本文主要是介绍虚拟实现汉字系统----VVDOS -- 源码 -- 保护模式程序 - 2,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
虚拟实现汉字系统----VVDOS -- 源码 -- 保护模式程序 - 21、HZ27.INC
; HZ27.inc
os32_code segment use32 public
assume cs:os32_code,ds:data
BeginPut proc near
mov dx,3ceh
mov al,5 ; write 0
out dx,al
inc dx
mov al,0
out dx,al
mov dx,3ceh
mov al,1 ; enable set /reset register
out dx,al
inc dx
mov al,0fh
out dx,al
BeginPut endp
EndPut proc near
mov dx,3ceh
mov al,0 ; default set/reset value
out dx,al
inc dx
out dx,al
dec dx
mov al,1 ; default enable set/reset value
out dx,al
inc dx
mov al,0
out dx,al
dec dx
mov al,8 ;default bit mask value
out dx,al
inc dx
mov al,0ffh
out dx,al
EndPut endp
; seg: ds=OS32DataSel,es=User32DataSel
;edi: GraphOffset
;ch: color
;cl: bitmask can put 8 points to screen
PutPixel macro
mov dx,3ceh
mov al,0 ; set /reset register
out dx,al
inc dx
mov al,ch ; color only 8 bits
out dx,al
dec dx
mov al,8 ; bit mask register
out dx,al
inc dx
mov al,cl
out dx,al
or byte ptr es:[edi],al ; update the pixel
;edi: first offset
;ax: ah:attrib,al:8bits
Put8Pixel proc near
push eax
mov ch,ah
and ch,0fh ; fore color
mov cl,al
;call PutPixel
pop eax
mov ch,ah
and ch,0f0h
shr ecx,4
not al
mov cl,al
;call PutPixel
Put8Pixel endp
;para al:char,ah:attr
;edi: graphoffset
PutChar proc near
mov tmpcolor,ah
call GetTextCodeAddress ; get esi
mov al,es:[esi]
mov ah,tmpcolor
call Put8Pixel
add edi,(640/8)
mov loopvar,16
mov al,es:[esi]
mov ah,tmpcolor
call Put8Pixel
inc esi
add edi,(640/8)
dec loopvar
cmp loopvar,0
ja tloopcont
dec esi
mov al,es:[esi]
mov ah,tmpcolor
call Put8Pixel
PutChar endp
;para al: char code
;RET esi: first offset
GetTextCodeAddress proc near
and eax,0ffh ; only low 8 bits
sal eax,4
add eax,TextCodeAddress
mov esi,eax
GetTextCodeAddress endp
;para ax:char,bl:color
PutHZ proc near
push eax
mov tmpcolor,bl
mov tmpoffset,edi
call GetHZCodeAddress
mov al,es:[esi]
mov ah,tmpcolor
call Put8Pixel
add edi,(640/8)
mov loopvar,16
mov al,es:[esi]
mov ah,tmpcolor
call Put8Pixel
inc esi
inc esi
add edi,640/8
dec loopvar
cmp loopvar,0
ja htloopcont
dec esi
dec esi
mov al,es:[esi]
mov ah,tmpcolor
call Put8Pixel
pop eax
call GetHZCodeAddress
mov edi,tmpoffset
inc edi
inc esi
mov al,es:[esi]
mov ah,tmpcolor
call Put8Pixel
add edi,640/8
dec esi
mov loopvar,16
inc esi
mov al,es:[esi]
mov ah,tmpcolor
call Put8Pixel
inc esi
add edi,640/8
dec loopvar
cmp loopvar,0
ja htloopcont2
dec esi
mov al,es:[esi]
mov ah,tmpcolor
call Put8Pixel
PutHZ endp
;para ax: ax: al,first code ah: second code
;RET esi: 32 bits abs Address
GetHZCodeAddress proc near
xor ebx,ebx
mov ecx,ebx
sub al,0ah
sub ah,0ah
and ax,7f7fh
cmp al,24
jae goto
sub ah,23
mov cl,ah
xor eax,eax
mov al,cl
sal eax,5
sub eax,127*32
add eax,HZCodeAddress
mov esi,eax
sub al,23
sub ah,23
mov cx,ax
xor eax,eax
mov al,cl
mov bl,94
mul bl ; ☆★
mov cl,ch
xor ch,ch
add ax,cx
sub ax,7fh ; think it
sal eax,5
add eax,HZCodeAddress
mov esi,eax
GetHZCodeAddress endp
GetXY proc near
mov dl,BIOSCurX
mov dh,BIOSCurY
mov ch,7 ; first line
mov cl,9 ; last line
GetXY endp
GotoXY proc near
mov BIOSCurX,dl
mov BIOSCurY,dh
GotoXY endp
os32_code ends
data segment use16 public
textWidth dd 79
textHigh dd 24
GraphWidth dd 640
GraphHigh dd 480
GraphTextWidth dd 8
GraphTextHigh dd 16
data ends
data segment use16 public
Int8IsRun dd 0
Int8IsRun1 dd 0
error_code dd 0
curx dd 0
cury dd 0
oldx db 0
oldy db 0
loopvar dd 0
tmpcolor db 0
entervar dd 0
tmpoffset dd 0
tmpsave dw 0
tmpcurline db 0
data ends
data segment use16 public
TextCodeAddress dd 811934 ; rom 8*16 bits char code
ScreenBufBase dd 0b8000h
GraphDataBase dd 0a0000h ;may movable
PageA0000HBase dd ?
PageB8000HBase dd ?
PageE0000HBase dd ?
HZCodeAddress dd 0 ; HZ16 address
