Codeforces Round 938 (Div. 3)H-The Most Reckless Defense (状压dp)

2024-05-03 14:44

本文主要是介绍Codeforces Round 938 (Div. 3)H-The Most Reckless Defense (状压dp),希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!



You are playing a very popular Tower Defense game called "Runnerfield 2". In this game, the player sets up defensive towers that attack enemies moving from a certain starting point to the player's base.

You are given a grid of size n×m𝑛×𝑚, on which k𝑘 towers are already placed and a path is laid out through which enemies will move. The cell at the intersection of the x𝑥-th row and the y𝑦-th column is denoted as (x,y)(𝑥,𝑦).

Each second, a tower deals pi𝑝𝑖 units of damage to all enemies within its range. For example, if an enemy is located at cell (x,y)(𝑥,𝑦) and a tower is at (xi,yi)(𝑥𝑖,𝑦𝑖) with a range of r𝑟, then the enemy will take damage of pi𝑝𝑖 if (x−xi)2+(y−yi)2≤r2(𝑥−𝑥𝑖)2+(𝑦−𝑦𝑖)2≤𝑟2.

Enemies move from cell (1,1)(1,1) to cell (n,m)(𝑛,𝑚), visiting each cell of the path exactly once. An enemy instantly moves to an adjacent cell horizontally or vertically, but before doing so, it spends one second in the current cell. If its health becomes zero or less during this second, the enemy can no longer move. The player loses if an enemy reaches cell (n,m)(𝑛,𝑚) and can make one more move.

By default, all towers have a zero range, but the player can set a tower's range to an integer r𝑟 (r>0𝑟>0), in which case the health of all enemies will increase by 3r3𝑟. However, each r𝑟 can only be used for at most one tower.

Suppose an enemy has a base health of hℎ units. If the tower ranges are 22, 44, and 55, then the enemy's health at the start of the path will be h+32+34+35=h+9+81+243=h+333ℎ+32+34+35=ℎ+9+81+243=ℎ+333. The choice of ranges is made once before the appearance of enemies and cannot be changed after the game starts.

Find the maximum amount of base health hℎ for which it is possible to set the ranges so that the player does not lose when an enemy with health hℎ passes through (without considering the additions for tower ranges).


The first line contains an integer t𝑡 (1≤t≤1001≤𝑡≤100) — the number of test cases.

The first line of each test case contains three integers n𝑛, m𝑚, and k𝑘 (2≤n,m≤50,1≤k<n⋅m2≤𝑛,𝑚≤50,1≤𝑘<𝑛⋅𝑚) — the dimensions of the field and the number of towers on it.

The next n𝑛 lines each contain m𝑚 characters — the description of each row of the field, where the character "." denotes an empty cell, and the character "#" denotes a path cell that the enemies will pass through.

Then follow k𝑘 lines — the description of the towers. Each line of description contains three integers xi𝑥𝑖, yi𝑦𝑖, and pi𝑝𝑖 (1≤xi≤n,1≤yi≤m,1≤pi≤5001≤𝑥𝑖≤𝑛,1≤𝑦𝑖≤𝑚,1≤𝑝𝑖≤500) — the coordinates of the tower and its attack parameter. All coordinates correspond to empty cells on the game field, and all pairs (xi,yi)(𝑥𝑖,𝑦𝑖) are pairwise distinct.

It is guaranteed that the sum of n⋅m𝑛⋅𝑚 does not exceed 25002500 for all test cases.


For each test case, output the maximum amount of base health hℎ on a separate line, for which it is possible to set the ranges so that the player does not lose when an enemy with health hℎ passes through (without considering the additions for tower ranges).

If it is impossible to choose ranges even for an enemy with 11 unit of base health, output "0".








bool check(int x,int y,int p,int q,int r){return (x-p)*(x-p)+(y-q)*(y-q)<=r*r;
for(int i=1;i<=k;i++){int x,y,w;cin>>x>>y>>w;for(int j=0;j<=13;j++){b[i][j]=0;for(int p=1;p<=n;p++){for(int q=1;q<=m;q++){if(a[p][q]=='.')continue;if(check(x,y,p,q,j))b[i][j]+=w;;}}}}



for(int i=1;i<=k;i++){for(int j=0;j<(1<<14);j++){dp[i][j]=dp[i-1][j]+b[i][0];for(int p=1;p<=13;p++){if((j>>p)&1){dp[i][j]=max(dp[i][j],dp[i-1][j^(1<<p)]+b[i][p]);}}}}


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define int long longchar a[55][55];
int dp[3000][1<<13];
int b[10000][20];bool check(int x,int y,int p,int q,int r){return (x-p)*(x-p)+(y-q)*(y-q)<=r*r;
}void solve(){int n,m,k;cin>>n>>m>>k;for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){cin>>a[i]+1;}for(int i=1;i<=k;i++){int x,y,w;cin>>x>>y>>w;for(int j=0;j<=13;j++){b[i][j]=0;for(int p=1;p<=n;p++){for(int q=1;q<=m;q++){if(a[p][q]=='.')continue;if(check(x,y,p,q,j))b[i][j]+=w;;}}}}for(int i=1;i<=k;i++){for(int j=0;j<(1<<14);j++){dp[i][j]=dp[i-1][j]+b[i][0];for(int p=1;p<=13;p++){if((j>>p)&1){dp[i][j]=max(dp[i][j],dp[i-1][j^(1<<p)]+b[i][p]);}}}}int ans=0;for(int i=0;i<(1<<14);i++){int res=dp[k][i];int p=1;for(int j=1;j<=13;j++){p*=3;if((i>>j)&1)res-=p;}ans=max(ans,res);} cout<<ans<<'\n';
signed main(){ios::sync_with_stdio(false);cin.tie(0);cout.tie(0);int t=1;cin>>t;while(t--)solve();return 0;

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