
Basketball Exercise CodeForces - 1195C(动态规划dp)

Finally, a basketball court has been opened in SIS, so Demid has decided to hold a basketball exercise session. 2⋅n students have come to Demid’s exercise session, and he lined up them into two rows o

XKC's basketball team(2019徐州站网络赛E线段树)

题目链接:题目链接嘤嘤嘤 一开始以为是主席树,想明白了之后线段树就可以。从后往前遍历,线段树二分查找离这个数最远的数字。返回那个数的下标。这个数查找完了就把这个数插入到线段树里。 代码如下: #include<bits/stdc++.h>#define ll long longusing namespace std;const int maxx=5e5+100;struct node{in

C. Vasya and Basketball

·真的是发现每题都有坑。。。 这题主要目的是求一个3分的分界线。题意就不多说了,主要说下自己的思路: 思路:     定义结构体,标识每个分数属于哪个队伍,然后将两个队伍的得分放在同一个数组中,从小到大进行排序。   之后从后向前。(即从大分数向小分数)   按照分数计算出Max{num1-num2};(num1为大于等于当前分数的队伍一的投球个数;num2为大于等于当前分数的队伍二的投

【Edabit 算法 ★☆☆☆☆☆】 Basketball Points

【Edabit 算法 ★☆☆☆☆☆】 Basketball Points language_fundamentals math numbers Instructions You are counting points for a basketball game, given the amount of 2-pointers scored and 3-pointers scored, fin