Part A是一些你的知识技能调查
Part B全是通信方面的东西,不会做了,题目都没看完
Part C是Computer Sience的东西。
a if-else b loop-while,for c goto d function
一个软件从定义到开发、使用和维护,直到最终被弃用,要经历一个漫长的时期,通常把软件经历的这个漫长的时期称为生存周期。软件生存周期一般可分为 以下阶段:问题定义、需求分析与可行性研究、设计、编码、测试、运行与维护。软件生存期也可以分为三个大的阶段:计划阶段。开发阶段和维护阶段。
5、C的Structure和C++ 的class的什么不同之处
7、填空完成ip v4协议表头
8、你认为造成软件 crash的主要原因是什么,怎么预防?
9、用C自己写一个string copy函数
assert(NULL != strDest);
assert(NULL != strSrc);
char *tmp= strDest;
while("0" != (*tmp++ = *strSrc++));
10、写一个双向链表的插入函数(from luocong)
inline int CDList < T > ::InsertBefore( const int pos, const T data)
int i;
int nRetPos;
CNode<T> *pTmpNode;
CNode<T> *pNewNode;
pNewNode = new CNode<T>;
if (NULL == pNewNode)
nRetPos = 0;
goto Exit0;
pNewNode->data = data;
// if the list is empty, replace the head node with the new node.
if (NULL == m_pNodeHead)
pNewNode->prior = NULL;
pNewNode->next = NULL;
m_pNodeHead = pNewNode;
m_pNodeTail = pNewNode;
nRetPos = 1;
goto Exit1;
// is pos range valid?
ASSERT(1 <= pos && pos <= m_nCount);
// insert before head node?
if (1 == pos)
pNewNode->prior = NULL;
pNewNode->next = m_pNodeHead;
m_pNodeHead->prior = pNewNode;
m_pNodeHead = pNewNode;
nRetPos = 1;
goto Exit1;
// if the list is not empty and is not inserted before head node,
// seek to the pos of the list and insert the new node before it.
pTmpNode = m_pNodeHead;
for (i = 1; i < pos; ++i)
pTmpNode = pTmpNode->next;
pNewNode->next = pTmpNode;
pNewNode->prior = pTmpNode->prior;
pTmpNode->prior->next = pNewNode;
pTmpNode->prior = pNewNode;
// if tail node, must update m_pNodeTail
if (NULL == pNewNode->next)
m_pNodeTail = pNewNode;
nRetPos = pos;
return nRetPos;
template < typename T >
inline int CDList < T > ::InsertAfter( const int pos, const T data)
int i;
int nRetPos;
CNode<T> *pNewNode;
CNode<T> *pTmpNode;
pNewNode = new CNode<T>;
if (NULL == pNewNode)
nRetPos = 0;
goto Exit0;
pNewNode->data = data;
// if the list is empty, replace the head node with the new node.
if (NULL == m_pNodeHead)
pNewNode->prior = NULL;
pNewNode->next = NULL;
m_pNodeHead = pNewNode;
m_pNodeTail = pNewNode;
nRetPos = 1;
goto Exit1;
// is pos range valid?
ASSERT(1 <= pos && pos <= m_nCount);
// if the list is not empty,
// seek to the pos of the list and insert the new node after it.
pTmpNode = m_pNodeHead;
for (i = 1; i < pos; ++i)
pTmpNode = pTmpNode->next;
pNewNode->next = pTmpNode->next;
pNewNode->prior = pTmpNode;
// if NewNode's position is m_pNodeTail, update m_pNodeTail
if (pTmpNode->next == m_pNodeTail)
m_pNodeTail->prior = pNewNode;
pTmpNode->next = pNewNode;
// if tail node, must update m_pNodeTail
if (NULL == pNewNode->next)
m_pNodeTail = pNewNode;
nRetPos = pos + 1;
return nRetPos;
Part D (optional)