CodeAddress dd 0 ; 64k free memory,4k size
VirtualPageAddress dd 0 ; in CodeAddress
TextBufAddress dd 0
VirtualPage2Address dd 0
NowCodeAddress dd 0
HZExample db '王',0,0,0
data ends
os32_code segment use32 public
assume cs:os32_code,ds:data
CompScreenAndTextBuf proc near
mov cury,0
call BeginPut
mov esi,VirtualPageAddress ;ScreenBufBase
mov edi,TextBufAddress
mov curx,0
mov eax,cury
mov edx,160
mul edx
add esi,eax
add edi,eax
mov eax,es:[esi]
cmp curx,79
je ascChar
call IsTableChar
jc ascChar
cmp eax,es:[edi]
je DoneThisHZ
mov es:[edi],eax
call GetGraphAbsOffset
mov ax,es:[esi]
mov bl,ah
mov ah,es:[esi]+2
call PutHZ
inc esi
inc esi
inc edi
inc edi
inc curx
jmp DoneThisChar
cmp ax,es:[edi]
je DoneThisChar
mov es:[edi],ax
call GetGraphAbsOffset
mov ax,es:[esi]
call PutChar
inc esi
inc esi
inc edi
inc edi
inc curx
cmp curx,80
jb NextChar
inc cury
cmp cury,25
jb NextLine
call EndPut
CompScreenAndTextBuf endp
GetSameChar proc near ; cl: char :ch
push ebx
xor ecx,ecx
mov edx,ecx
sub ebx,6
cmp al,es:[ebx]
jne same_1
inc cl
add ebx,2
cmp al,es:[ebx]
jne same_2
inc cl
add ebx,2
cmp al,es:[ebx]
jne same_3
inc cl
inc dl
add ebx,4
cmp al,es:[ebx]
jne same_4
inc dl
inc ch
add ebx,2
cmp al,es:[ebx]
jne same_5
inc ch
add ebx,2
cmp al,es:[ebx]
jne same_6
inc ch
sub ebx,6
sub ebx,480
cmp al,es:[ebx]
jne same_7
inc dl
add ebx,160
cmp al,es:[ebx]
jne same_71
inc dl
add ebx,160
cmp al,es:[ebx]
jne same_8
inc dl
add ebx,320
cmp al,es:[ebx]
jne same_9
inc dh
add ebx,160
cmp al,es:[ebx]
jne same_10
inc dh
add ebx,160
cmp al,es:[ebx]
jne same_101
inc dh
pop ebx
GetSameChar endp
GetNextChar proc near
push ebx
inc ebx
inc ebx
mov dx,es:[ebx]
pop ebx
GetNextChar endp
GetLastChar proc near
push ebx
dec ebx
dec ebx
mov dx,es:[ebx]
pop ebx
GetLastChar endp
GetUpChar proc near
push ebx
sub ebx,160
mov dx,es:[ebx]
pop ebx
GetUpChar endp
GetDownChar proc near
push ebx
add ebx,160
mov dx,es:[ebx]
pop ebx
GetDownChar endp
GetNextNextChar proc near
push ebx
inc ebx
inc ebx
inc ebx
inc ebx
mov dx,es:[ebx]
pop ebx
GetNextNextChar endp
GetLastLastChar proc near
push ebx
dec ebx
dec ebx
dec ebx
dec ebx
mov dx,es:[ebx]
pop ebx
GetLastLastChar endp
GetUpUpChar proc near
push ebx
sub ebx,320
mov dx,es:[ebx]
pop ebx
GetUpUpChar endp
GetDownDownChar proc near
push ebx
add ebx,320
mov dx,es:[ebx]
pop ebx
GetDownDownChar endp
IsTableChar proc near
mov ebx,esi
cmp al,176
je isBlockChar
cmp al,177
je isBlockChar
cmp al,178
je isBlockChar
cmp al,219
je isHalfBlockChar
cmp al,220
je isAscTableChar
cmp al,221
je isAscTableChar
cmp al,222
je isHZCodeChar
cmp al,223
je isAscTableChar
cmp al,196
je isLine196Char
cmp al,205
je isLine205Char
cmp al,179
je isLine179Char
cmp al,186
je isLine186Char
cmp al,218
je isLine218Char
cmp al,195
je isLine195Char
cmp al,192
je isLine192Char
cmp al,194
je isLine194Char
cmp al,197
je isLine197Char
cmp al,193
je isLine193Char
cmp al,191
je isLine191Char
cmp al,180
je isLine180Char
cmp al,217
je isLine217Char
cmp al,201
je isLine201Char
cmp al,204
je isLine204Char
cmp al,200
je isLine200Char
cmp al,203
je isLine203Char
cmp al,206
je isLine206Char
cmp al,202
je isLine202Char
cmp al,187
je isLine187Char
cmp al,185
je isLine185Char
cmp al,188
je isLine188Char
jmp isHZCodeChar
call GetSameChar
cmp cl,3
jae isAscTableChar
cmp ch,3
jae isAscTableChar
cmp dl,3
jae isAscTableChar
cmp dh,3
jae isAscTableChar
jmp isHZCodeChar
call GetSameChar
cmp cl,3
jae isAscTableChar
cmp ch,3
jae isAscTableChar
cmp dl,3
jae isAscTableChar
cmp dh,3
jae isAscTableChar
jmp isHZCodeChar
call GetLastChar
cmp dl,196
je isChar196Cont1
call GetNextChar
cmp dl,196
je isChar196Cont2
jmp isHZCodeChar
call GetNextChar
cmp dl,196
je isChar196Cont1_1
cmp dl,194
je isChar196Cont1_1
cmp dl,197
je isChar196Cont1_1
