
2024-05-12 08:36
文章标签 详解 shellcode









__asm {mov eax,fs:[30h]mov eax,[eax+0ch]mov eax,[eax+14h]mov eax,[eax]mov eax,[eax]mov eax,[eax+10h]ret


#include <Windows.h>
#include <winternl.h>HMODULE GetKernel32BaseAddress()
{HMODULE hKernel32 = NULL;//保存模块名WCHAR wszModuleName[MAX_PATH];#ifdef _WIN64//获取gs偏移60hPPEB lpPeb = (PPEB)__readgsqword(0x60);
#else//获取fs偏移30hPPEB lpPeb = (PPEB)__readfsdword(0x30);
#endif//模块列表PLIST_ENTRY pListHead = &lpPeb->Ldr->InMemoryOrderModuleList;PLIST_ENTRY pListData = pListHead->Flink;while (pListData != pListHead){PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY pLDRData = CONTAINING_RECORD(pListData, LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY, InMemoryOrderLinks);//模块路径字符串数量DWORD dwLen = pLDRData->FullDllName.Length / 2;if (dwLen > 12){for (size_t i = 0; i < 12; i++){wszModuleName[11 - i] = pLDRData->FullDllName.Buffer[dwLen - 1 - i];}//kernel32.dllif ((wszModuleName[0] == 'k' || wszModuleName[0] == 'K') &&(wszModuleName[1] == 'e' || wszModuleName[1] == 'E') &&(wszModuleName[2] == 'r' || wszModuleName[2] == 'R') &&(wszModuleName[3] == 'n' || wszModuleName[3] == 'N') &&(wszModuleName[4] == 'e' || wszModuleName[4] == 'E') &&(wszModuleName[5] == 'l' || wszModuleName[5] == 'L') &&wszModuleName[6] == '3' &&wszModuleName[7] == '2' &&wszModuleName[8] == '.' &&(wszModuleName[9] == 'd' || wszModuleName[9] == 'D') &&(wszModuleName[10] == 'l' || wszModuleName[10] == 'L') &&(wszModuleName[11] == 'l' || wszModuleName[11] == 'L')){//kernel32.dll在进程中的基址hKernel32 = (HMODULE)pLDRData->DllBase;break;}}pListData = pListData->Flink;}return hKernel32;




#include <Windows.h>
#include <winternl.h>FARPROC GetPorcAddressBaseAddress()
{FARPROC pGetPorcAddress = NULL;HMODULE hKernel32 = GetKernel32BaseAddress();if (!hKernel32)return pGetPorcAddress;//获取Dos头PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER lpDosHeader = (PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER)hKernel32;//获取NT头PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS lpNtHeader = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)((unsigned char*)hKernel32 + lpDosHeader->e_lfanew);if (!lpNtHeader->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT].Size &&!lpNtHeader->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT].VirtualAddress){return pGetPorcAddress;}//导出表PIMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY lpExports = (PIMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY)((unsigned char*)hKernel32 + lpNtHeader->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT].VirtualAddress);//函数名PDWORD lpdwFunName = (PDWORD)((unsigned char*)hKernel32 + lpExports->AddressOfNames);//函数序号PWORD lpdwOrd = (PWORD)((unsigned char*)hKernel32 + lpExports->AddressOfNameOrdinals);//函数地址PDWORD lpdwFunAddr = (PDWORD)((unsigned char*)hKernel32 + lpExports->AddressOfFunctions);for (DWORD dwLoop = 0; dwLoop < lpExports->NumberOfNames; dwLoop++){char* pFunName = (char*)(lpdwFunName[dwLoop] + (unsigned char*)hKernel32);//GetProcAddressif (pFunName[0] == 'G' && pFunName[1] == 'e' &&pFunName[2] == 't' && pFunName[3] == 'P' &&pFunName[4] == 'r' && pFunName[5] == 'o' &&pFunName[6] == 'c' && pFunName[7] == 'A' &&pFunName[8] == 'd' && pFunName[9] == 'd' &&pFunName[10] == 'r' && pFunName[11] == 'e' &&pFunName[12] == 's' && pFunName[13] == 's'){pGetPorcAddress = (FARPROC)(lpdwFunAddr[lpdwOrd[dwLoop]] + (unsigned char*)hKernel32);break;}}return pGetPorcAddress;




