- 先从本地导入数据(代码如下):
% 导入数据
load ('ex8_movies.mat');
我们可以看出,该图为Y的输出,横轴为用户,纵轴为电影,所以 Y Y 矩阵是
另外对于 R R 矩阵,其
J = 1/2 * (sum(sum(R .* (((X * Theta') - Y).^2) ))) ;
J = J + lambda/2 * (sum(sum(X.^2))) + lambda/2 * (sum(sum(Theta.^2))) ;%梯度下降
X_grad = (R .* (X * Theta' - Y)) * Theta ;
X_grad = X_grad + lambda * X ;Theta_grad = (R .* (X * Theta' - Y))' * X ;
Theta_grad = Theta_grad + lambda * Theta ;
%% ========= Part 4: Collaborative Filtering Cost Regularization ========
% Now, you should implement regularization for the cost function for
% collaborative filtering. You can implement it by adding the cost of
% regularization to the original cost computation.
% % Evaluate cost function
J = cofiCostFunc([X(:) ; Theta(:)], Y, R, num_users, num_movies, ...num_features, 1.5);fprintf(['Cost at loaded parameters (lambda = 1.5): %f '...'\n(this value should be about 31.34)\n'], J);fprintf('\nProgram paused. Press enter to continue.\n');
theta = fmincg (@(t)(cofiCostFunc(t, Y, R, num_users, num_movies, ...num_features, lambda)), ...initial_parameters, options);
%% ============== Part 6: Entering ratings for a new user ===============
% Before we will train the collaborative filtering model, we will first
% add ratings that correspond to a new user that we just observed. This
% part of the code will also allow you to put in your own ratings for the
% movies in our dataset!
movieList = loadMovieList();% Initialize my ratings
my_ratings = zeros(1682, 1);% Check the file movie_idx.txt for id of each movie in our dataset
% For example, Toy Story (1995) has ID 1, so to rate it "4", you can set
my_ratings(1) = 4;% Or suppose did not enjoy Silence of the Lambs (1991), you can set
my_ratings(98) = 2;% We have selected a few movies we liked / did not like and the ratings we
% gave are as follows:
my_ratings(7) = 3;
my_ratings(12)= 10;
my_ratings(54) = 4;
my_ratings(64)= 10;
my_ratings(66)= 3;
my_ratings(69) = 10;
my_ratings(183) = 4;
my_ratings(226) = 10;
my_ratings(355)= 10;fprintf('\n\nNew user ratings:\n');
for i = 1:length(my_ratings)if my_ratings(i) > 0 fprintf('Rated %d for %s\n', my_ratings(i), ...movieList{i});end
endfprintf('\nProgram paused. Press enter to continue.\n');
New user ratings:
Rated 4 for Toy Story (1995)
Rated 3 for Twelve Monkeys (1995)
Rated 10 for Usual Suspects, The (1995)
Rated 4 for Outbreak (1995)
Rated 10 for Shawshank Redemption, The (1994)
Rated 3 for While You Were Sleeping (1995)
Rated 10 for Forrest Gump (1994)
Rated 2 for Silence of the Lambs, The (1991)
Rated 4 for Alien (1979)
Rated 10 for Die Hard 2 (1990)
Rated 10 for Sphere (1998)
%% ================== Part 7: Learning Movie Ratings ====================
% Now, you will train the collaborative filtering model on a movie rating
% dataset of 1682 movies and 943 users
%fprintf('\nTraining collaborative filtering...\n');% Load data
load('ex8_movies.mat');% Y is a 1682x943 matrix, containing ratings (1-5) of 1682 movies by
% 943 users
% R is a 1682x943 matrix, where R(i,j) = 1 if and only if user j gave a
% rating to movie i% Add our own ratings to the data matrix
Y = [my_ratings Y];
R = [(my_ratings ~= 0) R];% Normalize Ratings
[Ynorm, Ymean] = normalizeRatings(Y, R);% Useful Values
num_users = size(Y, 2);
num_movies = size(Y, 1);
num_features = 10;% Set Initial Parameters (Theta, X)
X = randn(num_movies, num_features);
Theta = randn(num_users, num_features);initial_parameters = [X(:); Theta(:)];% Set options for fmincg
options = optimset('GradObj', 'on', 'MaxIter', 100);% Set Regularization
lambda = 10;
theta = fmincg (@(t)(cofiCostFunc(t, Ynorm, R, num_users, num_movies, ...num_features, lambda)), ...initial_parameters, options);% Unfold the returned theta back into U and W
X = reshape(theta(1:num_movies*num_features), num_movies, num_features);
Theta = reshape(theta(num_movies*num_features+1:end), ...num_users, num_features);fprintf('Recommender system learning completed.\n');fprintf('\nProgram paused. Press enter to continue.\n');
%% ================== Part 8: Recommendation for you ====================
% After training the model, you can now make recommendations by computing
% the predictions matrix.
%p = X * Theta';
my_predictions = p(:,1) + Ymean;movieList = loadMovieList();[r, ix] = sort(my_predictions, 'descend');
fprintf('\nTop recommendations for you:\n');
for i=1:10j = ix(i);fprintf('Predicting rating %.1f for movie %s\n', my_predictions(j), ...movieList{j});
endfprintf('\n\nOriginal ratings provided:\n');
for i = 1:length(my_ratings)if my_ratings(i) > 0 fprintf('Rated %d for %s\n', my_ratings(i), ...movieList{i});end
Top recommendations for you:
Predicting rating 6.5 for movie Forrest Gump (1994)
Predicting rating 6.3 for movie Return of the Jedi (1983)
Predicting rating 6.3 for movie Star Wars (1977)
Predicting rating 6.2 for movie Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
Predicting rating 6.1 for movie Shawshank Redemption, The (1994)
Predicting rating 6.1 for movie Empire Strikes Back, The (1980)
Predicting rating 6.0 for movie Braveheart (1995)
Predicting rating 6.0 for movie Titanic (1997)
Predicting rating 5.8 for movie Back to the Future (1985)
Predicting rating 5.8 for movie Game, The (1997)