
2024-04-27 01:28


The above example nicely demonstrates the benefits of a computed value, it acts as a caching point. Even though we change the amount, and this will trigger the total to recompute, it won’t trigger the autorun, as total will detect its output hasn’t been affected, so there is no need to update the autorun

上述描述了,computed 复合属性total的计算过程,复合属性total包含price和amount两个子属性,total = price * amount。当computed返回值price * amount不变,则不会触发autorun中total changed的回调函数。


import { makeObservable, observable, computed, autorun } from "mobx"class OrderLine {price = 0amount = 1constructor(price) {makeObservable(this, {price: observable,amount: observable,total: computed})this.price = price}get total() {console.log("Computing...")return this.price * this.amount}
}const order = new OrderLine(0)const stop = autorun(() => {console.log("Total: " + order.total)
// Computing...
// Total: 0console.log(order.total)
// (No recomputing!)
// 0order.amount = 5
// Computing...
// (No autorun)order.price = 2
// Computing...
// Total: 10stop()order.price = 3
// Neither the computation nor autorun will be recomputed.


Rules When using computed values there are a couple of best practices to follow:

They should not have side effects or update other observables. Avoid creating and returning new observables. They should not depend on non-observable values.



class Store {@observable value = 0;@observable otherValue = 0;@computed get double() {// Good: This computed value doesn't have any side effectsreturn this.value * 2;// Bad: This computed value has a side effect// this.otherValue = this.value * 2;// return this.otherValue;}



class Store {@observable value = 0;@computed get double() {// Good: This computed value returns a simple valuereturn this.value * 2;// Bad: This computed value returns a new observable// return observable({ double: this.value * 2 });}



class Store {@observable value = 0;nonObservableValue = 0;@computed get double() {// Good: This computed value depends on an observable valuereturn this.value * 2;// Bad: This computed value depends on a non-observable value// return this.nonObservableValue * 2;}




hdu1043(八数码问题,广搜 + hash(实现状态压缩) )

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本人第一道ac的状态压缩dp,这题的数据非常水,很容易过 题意:在n*n的矩阵中选数字使得不存在任意两个数字相邻,求最大值 解题思路: 一、因为在1<<20中有很多状态是无效的,所以第一步是选择有效状态,存到cnt[]数组中 二、dp[i][j]表示到第i行的状态cnt[j]所能得到的最大值,状态转移方程dp[i][j] = max(dp[i][j],dp[i-1][k]) ,其中k满足c


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zoj 3631  N 个数中选若干数和(只能选一次)<=M 的最大值 const int Max_N = 38 ;int a[1<<16] , b[1<<16] , x[Max_N] , e[Max_N] ;void GetNum(int g[] , int n , int s[] , int &m){ int i , j , t ;m = 0 ;for(i = 0 ;


给你n个集合。集合中均为数字且数字的范围在[1,m]内。m<=14。现在问用这些集合能组成多少个集合自己本身也算。 import java.io.BufferedInputStream;import java.io.BufferedReader;import java.io.IOException;import java.io.InputStream;import java.io.Inp

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