#pragma comment(linker,"/entry:ShellCodeEntry")int ShellCodeEntry()
{typedef FARPROC(WINAPI* FN_GetProcAddress)(_In_ HMODULE hModule, _In_ LPCSTR lpProcName);typedef HMODULE(WINAPI* FN_LoadLibraryA)(_In_ LPCSTR lpLibFileName);FN_GetProcAddress fn_GetProcAddress;fn_GetProcAddress = (FN_GetProcAddress)GetPorcAddressBaseAddress();if (!fn_GetProcAddress)return 0;FN_LoadLibraryA fn_LoadlibraryA;//LoadLibraryAchar szLoadLibraryA[] = { 'L','o','a','d','L','i','b','r','a','r','y','A',0 };HMODULE hKernel32Address = GetKernel32BaseAddress();fn_LoadlibraryA = (FN_LoadLibraryA)fn_GetProcAddress(hKernel32Address, szLoadLibraryA);if (!fn_LoadlibraryA)return 0;typedef int (WINAPI* FM_MessageBoxA)(__in_opt HWND hWnd, __in_opt LPCSTR lpText, __in_opt LPCSTR lpCaption, __in UINT uType);char szUser32[] = { 'U','s','e','r','3','2','.','d','l','l',0 };char szMessageBoxA[] = { 'M','e','s','s','a','g','e','B','o','x','A',0 };FM_MessageBoxA fn_MessageBoxA = (FM_MessageBoxA)(fn_GetProcAddress(fn_LoadlibraryA(szUser32),szMessageBoxA));
=if (fn_MessageBoxA){char szText[] = { 'H','e','l','l','o',0 };fn_MessageBoxA(NULL,szText, 0, 0);}

定义字符串的时候不要使用双引号,如:fn_MessageBoxA(NULL,“Hello”, 0, 0)