cmp dl,193
je isChar196Cont1_1
cmp dl,191
je isChar196Cont1_1
cmp dl,180
je isChar196Cont1_1
cmp dl,217
je isChar196Cont1_1
jmp isHZCodeChar
call GetLastLastChar
cmp dl,196
je isChar196Cont1_2
cmp dl,218
je isChar196Cont1_2
cmp dl,195
je isChar196Cont1_2
cmp dl,192
je isChar196Cont1_2
cmp dl,194
je isChar196Cont1_2
cmp dl,197
je isChar196Cont1_2
cmp dl,193
je isChar196Cont1_2
jmp isHZCodeChar
jmp isAscTableChar
call GetLastChar
cmp dl,218
je isChar196Cont2_1
cmp dl,195
je isChar196Cont2_1
cmp dl,192
je isChar196Cont2_1
cmp dl,194
je isChar196Cont2_1
cmp dl,197
je isChar196Cont2_1
cmp dl,193
je isChar196Cont2_1
jmp isHZCodeChar
call GetNextNextChar
cmp dl,196
je isChar196Cont2_2
cmp dl,194
je isChar196Cont2_2
cmp dl,197
je isChar196Cont2_2
cmp dl,193
je isChar196Cont2_2
cmp dl,191
je isChar196Cont2_2
cmp dl,180
je isChar196Cont2_2
cmp dl,217
je isChar196Cont2_2
jmp isHZCodeChar
jmp isAscTableChar
call GetLastChar
cmp dl,205
je isChar205Cont1
call GetNextChar
cmp dl,205
je isChar205Cont2
jmp isHZCodeChar
call GetNextChar
cmp dl,205
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,203
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,206
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,202
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,187
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,185
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,188
je isAscTableChar
jmp isHZCodeChar
call GetLastChar
cmp dl,205
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,203
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,206
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,202
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,201
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,204
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,200
je isAscTableChar
jmp isHZCodeChar
call GetUpChar
cmp dl,179
je isChar179Cont1
call GetDownChar
cmp dl,179
je isChar179Cont2
jmp isHZCodeChar
call GetDownChar
cmp dl,179
je isChar179Cont1_1
cmp dl,195
je isChar179Cont1_2
cmp dl,197
je isChar179Cont1_2
cmp dl,180
je isChar179Cont1_2
cmp dl,192
je isChar179Cont1_2
cmp dl,193
je isChar179Cont1_2
cmp dl,217
je isChar179Cont1_2
jmp isHZCodeChar
call GetDownDownChar
cmp dl,179
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,195
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,197
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,180
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,192
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,193
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,217
je isAscTableChar
jmp isHZCodeChar
call GetUpUpChar
cmp dl,179
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,195
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,197
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,180
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,218
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,194
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,191
je isAscTableChar
jmp isHZCodeChar
call GetDownDownChar
cmp dl,179
je isChar179Cont2_1
cmp dl,195
je isChar179Cont2_1
cmp dl,197
je isChar179Cont2_1
cmp dl,180
je isChar179Cont2_1
cmp dl,192
je isChar179Cont2_1
cmp dl,193
je isChar179Cont2_1
cmp dl,217
je isChar179Cont2_1
jmp isHZCodeChar
call GetUpChar
cmp dl,179
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,195
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,197
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,180
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,218
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,194
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,191
je isAscTableChar
jmp isHZCodeChar
