
How to scan whole Internet 3.7 billion IP addresses in few minutes?

Cyber security audit and ethical hacking training professionals normally use scanner to scans the networks. Scanning every IP address on the internet isn’t an easy job, and if you don’t have the resou

【论文笔记】Solving Billion-Scale Knapsack Problems

Solving Billion-Scale Knapsack Problems Ant Financial Services Group, San Mateo, CA 94402 简化速读 对组合优化问题进行拉格朗日对偶,进而可以拆分成子问题,如果给定乘子 λ \lambda λ则子问题比较容易解决,且可以并行计算。 求解乘子 λ \lambda λ可以采用对偶下降(dual descent

So Will I (100 Billion X) [Live] Hillsong Worship

今天无推文,听首赞美诗。 'So Will I (100 Billion X)' from our new album, "There Is More" recorded live at ‪the Hillsong Worship & Creative Conference in Sydney, Australia. LYRICS: VERSE 1: God of creation Th

深度模型(十二):Billion-scale Commodity Embedding for E-commerce Recommendation in Alibaba

简介 互联网技术一直不断地在改变着商业,今天电子商务已经非常普及了。阿里作为中国最大的电子商务企业,使得全世界的消费者和企业在线上做生意。阿里拥有十亿的用户,2017年的总交易额(Gross Merchandise Volume)为37,670亿人民币,总收入为1,580亿人民币。2017年双十一购物节总交易额在1,680亿左右。其中,淘宝作为最大的C2C平台,贡献了75%的交易额。 淘宝拥有