#pragma once// reference defined(_MSC_VER)
#define ALWAYS_INLINE __forceinline
#define ALWAYS_INLINE __attribute__((always_inline))
#endif#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>// std::index_sequence will be available with C++14 (C++1y). For the moment, implement a (very) simplified and partial version. You can find more complete versions on the Internet
// MakeIndex<N>::type generates Indexes<0, 1, 2, 3, ..., N>namespace andrivet {namespace ADVobfuscator {template<int... I>struct Indexes { using type = Indexes<I..., sizeof...(I)>; };template<int N>struct Make_Indexes { using type = typename Make_Indexes<N - 1>::type::type; };template<>struct Make_Indexes<0> { using type = Indexes<>; };}
}// Very simple compile-time random numbers generator.// For a more complete and sophisticated example, see:
// <random>namespace andrivet {namespace ADVobfuscator {namespace{// I use current (compile time) as a seedconstexpr char time[] = __TIME__; // __TIME__ has the following format: hh:mm:ss in 24-hour time// Convert time string (hh:mm:ss) into a numberconstexpr int DigitToInt(char c) { return c - '0'; }const int seed = DigitToInt(time[7]) +DigitToInt(time[6]) * 10 +DigitToInt(time[4]) * 60 +DigitToInt(time[3]) * 600 +DigitToInt(time[1]) * 3600 +DigitToInt(time[0]) * 36000;}// 1988, Stephen Park and Keith Miller// "Random Number Generators: Good Ones Are Hard To Find", considered as "minimal standard"// Park-Miller 31 bit pseudo-random number generator, implemented with G. Carta's optimisation:// with 32-bit math and without divisiontemplate<int N>struct MetaRandomGenerator{private:static constexpr unsigned a = 16807;        // 7^5static constexpr unsigned m = 2147483647;   // 2^31 - 1static constexpr unsigned s = MetaRandomGenerator<N - 1>::value;static constexpr unsigned lo = a * (s & 0xFFFF);                // Multiply lower 16 bits by 16807static constexpr unsigned hi = a * (s >> 16);                   // Multiply higher 16 bits by 16807static constexpr unsigned lo2 = lo + ((hi & 0x7FFF) << 16);     // Combine lower 15 bits of hi with lo's upper bitsstatic constexpr unsigned hi2 = hi >> 15;                       // Discard lower 15 bits of histatic constexpr unsigned lo3 = lo2 + hi;public:static constexpr unsigned max = m;static constexpr unsigned value = lo3 > m ? lo3 - m : lo3;};template<>struct MetaRandomGenerator<0>{static constexpr unsigned value = seed;};// Note: A bias is introduced by the modulo operation.// However, I do belive it is neglictable in this case (M is far lower than 2^31 - 1)template<int N, int M>struct MetaRandom{static const int value = MetaRandomGenerator<N + 1>::value % M;};}
}namespace andrivet {namespace ADVobfuscator {struct HexChar{unsigned char c_;unsigned width_;HexChar(unsigned char c, unsigned width) : c_{ c }, width_{ width } {}};inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const HexChar& c){return (o << std::setw(c.width_) << std::setfill('0') << std::hex << (int)c.c_ << std::dec);}inline HexChar hex(char c, int w = 2){return HexChar(c, w);}}
}namespace andrivet {namespace ADVobfuscator {// Represents an obfuscated string, parametrized with an alrorithm number N, a list of indexes Indexes and a key Keytemplate<int N, char Key, typename Indexes>struct MetaString;// Partial specialization with a list of indexes I, a key K and algorithm N = 0// Each character is encrypted (XOR) with the same keytemplate<char K, int... I>struct MetaString<0, K, Indexes<I...>>{// Constructor. Evaluated at compile time.constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE MetaString(const char* str): key_{ K }, buffer_{ encrypt(str[I], K)... } { }// Runtime decryption. Most of the time, inlinedinline const char* decrypt(){for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof...(I); ++i)buffer_[i] = decrypt(buffer_[i]);buffer_[sizeof...(I)] = 0;//LOG("--- Implementation #" << 0 << " with key 0x" << hex(key_));return const_cast<const char*>(buffer_);}private:// Encrypt / decrypt a character of the original string with the keyconstexpr char key() const { return key_; }constexpr char ALWAYS_INLINE encrypt(char c, int k) const { return c ^ k; }constexpr char decrypt(char c) const { return encrypt(c, key()); }volatile int key_; // key. "volatile" is important to avoid uncontrolled over-optimization by the compilervolatile char buffer_[sizeof...(I)+1]; // Buffer to store the encrypted string + terminating null byte};// Partial specialization with a list of indexes I, a key K and algorithm N = 1// Each character is encrypted (XOR) with an incremented key.template<char K, int... I>struct MetaString<1, K, Indexes<I...>>{// Constructor. Evaluated at compile time.constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE MetaString(const char* str): key_(K), buffer_{ encrypt(str[I], I)... } { }// Runtime decryption. Most of the time, inlinedinline const char* decrypt(){for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof...(I); ++i)buffer_[i] = decrypt(buffer_[i], i);buffer_[sizeof...(I)] = 0;//LOG("--- Implementation #" << 1 << " with key 0x" << hex(key_));return const_cast<const char*>(buffer_);}private:// Encrypt / decrypt a character of the original string with the keyconstexpr char key(size_t position) const { return static_cast<char>(key_ + position); }constexpr char ALWAYS_INLINE encrypt(char c, size_t position) const { return c ^ key(position); }constexpr char decrypt(char c, size_t position) const { return encrypt(c, position); }volatile int key_; // key. "volatile" is important to avoid uncontrolled over-optimization by the compilervolatile char buffer_[sizeof...(I)+1]; // Buffer to store the encrypted string + terminating null byte};// Partial specialization with a list of indexes I, a key K and algorithm N = 2// Shift the value of each character and does not store the key. It is only used at compile-time.template<char K, int... I>struct MetaString<2, K, Indexes<I...>>{// Constructor. Evaluated at compile time. Key is *not* storedconstexpr ALWAYS_INLINE MetaString(const char* str): buffer_{ encrypt(str[I])..., 0 } { }// Runtime decryption. Most of the time, inlinedinline const char* decrypt(){for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof...(I); ++i)buffer_[i] = decrypt(buffer_[i]);//LOG("--- Implementation #" << 2 << " with key 0x" << hex(K));return const_cast<const char*>(buffer_);}private:// Encrypt / decrypt a character of the original string with the key// Be sure that the encryption key is never 0.constexpr char key(char key) const { return 1 + (key % 13); }constexpr char ALWAYS_INLINE encrypt(char c) const { return c + key(K); }constexpr char decrypt(char c) const { return c - key(K); }// Buffer to store the encrypted string + terminating null byte. Key is not storedvolatile char buffer_[sizeof...(I)+1];};// Helper to generate a keytemplate<int N>struct MetaRandomChar{// Use 0x7F as maximum value since most of the time, char is signed (we have however 1 bit less of randomness)static const char value = static_cast<char>(1 + MetaRandom<N, 0x7F - 1>::value);};}
}// Prefix notation
//#define DEF_OBFUSCATED(str) andrivet::ADVobfuscator::MetaString<andrivet::ADVobfuscator::MetaRandom<__COUNTER__, 3>::value, andrivet::ADVobfuscator::MetaRandomChar<__COUNTER__>::value, andrivet::ADVobfuscator::Make_Indexes<sizeof(str) - 1>::type>(str)
//#define OBFUSCATED(str) (DEF_OBFUSCATED(str).decrypt())#define DEF(str) andrivet::ADVobfuscator::MetaString<andrivet::ADVobfuscator::MetaRandom<__COUNTER__, 3>::value, andrivet::ADVobfuscator::MetaRandomChar<__COUNTER__>::value, andrivet::ADVobfuscator::Make_Indexes<sizeof(str) - 1>::type>(str)
#define O(str) (DEF(str).decrypt())

使用的时候我们仅需要包含这个头文件,然后使用的时候如下:fn_MessageBoxA(NULL, O(“Hello”), 0, 0)




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1、简介 无感配网是指在设备联网过程中无需输入热点相关账号信息,即可快速实现设备配网,是一种兼顾高效性、可靠性和安全性的配网方式。 2、配网原理 2.1 通信原理 手机和智能设备之间的信息传递,利用特有的NAN协议实现。利用手机和智能设备之间的WiFi 感知订阅、发布能力,实现了数字管家应用和设备之间的发现。在完成设备间的认证和响应后,即可发送相关配网数据。同时还支持与常规Sof


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文章目录 前言优先级顺序优先级顺序(详解)1. 精确匹配(Exact Match)2. 正则表达式匹配(Regex Match)3. 前缀匹配(Prefix Match) 匹配规则的综合应用验证优先级 前言 location的作用 在 NGINX 中,location 指令用于定义如何处理特定的请求 URI。由于网站往往需要不同的处理方式来适应各种请求,NGINX 提供了多种匹