call GetSameChar
add dh,dl
cmp dh,3
jb isHZCodeChar
call GetUpChar
cmp dl,186
je isChar186Cont1
call GetDownChar
cmp dl,186
je isChar186Cont2
jmp isHZCodeChar
call GetUpUpChar
cmp dl,186
je isChar186Cont1_1
cmp dl,204
je isChar186Cont1_1
cmp dl,206
je isChar186Cont1_1
cmp dl,185
je isChar186Cont1_1
cmp dl,201
je isChar186Cont1_1
cmp dl,203
je isChar186Cont1_1
cmp dl,187
je isChar186Cont1_1
jmp isHZCodeChar
call GetDownChar
cmp dl,186
je isChar186Cont1_2
cmp dl,204
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,206
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,185
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,200
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,202
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,188
je isAscTableChar
jmp isHZCodeChar
call GetDownDownChar
cmp dl,186
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,204
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,206
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,185
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,200
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,202
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,188
je isAscTableChar
jmp isHZCodeChar
call GetDownDownChar
cmp dl,186
je isChar186Cont2_1
cmp dl,204
je isChar186Cont2_1
cmp dl,206
je isChar186Cont2_1
cmp dl,185
je isChar186Cont2_1
cmp dl,200
je isChar186Cont2_1
cmp dl,202
je isChar186Cont2_1
cmp dl,188
je isChar186Cont2_1
jmp isHZCodeChar
call GetUpChar
cmp dl,186
je isChar186Cont2_2
cmp dl,204
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,206
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,185
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,201
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,203
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,187
je isAscTableChar
jmp isHZCodeChar
call GetUpChar
cmp dl,186
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,204
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,206
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,185
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,201
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,203
je isAscTableChar
cmp dl,187
je isAscTableChar
jmp isHZCodeChar
;Single line
call GetNextChar
cmp dl,196
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetDownChar
cmp dl,179
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetNextNextChar
cmp dl,196
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetDownDownChar
cmp dl,179
jne isHZCodeChar
jmp isAscTableChar
call GetNextChar
cmp dl,196
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetUpChar
cmp dl,179
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetDownChar
cmp dl,179
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetNextNextChar
cmp dl,196
jne isHZCodeChar
; call GetUpUpChar
; cmp dl,179
; jne isHZCodeChar
; call GetDownDownChar
; cmp dl,179
; jne isHZCodeChar
jmp isAscTableChar
call GetNextChar
cmp dl,196
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetUpChar
cmp dl,179
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetNextNextChar
cmp dl,196
jne isHZCodeChar
; call GetUpUpChar
; cmp dl,179
; jne isHZCodeChar
jmp isAscTableChar
call GetNextChar
cmp dl,196
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetLastChar
cmp dl,196
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetDownChar
cmp dl,179
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetNextNextChar
cmp dl,196
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetLastLastChar
cmp dl,196
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetDownDownChar
cmp dl,179
jne isHZCodeChar
jmp isAscTableChar
call GetNextChar
cmp dl,196
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetLastChar
