%a %Y-%m-%d'
Sat 2022-03-19
[maxwell@DBAMAXWELL cp11]$ date -d 'Saturday' '+%a %Y-%m-%d'     
Sat 2022-03-19
[maxwell@DBAMAXWELL cp11]$ date -d 'last Saturday' '+%a %Y-%m-%d'
Sat 2022-03-12
[maxwell@DBAMAXWELL cp11]$ date -d 'this Saturday' '+%a %Y-%m-%d'    
Sat 2022-03-19
[maxwell@DBAMAXWELL cp11]$ date -d 'next Saturday' '+%a %Y-%m-%d'    
Sat 2022-03-26
[maxwell@DBAMAXWELL cp11]$ date -d 'this week Friday' '+%a %Y-%m-%d'              
Fri 2022-03-25
[maxwell@DBAMAXWELL cp11]$ 

3. How to converting Dates and Times to Epoch Seconds

[maxwell@DBAMAXWELL cp11]$ date '+%s'
[maxwell@DBAMAXWELL cp11]$ date -d '2005-11-05 12:00:00 +0000' '+%s'
[maxwell@DBAMAXWELL cp11]$ perl -e 'print time, qq(\n);'
[maxwell@DBAMAXWELL cp11]$ perl -e 'use Time::Local; print timelocal(localtime( )) . qq(\n);'
[maxwell@DBAMAXWELL cp11]$ perl -e 'use Time::Local; print timelocal(localtime( )) . qq(\n);'
[maxwell@DBAMAXWELL cp11]$ perl -e 'use Time::Local; print timelocal("49", "59", "06", "05", "10", "105") .
> qq(\n);'
[maxwell@DBAMAXWELL cp11]$ perl -e 'use Time::Local; print timegm("49", "59", "06", "05", "10", "105") . qq(\
> n);'
n[maxwell@DBAMAXWELL cp11]$

3. How to converting Epoch Seconds to Dates and Times

n[maxwell@DBAMAXWELL cp11]$ EPOCH='1131173989'
[maxwell@DBAMAXWELL cp11]$ date -d "1970-01-01 UTC $EPOCH seconds" +"%Y-%m-%d %T %z"
2005-11-05 14:59:49 +0800
[maxwell@DBAMAXWELL cp11]$ date --utc --date "1970-01-01 $EPOCH seconds" +"%Y-%m-%d %T %z"
2005-11-05 06:59:49 +0000
[maxwell@DBAMAXWELL cp11]$ 

4.How to getting yesterday or tomorrow with Perl

[maxwell@DBAMAXWELL cp11]$ perl -e "use POSIX qw(strftime); print strftime('%Y-%m-%d', localtime(time -
> 86400)), qq(\n);"

[maxwell@DBAMAXWELL cp11]$ perl -e "use POSIX qw(strftime); print strftime('%Y-%m-%d', localtime(time +
> 86400)), qq(\n);"

[maxwell@DBAMAXWELL cp11]$ 

这篇关于How to working with dates and times?的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!


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