
论文阅读:Correcting Motion Distortion for LIDAR HD-Map Localization

目录 概要 Motivation 整体架构流程 技术细节 小结 论文地址: 代码地址: 概要 激光雷达的畸变矫正是一个非常重要的工作。由于扫描式激光雷达传感器需要有限的时间来创建点云,所以一次扫描过程中传感器的运动会导致点云发生畸变,这种现

eclipse用maven打包报错2:After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command

这个问题是 jdk配错了,改一下环境的jdk和项目的jdk一致就可以了  然后项目可以打包成功了

ZKP7.2 Polynomial Commitments Based on Error-correcting Code

ZKP学习笔记 ZK-Learning MOOC课程笔记 Lecture 7: Polynomial Commitments Based on Error-correcting Codes (Yupeng Zhang) 7.2 Polyneomial commitment based on error-correcting codes Recall: polynomial commitm

ZKP7.1 Polynomial Commitments Based on Error-correcting Codes (Background)

ZKP学习笔记 ZK-Learning MOOC课程笔记 Lecture 7: Polynomial Commitments Based on Error-correcting Codes (Yupeng Zhang) Recall: common paradigm for efficient SNARK A polynomial commitment scheme + A polynomi