cmp dl,196
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetUpChar
cmp dl,179
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetDownChar
cmp dl,179
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetNextNextChar
cmp dl,196
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetLastLastChar
cmp dl,196
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetUpUpChar
cmp dl,179
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetDownDownChar
cmp dl,179
jne isHZCodeChar
jmp isAscTableChar
call GetNextChar
cmp dl,196
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetLastChar
cmp dl,196
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetUpChar
cmp dl,179
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetNextNextChar
cmp dl,196
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetLastLastChar
cmp dl,196
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetUpUpChar
cmp dl,179
jne isHZCodeChar
jmp isAscTableChar
call GetLastChar
cmp dl,196
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetDownChar
cmp dl,179
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetLastLastChar
cmp dl,196
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetDownDownChar
cmp dl,179
jne isHZCodeChar
jmp isAscTableChar
call GetLastChar
cmp dl,196
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetUpChar
cmp dl,179
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetDownChar
cmp dl,179
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetLastLastChar
cmp dl,196
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetUpUpChar
cmp dl,179
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetDownDownChar
cmp dl,179
jne isHZCodeChar
jmp isAscTableChar
call GetLastChar
cmp dl,196
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetUpChar
cmp dl,179
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetLastLastChar
cmp dl,196
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetUpUpChar
cmp dl,179
jne isHZCodeChar
jmp isAscTableChar
; Double Line
call GetNextChar
cmp dl,205
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetDownChar
cmp dl,186
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetNextNextChar
cmp dl,205
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetDownDownChar
cmp dl,186
jne isHZCodeChar
jmp isAscTableChar
call GetNextChar
cmp dl,205
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetUpChar
cmp dl,186
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetDownChar
cmp dl,186
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetNextNextChar
cmp dl,205
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetUpUpChar
cmp dl,186
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetDownDownChar
cmp dl,186
jne isHZCodeChar
jmp isAscTableChar
call GetNextChar
cmp dl,205
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetUpChar
cmp dl,186
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetNextNextChar
cmp dl,205
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetUpUpChar
cmp dl,186
jne isHZCodeChar
jmp isAscTableChar
call GetNextChar
cmp dl,205
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetLastChar
cmp dl,205
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetDownChar
cmp dl,186
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetNextNextChar
cmp dl,205
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetLastLastChar
cmp dl,205
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetDownDownChar
cmp dl,186
jne isHZCodeChar
jmp isAscTableChar
call GetNextChar
cmp dl,205
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetLastChar
cmp dl,205
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetUpChar
cmp dl,186
