本文主要是介绍Oracle 自治数据库 Select AI 初体验,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
这几天有点时间,准备尝试下Oracle Select AI,虽然此功能2023年就已经发布了。
Oracle自治数据库已经集成好了Select AI,本文也是讲的这个。
配置 Select AI
- 创建ADB
- 申请Cohere/OpenAI免费账号
- 设置ADB
- 测试Select AI
以下为Cohere的API Key,后续会用到:
以下为OpenAI的API Key:
本文主要讲第3和第4步 ,整个过程参考官方文档:Use Select AI to Generate SQL from Natural Language Prompts
-- 赋权,对于ADMIN用户不用执行
grant execute on DBMS_CLOUD_AI to xxx;-- 设置ACL,对于ADMIN也需要执行
-- 以下指定的是Cohere大模型,如果是openAI,则host对应改为api.openai.com
-- 用户指定的是ADMIN,如果是用户xxx,则principal_name对应改为xxx
DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN.APPEND_HOST_ACE(host => 'api.cohere.ai',ace => xs$ace_type(privilege_list => xs$name_list('http'),principal_name => 'ADMIN',principal_type => xs_acl.ptype_db)
-- 创建credential,命名为SELECTAI_CRED,用户名为申请邮箱,密码为Cohere或OpenAI的API key
EXEC DBMS_CLOUD.CREATE_CREDENTIAL('SELECTAI_CRED', '申请账户的邮箱', '大模型提供的API Key');-- 创建AI profile,provider设定为cohere或openai
-- EXEC DBMS_CLOUD_AI.drop_profile(profile_name => 'SELECTAI');
BEGINDBMS_CLOUD_AI.create_profile('SELECTAI','{"provider": "cohere","credential_name": "SELECTAI_CRED","object_list": [{"owner": "SH", "name": "customers"},{"owner": "SH", "name": "sales"},{"owner": "SH", "name": "products"},{"owner": "SH", "name": "countries"}]}');
/-- 设定AI Profile
-- 这是一个session设置,因此每次连接数据库时都必须执行
测试 Select AI
然后就是测试了,可以用SQL Plus或SQL Developer:
ORA-20429: Request failed with status HTTP 429 - bearer://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions
ORA-06512: at "C##CLOUD$SERVICE.DBMS_CLOUD$PDBCS_240425_1", line 2060
ORA-06512: at "C##CLOUD$SERVICE.DBMS_CLOUD$PDBCS_240425_1", line 12958
ORA-06512: at "C##CLOUD$SERVICE.DBMS_CLOUD_AI", line 3096
ORA-06512: at "C##CLOUD$SERVICE.DBMS_CLOUD_AI", line 3650
ORA-06512: at "C##CLOUD$SERVICE.DBMS_CLOUD_AI", line 5024
ORA-06512: at line 1
没有关系,前面的设置都是正确的。错误HTTP 429表示API调用超过了速率限制。这是由于OpenAI用了免费账户,免费账户的5美元上限或者已达到,或者免费期限已过。
SQL> set echo on
SQL> select ai how many customers exist;CUSTOMER_COUNT
--------------55500SQL> select ai showsql how many customers exist;RESPONSE
SELECT COUNT(*) AS customer_count
FROM SH.CUSTOMERSSQL> select ai narrate how many customers exist;RESPONSE
To determine how many customers exist, we will use the `customers` table provided above which has the column `cust_id` and a ROWNUMBER `ROW_COUNT`. Here is the SQL query to be executed:
FROM SH.CUSTOMERS;```This query uses the `COUNT(*)` function to count all the rows in the `CUSTOMERS` table. When we execute this query in the Oracle Database, we will get the number of customers in the "SH" schema.SQL> select ai explainsql how many customers in San Francisco are married;RESPONSE
A possible Oracle SQL query to answer the question is:
SELECT COUNT(*) customer_count
FROM sh.customers
WHERE cust_city = 'San Francisco'
AND cust_martial_status = 'Married';```Explanation:
- The query uses the "SH"."CUSTOMERS" table to retrieve data about customers.
- It counts the number of married customers residing in San Francisco.RESPONSE
- The WHERE clause filters the rows based on two conditions:- ``cust_city = 'San Francisco' '' ensures that only customers with ``San Francisco`` as their city are considered.- ``cust_martial_status = 'Married'`` ensures that only married customers are counted.
- The result is a single number that answers the question.
select ai 存在多少客户;RESPONSE
Sorry, unfortunately a valid SELECT statement could not be generated for your natural language prompt. Here is some more information to help you further: I'm sorry, I cannot understand the question because currently Chinese language is not supported. Could you please make the question in English instead? If there's anything else I can assist you with, feel free to ask!
这是由于默认的大模型并不支持中文,DBMS_CLOUD_AI.create_profile创建profile时,需要指定新的Command R+模型:
BEGINDBMS_CLOUD_AI.create_profile('SELECTAI','{"provider": "cohere","credential_name": "SELECTAI_CRED","model" : "command-r-plus","object_list": [{"owner": "SH", "name": "customers"},{"owner": "SH", "name": "sales"},{"owner": "SH", "name": "products"},{"owner": "SH", "name": "countries"}]}');
SQL> set echo on
SQL> select ai 存在多少客户;CUSTOMER_COUNT
--------------55500SQL> select ai narrate 存在多少客户;"要确定客户表中有多少客户,您可以使用以下SQL查询:
SELECT COUNT(*) AS customer_count
FROM SH.CUSTOMERS;```此查询将返回客户表中的客户总数。"
SQL> select ai explainsql 旧金山有多少顾客已婚;RESPONSE
SELECT count(*) AS married_customers_count
FROM sh.customers c
WHERE c.cust_marital_status = 'Married'AND c.cust_city = 'San Francisco'
- Introducing Select AI - Natural Language to SQL Generation on Autonomous Database
- Autonomous Database Select AI: Accelerate innovation with enterprise data, OCI Generative AI, and enhanced security
- Autonomous Database speaks “human”
- Conversations are the next generation in natural language queries
- Natural Language Queries - Oracle Autonomous Database Now Speaks “Human” - Select AI
这篇关于Oracle 自治数据库 Select AI 初体验的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!