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetDownChar
cmp dl,186
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetNextNextChar
cmp dl,205
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetLastLastChar
cmp dl,205
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetUpUpChar
cmp dl,186
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetDownDownChar
cmp dl,186
jne isHZCodeChar
jmp isAscTableChar
call GetNextChar
cmp dl,205
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetLastChar
cmp dl,205
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetUpChar
cmp dl,186
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetNextNextChar
cmp dl,205
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetLastLastChar
cmp dl,205
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetUpUpChar
cmp dl,186
jne isHZCodeChar
jmp isAscTableChar
call GetLastChar
cmp dl,205
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetDownChar
cmp dl,186
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetLastLastChar
cmp dl,205
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetDownDownChar
cmp dl,186
jne isHZCodeChar
jmp isAscTableChar
call GetLastChar
cmp dl,205
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetUpChar
cmp dl,186
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetDownChar
cmp dl,186
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetLastLastChar
cmp dl,205
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetUpUpChar
cmp dl,186
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetDownDownChar
cmp dl,186
jne isHZCodeChar
jmp isAscTableChar
call GetLastChar
cmp dl,205
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetUpChar
cmp dl,186
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetLastLastChar
cmp dl,205
jne isHZCodeChar
call GetUpUpChar
cmp dl,186
jne isHZCodeChar
jmp isAscTableChar
jmp isHZCodeChar
cmp byte ptr es:[ebx],161
jb isAscTableChar
cmp byte ptr es:[ebx]+2,161
jb isAscTableChar
IsTableChar endp
GetGraphAbsOffset proc near
mov eax,cury
mov edx,1440 ; a line byte size 18*80
mul edx
add eax,curx
add eax,GraphDataBase
mov edi,eax
GetGraphAbsOffset endp
; ret eax:number
GetNumber proc near ;y*160+x*2
push edx
xor eax,eax
mov al,BIOSCurY
mov dl,160
mul dl
xor edx,edx
mov dl,BIOSCurX
sal edx,1
add eax,edx
pop edx
GetNumber endp
;ret al:char,ah:attrib
GetCharAndAttrib proc near
xor eax,eax
mov al,oldy
mov dl,160
mul dl
xor edx,edx
mov dl,oldx
sal edx,1
add eax,edx
mov esi,TextBufAddress
add esi,eax
mov ax,es:[esi]
GetCharAndAttrib endp
; para oldx,oldy
GetTextAbsOffset proc near
mov dh,oldy
mov dl,oldx
xor eax,eax
mov al,dh
mov bl,dl
mov edx,1440 ; a line byte size 18*80
mul edx
xor edx,edx
mov dl,bl
add eax,edx
add eax,GraphDataBase
mov edi,eax
GetTextAbsOffset endp
DrawLineArrow proc near
mov tmpsave,ax
xor eax,eax
mov edx,eax
mov eax,(640/8)*16
add edi,eax
call BeginPut
mov ax,tmpsave
call Put8Pixel
add edi,640/8
mov ax,tmpsave
call Put8Pixel
call EndPut
DrawLineArrow endp
DrawArrow proc near
cmp CurFirstLine,0fh
ja nodraw
call GetTextAbsOffset
call GetCharAndAttrib
mov al,0ffh
call DrawLineArrow
DrawArrow endp
ClrArrow proc near
call GetTextAbsOffset
call GetCharAndAttrib
mov al,0
call DrawLineArrow
ClrArrow endp
Arrow proc near
inc isArrow
cmp isArrow,2
je DrawIt
cmp isArrow,4
je nodrawIt
jmp endArrow
call ClrArrow
mov isArrow,0
jmp endArrow
call ClrArrow
call GetXY
mov oldx,dl
mov oldy,dh
call DrawArrow
Arrow endp
os32_code ends
data segment use16 public
promptX db 0
promptY db 25
promptLen db 96/2 ; only 96 char from 4096 bytes.(48 HZ)
promptBuf dd 0
data ends
os32_code segment use32 public
assume cs:os32_code,ds:data
os32_code ends
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